

Comparative Studies on P&I Insurance and Marine Liability Insurance

【作者】 李杰

【导师】 杨斐;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 对保赔保险的认识,实际上经历了如下过程:保赔保险不是保险——保赔保险是保险——保赔保险不是商业保险——保赔保险是一种不同于海上责任保险的保险。本文认为,利用目前有关海上责任保险的概念与理论很难解释保赔保险的一些特征,并将保赔保险与海上责任保险的主体、合同(订立、构成、内容)、保险费、承保范围、索赔程序等进行了一一比较。在主体方面,保赔协会与保险公司的法律地位不相同,投保人也受到种种限制,在第三人方面涉及到了行政机关甚至于国家。在承保范围方面,保赔协会既承保责任险也承保财产险,还包括行政罚款。在保赔保险合同内容的构成以及权利义务方面,保赔保险与海上责任保险也存在着明显的差异,比如保赔保险的投保人享有协会董事会成员的选举权和被选举权。另外在索赔与理赔程序上也存在着很大的不同,保赔保险严格执行会员先付原则,而海上责任保险已经开始实行第三人直接诉讼制度。本文通过对保赔保险与海上责任保险比较后认为,保赔保险不是一种单纯的海上责任保险,它既具有责任险的性质也具有财产险的性质,同时还具有与财产险和责任险不相同的一些特性,当既有原理和理论不足以解释新出现的现象时,就应当将新出现的这些现象予以研究并找出其规律,其应为一种新型的险别。

【Abstract】 It is a long and winding journey to recognize Protection and Indemnity Insurance(P&I Insurance). P&I Insurance is not a type of insurance——P&I Insurance is a type of insurance——P&I Insurance is not commercial insurance——P&I Insurance is not the same with marine liability insurance.We can not properly explain the special characters of P&I Insurance. For example, the legal position of P&I Club and insurance firm is not the same , the policy-holders were restricted in many kinds of ways and the third-party including administration and state; P&I Insurance cover not only liability insurance but also property insurance, even administrative penalty; there are many obvious differences between P&I Insurance and Marine Liability Insurance in the constitution , the rights and obligation of the contract; for example, the policy-holder of P&I Insurance has the right to be elected as the board member and to select the board member. Besides, there are some discrepancies in the compensation claim procedure, P&I Insurance hold the "pay first" clause, meanwhile, the marine liability insurance has stared to give the insured the right to sue insurer directly.By comparing the elements of P&I Insurance and Marine Liability Insurance, this essay holds the idea below. P&I Insurance is not pure Marine Liability Insurance, it has some of the characters of both liability insurance and property insurance, at the meantime, it shows the characters neither the liability insurance nor the property insurance has. When the existed theory and concept can not explain these new phenomenon, we should do some research on it and then find out the disciplinarian, it is a new type of marine insurance.

  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】235

