

Gender Identity in Chinese Weblog Discourse: A Study of Gender Identity Behind Weblog Discourse on the Super Female Voice Contest

【作者】 韩艳梅

【导师】 陈建平;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过分析中文博客里的话语致力于研究在中国的社会语境下,男女博客者如何构建性别身份和认同性别身份。由于博客中的话题和语境各异,而身份在不同的社会语境下会不断的变化,因此在研究的过程中,我们选择了在确定的语境下研究性别身份。在本文中,“超级女声”被选做为特定的社会语境,而研究中的所有数据都是在这样的语境下收集的。我们选择超女作为研究的社会语境是因为“超女”的所有参赛者都是女性,而且受观众支持度最高而评出的冠军却不是唱功最好或外表最漂亮的传统意义上的美女。相反,冠军获得者一般有着中性化的外表。这些不寻常的冠军获得者的高支持度是否意味着性别身份的认同在中国已经发生了变化呢?另一方面,博客是一种新生的交流手段,里面的内容更新非常及时,因此,选择博客上对超女评价的文章作为我们的数据,可以有利于我们观察博客者如何在博客中构建自己的性别身份和认同其他人的性别身份。在研究框架上,我们选择了批评性语篇分析和评价理论。通过随机收集到的48个样本,我们首先分析了男女博客者在文章中代词的使用,对获胜者的称呼以及表感情的图释的使用情况,以此来发现男女博客者如何通过语言上的异同来建构自己的性别身份。接着,我们分析了博客者对外表具有男性特征的获胜者以及其他参赛者的态度。分析结果表明女博客者对她们有更正面的态度,而且在评论过程中,她们更着重对超女能力的评价,而不是像男博客者那样着重对超女常态的评价。最后,我们观察了男女博客者对性别身份的理解。我们也发现,男博客者对性别身份的理解偏向传统,而女博客者对性别身份的理解存在更多新的变化。我们通过社会变迁与性别意识形态的角度对结果进行了解释。

【Abstract】 This study is an analysis of Chinese weblog discourse, aiming at understanding how gender identity is shaped and perceived in male bloggers’ discourse and female bloggers’ discourse. While the topics vary so greatly on the weblogs and identity keeps changing in different social contexts, it is plausible for us to study gender identity in a specific social context. Therefore, the Super Female Voice Contest is selected as the social context. The reason why this Contest is chosen is due to the fact that all the contestants in the show were females and that the winners or the persons who were mostly supported by audiences turned out to be females with masculine tendency. Researchers wonder if the victory of these ’tomboy’ winners indicates the change in understanding gender identity in China. Since weblog discourse is a new means of on-line communication, it would be very interesting to study how bloggers construct their own gender identity and perceive gender identity on line. In this study, Critical Discourse Analysis and Appraisal Systems are applied in the analysis of the 48 samples that have been collected. The pronoun usage, the naming used to address the tomboy winners and the emoticons are compared between male discourse and female discourse so that the difference or similarity can be discovered. Then, male bloggers’ and female bloggers’ attitudes towards the female contestants are analyzed. By analyzing their attitudes, it has been found that female bloggers have a more positive attitude toward the winners and other contestants. Besides, female bloggers like to focus on the discussion of the ability of contestants, while male bloggers like to focus on the normality of contestants. Finally, the perception of gender identity is examined. It has been found that male bloggers’ perception of gender identity tends to be traditional, whereas female bloggers’ inclines to be new or non-traditional. Explanations from the perspective of social change and ideology are offered.

【关键词】 性别话语身份认同批评性话语分析
【Key words】 identitygenderdiscoursecritical discourse analysis
  • 【分类号】H0-05
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】457

