

EU and American Anti-monopoly Law Relating to Establishment of Joint Venture and Inspiration to Chinese Legislation

【作者】 项晓晓

【导师】 刘世元;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,建立合营企业过程中产生的反垄断问题由于其特殊性越来越受到关注。一方面,从广义上讲企业之间进行的任何联合行为都可以被称为合营,但由于建立合营企业存在资源的整合,它不像横向限制竞争协议那样具有明确的反竞争性;另一方面,合营又类似企业之间的合并,不同的是参与建立合营企业的母公司在合营企业成立后并不消失,因此它产生集中的危害也不如合并那样明显。正是由于合营对竞争的这种特殊影响使得其成为了各国反垄断法中十分棘手的问题。欧盟和美国在长期的司法实践中积累了丰富地处理企业合营问题的经验。本文运用历史分析法和比较分析法,系统地阐述了欧盟和美国反垄断法中关于企业合营的制度,并就构建我国有关企业合营的反垄断制度提出几点建议和设想。具体而言,本文首先分析了合营企业在反垄断法上的含义及反垄断法规制合营的必要性。文章以合营企业在投资法中的界定为起点,结合欧美的立法,明确合营企业在反垄断法中的含义。同时重点分析了建立合营企业的动因及对竞争产生的影响,强调了在关注合营企业提高效率的积极作用的同时也要防范其可能产生的限制竞争的危害。然后本文以欧盟和美国的立法和司法实践为例,重点分析两国关于企业合营的反垄断制度,并对两种立法模式进行了简要的比较分析。在此基础上文章进一步介绍了建立合营企业的附属协议的反垄断规制。最后作者结合我国当前的市场结构状况和缺乏对合营进行反垄断规制的现状,对我国合营的反垄断规制提出了几点建议和构想。

【Abstract】 In the present day, an increasing number of attentions have been paid to the antitrust of joint venture because of its particularity. On the one side, there is no precise definition of the term of "joint venture" as almost every form of collaboration among independent firms can be called a joint venture. On the other side, a joint venture can be pro-competitive or anticompetitive. In contrast to horizontal restrains, competitors who set up the joint venture will integrate resources into entity which can raise efficiency. Joint ventures are also different from mergers because the firms will remain competitors in all other aspects of their business.European Union and the USA have accumulated plenty of experience of joint venture in the long-term law enforcement and judicial practice. Based on their experience, this paper studies systematically how to establish the regulation system of antitrust of joint venture, establishing the relevant regulations in China. First of all, this paper analyzes the definition of joint venture in respect of antitrust law and the necessity of the adjustment to antitrust law of joint venture, and focuses on the motives of establishing joint venture and its harm to competition. This paper emphasizes that the attention should be paid to the efficiency of joint venture as well as the precaution of its harm to competition. Besides, This paper overviews the legislative situation in EU and the USA, its application, and the analysis framework, and compares the legislative mode between EU and the USA. Furthermore, it introduces the auxiliary agreements to establish joint venture and antitrust regulations. Finally, the writer puts forwards some suggestions and conception about the antitrust regulation of joint venture in China according to its present market structure and the lack of management on the antitrust of joint venture.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】181

