

Studies and Assessment on the Character on the Use of Turf of Poa Pratensis L.cv. QinHai

【作者】 邱正强

【导师】 马玉寿;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对野生驯化品种青海草地早熟禾坪用性状的评价与研究,详细论述了青海草地早熟禾作为草坪草品种在青藏高寒地区栽培的各项表现,并对其适宜性与可行性进行了深入分析,为其在该地区的广泛推广应用奠定了基础。1.本实验分别选在海拔跨度较大,自然环境差异显著的两地区进行(青海省果洛藏族自治州,海拔3780m;西宁市北川,海拔2295.2m)。同时,本实验还以建植5年的青海草地早熟禾作为观测对象,进一步对青海草地早熟禾的坪用性状进行评价分析,避免了当年数据无法解释某些现象的局限性。2.作为野生驯化品种,青海草地早熟禾的发芽率为73.25%,虽然发芽率不是很高,但种子具有较强的生活力;另外,青海草地早熟禾还具备较高的纯净度(90%以上)和出苗率,同时无论是室内还是室外,青海草地早熟禾与午夜的出苗率差异并不显著(F﹤F0.05),这几点都符合优良草坪草种子入库的条件。3.无论在果洛州玛沁县还是西宁市,青海草地早熟禾均能顺利的在当地生境下越冬,越冬率均达70%以上,且来年返青后的长势明显好于第一年;午夜因无法在高寒生境下顺利越冬(越冬率为0)而死亡,因此能否在当地生境下顺利越冬成为选择建植草种和成坪的关键;另外,青海草地早熟禾具有较长的绿期,在样地一和样地二中分别达到160天和210天左右。4.单播青海草地早熟禾具有质地柔软﹑均一性好的特性,但因叶绿素含量较低而其色泽较浅;相对而言,青海草地早熟禾与中华羊茅的混播,无论是质地﹑均一性,还是密度等各项性状,表现均好于单播青海草地早熟禾;无论是单播还是混播,在较低的留茬高度(5cm﹑8cm)下,加以适宜的修剪频度(10d/次),草坪各项性状表现较好。5.两样地中各处理下的根扎速率差异并不显著(α﹤0.05),西宁样地的根扎速率明显高于果洛样地(F﹥F0.05);就分蘖值而言,各处理间差异并不显著(α﹤0.05),果洛样地与西宁样地之间也无显著差异(F﹤F0.05)。各因素对于分蘖值的影响不大,但对于分蘖速率却有着较为明显的影响,低茬高频(留茬5cm﹑修剪频度7天/次)的管理措施有助于草坪草更好的分蘖,其分蘖速率略高于高茬低频下。6.再生速度和日地上生物量、累计生长量是有真实直线相关的,且其相关程度,在西宁和玛沁县也是一致的。7.五龄青海草地早熟禾其叶片柔软而细,质地与新建单播青海草地早熟禾无显著差异(P﹥0.05);无论是新建草坪还是5龄青海草地早熟禾,在成坪后期,其根大多密布在20cm~30cm处,且无显著差异(P﹥0.05)。另外,相对而言,较低强度的修剪(留茬高度11cm、13d/次)比高强度修剪下,更有利于五龄青海草地早熟禾的生长。

【Abstract】 Through to studies and assessment on the character on the use of turf of wildly and domesticates variety Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai, detail elaborates the each performance of the Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai as the lawn grass variety cultivated in QinHai and XiZang alpine area, and thorough analysis the suitable and feasibility, so that we can lay the foundation for its widespread promoted and application in the local area.1. The trial carries on in the separately two areas, which have bigger elevation span and remarkable difference in the natural environment(Qinghai Province GuoLuo Tibetan nationa, elevation 3780 m; Xining Beichuan, elevation2295.2 m). At the same time,this experiment also increase the 5–years- Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai as the observation object, to further supplement explain the character on the use of turf of Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai, so that we could avoid the limitations of the same year data cannot explain certain phenomena.2. As wildly domesticates variety, the germination percentage of the Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai is 73.25%, although the germination percentage is not very high, but in fact, the seed has strongly living ability ; Moreover, the Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai also has a higher purity (above 90%) and the rate of seedling emergence, regardless in inside or outside, the rate of seedlings emergence between the Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai and midnight is not certainly remarkable(F﹤F0.05). The above several points all conform to the condition which the fine lawn seeds goes into storage.3. Regardless in the type place one or the type place two, the Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai can success survive in the winter under the local surroundings, the surviving rate reaches above 70%, and the growing trend obviously to be good than the first year after turn green at the next year; and the midnight died because of which can not success survive in the winter at the alpine surroundings(surviving rate is 0). So, whether success survive in the winter under the local surroundings become the key when we choice the construct seeds and construct turf successfully. Moreover, the Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai has a longer green period, it respectively achieves about 160 day and 210 days between the type place one and the type place two.4. The single broadcasts Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai have the good characteristic of both soft texture and uniformity, but the color is shallower because of the lower content of chlorophyll; Relatively ,the mix between Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai and Festuca sinensis Keng. Cv. QinHai, have a good performance at the texture, uniformity or density and so on each character than the single broadcasts. Regardless single or mixes, the each character of the turf performance is better at the lower stubble high(5cm,8cm) and suitable mow frequency(10d/time).5. The difference of the rate of the root grips speed is not to be certainly remarkable(α﹤0.05) at each treatment in the two samples; the rate of the root grips in the type place two is obviously higher than in the type place one(F﹥F0.05);Speaking of the tiller, the difference is not certainly remarkable(α﹤0.05)at different treatments, there is not remarkable difference between the type place one and type place two(F﹤F0.05). Various factors has litter influence to the tiller, but actually has a more obvious influence to the rate of the tiller speed, The management measure under the low stubble and high frequency(stubble5cm,mow frequency 7 d/time ) is helpful to tiller, the rate of the tiller speed is higher than at the level of the high stubble and low frequency.6. There is real straight line correlation among the regeneration speed ,the date ground biomass and the accumulation growth quantity, and its relativity is consistent between the type place one and type place two.7. 5-years- Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai have soft and thin leaves, and its texture has not remarkable difference(P﹥0.05)compare with the newly single broadcasts Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai; Regardless the newly turf or 5-years- Poa PratensisL.cv.QinHai, its roots mostly densely covered in20㎝~30㎝ at the turf later period, and have not remarkable difference ( P﹥0.05 ) . Moreover, relatively says, lower intensity mow(stubble11㎝,mow frequency 13 d/time) is more advantageous to the growth of the 5-years- Poa Pratensis L.cv.QinHai than high intensity mow.

  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【下载频次】133

