

Studies on Ascosphaera Apis Isozyme and Cluster Analysis of Bee Chalkbrood Disease

【作者】 周刚

【导师】 梁勤;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 蜜蜂白垩病(Bee Chalkbrood Disease)是由蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaera apis)寄生而引起蜜蜂幼虫死亡的真菌性传染病。对采自福建、江西、甘肃和浙江的10株蜜蜂球囊菌菌株进行了分离纯化,并且将这10个不同的菌株采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶(或淀粉胶)电泳的方法,进行了可溶性蛋白、酯酶同工酶(EST)、苹果酸脱氢酶同工酶(MDH)、乳酸脱氢酶同工酶(LDH)、过氧化物酶同工酶(POD)、淀粉酶同工酶(AMY)和葡糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶同工酶(G-6-PDH)的研究。结果表明,各菌株间的有些同工酶酶带存在明显的差异,可溶性蛋白、EST谱带较多,MDH、LDH、POD谱带较少,且LDH、POD谱带仅在一株菌中存在,AMY的谱带不是很清晰,所有的菌株均具有相同的G-6-PDH同工酶谱带,只是浓度不一样。在所分析10株菌株中,表现出谱带的多型性。利用DPS V8.01版统计分析软件对10株菌的可溶性蛋白和其它6种同工酶进行同源性聚类分析,采用不同的距离系数和聚类方法,可得到相同的结果,10株菌可分为3个类群。结合谱带特征,筛选到一株非常特别的10号菌株。通过分析,我们发现在本文中用到的聚类方法,以可变类平均法和离差平方和法较好。同时本研究还探索了在一块胶板上同时染MDH和EST的方法。

【Abstract】 Bee Chalkbrood Disease is a fungal infectious diseases which caused by the Ascosphaera apis and can kill the larvae. Collected from Fujian, Jiangxi, Gansu Province, 10 strains of Ascosphaera apis were isolated and purified. Meanwhile we use the methods of polyacrylamide gel (or starch gel) electrophoresis to research the 10 different strains of Soluble Protein, EST, MDH, LDH, POD, AMY and G-6-PDH. The results show that some of the strains have significantly different isozymes. Soluble protein, and EST have more bands, MDH, LDH, POD bands less, Also LDH, POD bands exist only in one strain. AMY band is not very clear. All the strains have the same bands of G-6-PDH, but not the same concentration. The 10 strains in the analysis show multi-type bands. Using DPS , a statistical analysis software of V8. 01, we conduct the homologous cluster analysis of soluble protein and other six isozymes. It show that different distance coefficient and clustering method can lead to the same results and we divided the ten strains into three group. Combined with bands, we screened a very special strain. Through analysis, we found that the clustering method used in this paper, variable types and the average square deviation are better than others. In addition, the study also explore the method that MDH and EST are dyed on the same piece of gel.

  • 【分类号】S895.137
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】69

