

Studies on Variability of Eui-P(T) GMS-LINE FueS1

【作者】 林龙湘

【导师】 杨仁崔; 张书标;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 长穗颈光、温敏核不育系福eS1是采用e-杂交稻育种技术育成的第一个光、温敏核不育系,组配的杂交稻品种e福丰优11已通过江西、湖南、湖北等省的审定,进入生产应用阶段。然而,在近几年的福eS1种子生产过程中,发现福eS1群体中不同程度的出现两种类型的异型株:高秆株和矮秆株,特别是高秆株的出现在一定程度上影响到福eS1的生产应用。为了明确长穗颈光、温敏核不育系福eS1生产过程中出现的高秆株和矮秆株的来源及原因,以期为福eS1的生产应用提供理论指导,本研究对高秆株和矮秆株的生物学特性,产生的原因等进行了研究,主要研究结果如下:(1)高秆株和矮秆株的突变频率研究表明,在福eS1的生产应用过程中都会出现两种异型株:高秆株和矮秆株,它们出现的频率分别约为9.31×10-5和2.12×10-5。(2)高秆株和矮秆株的农艺性状分析高秆株的株高比福eS1显著提高20-50cm,其抽穗期比福eS1早3-5d。高秆株株高的增加主要由于穗颈长、倒一节间长、倒二节间长、倒三节间长等茎秆性状的显著提高。矮秆株的株高比福eS1矮,差异显著;矮秆株包穗严重、倒一节间长缩短,与培矮64S的农艺性状差异不显著。(3)高秆株和矮秆株的遗传规律遗传分析表明,福eS1中的高秆株仍为原来的长穗颈基因所控制,而矮秆株的产生是由于eui基因发生了回复突变。(4)高秆株的花粉育性研究表明,高秆株在可育期的结实率较福eS1高;不育期,高秆株同样表现出不同程度的可育。(5)出现高秆株的原因研究表明,福eS1中的高秆株是由于其育性转换温度升高,使其在可育期结实好,不育期表现不同程度的可育,导致高秆。

【Abstract】 eui-P(T)GMS-line FueS1 possessed eui gene was the first photo-thermo period sensitive genic male sterile rice which was bred by the methods of eui-hybrid breeding technology, as well as its corresponding hybrid rice was released. During the past several years in the seed production, two different plant variants, tall plant and dwarf plant, were found in the population of FueS1, especially,the tall varivant could influence on the application of FueS1.In order to find out the original reason of tall variant and dwarf variant, the biological characters and origin of tall variant and dwarf variant were investigated in this paper. The main results as follows:(1) Two types of variants, tall plant and dwarf plant were found in the population of FueSl with a frequency of 9.31×10-5 and 2.12×10-5 respectively.(2) The plant height of the tall variant is 20-50cm higher than that of FueS1.The plant height increased is due to the elongation of first internode, second internode and third internode.The plant height of the dwarf variant is lower than that of FueS1, with poor panicle exsertion. and shorten first internode. The plant type of dwarf variant is similar to peiai64S.(3) Genetic analysis showed that the trait of tall variant is also controlled by eui genes, while the dwarf variant is because of the reverse mutation of eui gene.(4) The seed setting rate of tall varivant is higher than that of FueS1 in fertile period,and it displays a certain degree fertile in sterile period.(5) Tall variant is due to the increase of the critical point of temperature expression of FueS1, which results in better seed setting in fertile period, and displaying a certain degree fertile restoration in sterile period.

【关键词】 福eS1高秆株矮秆株遗传变异
【Key words】 FueS1tall variantdwarf variantgenetic variation
  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【下载频次】29

