

Effects of Mulching and Swarding on the Micro-Ecosystem and Fruit Production and Quality of Vineyard in Fujian

【作者】 苏海兰

【导师】 陈清西;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 果树学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了筛选出南方葡萄栽培适宜的土壤耕作方式,以藤稔葡萄为试验材料,设计6种土壤耕作方式:种植紫花苜蓿(生草),覆盖黑色地膜(黑膜),覆盖透明地膜(透明膜),覆盖反光地膜(反光膜),覆盖稻草(稻草),清耕(CK)。对6个处理的生态因子、土壤和植株养分、葡萄生长发育、果实品质以及果园经济效益进行测定分析,试验结果表明:1.覆盖稻草田间气温最低、湿度最大;覆膜处理正午之后气温高于其它处理,温湿度日变化幅度大。2.地表和近地表的温度日变化呈“单峰”曲线;覆盖透明膜和黑膜处理土温比清耕高4~8℃,覆盖透明膜增温效应最高;黑膜和生草处理土壤增温时效最长;生草和反光膜处理具有明显的低温时增温、保温,高温时降温的效应;稻草处理高温时降温效应最明显。3.土壤含水量高峰值出现在20~30cm土层;果实不同发育时期表现有差异,花期土壤湿度以覆盖稻草最大,果实成熟期清耕土壤含水量最大;黑膜和生草处理土壤湿度都比较小。4.覆盖、生草对土壤中的N、C、有机质、有效P、有效K、有效Zn、有效B都有促进转化的效果,但是土壤中全K和Fe元素以清耕处理含量最高,全P和交换性MG2+含量各处理间差别不大。5.生草和覆盖黑膜、稻草处理的葡萄叶片发育明显优于清耕和覆盖反光膜处理。6.生草处理果实成熟期较清耕提前5d;黑膜处理花期比其它处理提早1~2d,但果实成熟期较清耕推迟4d。7.覆盖处理浅土层根系较多,生草处理根系分布较深;整体稻草处理葡萄根系活力大。8.稻草处理植株光合作用没有“午休”现象,Pn以稻草和黑膜处理较大,但上午时生草处理的Pn最大;覆膜处理叶片胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度和蒸腾速率较大。9.生草处理叶柄C、P、Mn、Fe含量最高,N、Ca含量以黑膜处理最高,稻草处理植株叶柄矿质元素含量都较高。10.稻草处理对果穗和单果重促进作用最明显,覆盖处理果实品质较好,总体以黑膜处理最好,稻草处理次之;生草处理果实较小但果实籽数也最少,其它指标较清耕高;清耕大部份果实品质指标最低。11.覆膜处理果实发病率下降,而生草和稻草处理发病率较清耕高,其中黑膜处理发病率显著低于清耕。12.地面覆盖使葡萄品质、产量、效益提高,以黑膜处理效果最佳,稻草处理次之。本研究得出覆盖黑膜处理是南方葡萄栽培最适宜的土壤耕作方式,覆盖稻草处理次之;而种植苜蓿的土壤管理不适合南方葡萄生产。

【Abstract】 For the purpose of selecting suitable ways of soil tillage for the culture of grapes in southern part of China, Fujiminori Grape was used as the experimental material and six different kinds of soil tillage methods were designed, which included planting alfalfa (sward), mulching black thin film (black film)) mulching transparent thin film (transparent film), mulching reflection thin film (reflection film), mulching straw (straw), clean tillage (CK).The ecological factors, soil and plant nutrients, growth and development of grapes, fruit quality and the economic benefits of the grape orchard under these six treatments were determined and analyzed. The results were as follows:1. The lowest field temperature and the highest humidity were obtained under straw mulching treatment while thin film treatment had comparatively higher temperature than other treatments after mid-noon time, with a broad daily variation scope of temperature and humidity.2. The curve for the daily variation of temperature on or near the field surface showed "unimodal". The soil temperature under transparent film or black film mulching treatment were 4-8℃higher than clean tillage treatment. Transparent film mulching treatment showed the best wanning effectiveness while black film mulching and sward treatment got the longest warming period. Sward and reflective mulching treatment had a significant warming and keeping temperature effect at low temperature, it can decrease effect at high temperature. The effect of the a decrease in temperature of straw at high temperature was the most obvious.3. The peak value for the soil moisture content appeared in 20-30 cm of the soil surface. During the flowering stage the highest soil moisture content occurred under straw treatment. At the fruit ripening stage, clean tillage had the largest soil water content, followed by black film mulching and straw treatment in turn.4. Sward and mulching treatment had promotion and transformation effects on soil N , C, organic matters, available P, K, Zn and B, while the soil under clean tillage had the most entire K and Fe, There was no significant difference between different treatments on entire P and exchangeable Mg2+ content.5. The leaf development of grapes under sword and mulching treatments was superior to that under clean tillage and reflective film mulching treatment.6. The fully ripening stage of grape under sward treatment was 5 days earlier than that under clean tillage. The black film mulching treatment made flowering stage about 1-2 days earlier than other treatments, but the fully ripening stage was 4 days later than that under clean tillage. 7. The number of root in the surface layer under mulching was the most, while a comparatively larger quantity of root was found in the deep layer under sword treatment. On the whole, the highest root activity appeared under straw treatment.8. No"noon break" occurred in the diurnal variation of photosynthesis under straw treatment. In the morning the highest photosynthesis velosity occurred under sward treatment but the whole photosynthesis was higher than other treatments under straw and black film treatment.The intercellular CO2 density, stomatal condactance and transpiration rate under film mulching treatment were the highest.9. The contents of plant nutritive elements as C, P, Mn, Fe under sward treatment were the highest while black film mulching treatment had the highest N, Ca contents. The content of all these plant nutritive elements under straw treatment were comparatively higher.10. Straw treatment had an apparently promotion function on the cluster and weight per fruit of grape.Surface mulching treatment could improve the fruit quality with best effect in black film treatment, followed by straw treatment. The fruit was smaller and the number of seeds was the least under sward treatment but the other quality indexes were better than clean tillage. The quality index of most fruits under dean tillage was the lowest.11. The fruit disease incidence rate was dropped under film mulching treatment while the sward and straw treatment got higher rate than dean tillage. Among these, black film mulching treatment showed the lowest disease incidence rate obviously.12. Surface mulching treatment could improve the fruit quality,yield of grapes and thus enhance the profits in grape prodcution with the best effect in black film treatment , followed by straw treatment.Above all, the results of this experiment were showed that surface mulching black film treatment was the best ways of soil tillage for the culture of grapes in southern part of China, and straw treatment turned second while alfalfa planting management was not suitable for the production of grapes in southern part of China.

  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】396

