

Application of Leather Waste in Papermaking Industry

【作者】 戴达松

【导师】 陈学榕;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 制浆造纸工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 日益变暖的全球气候,表明了环境保护的重要性。而皮革工业每年所产生的大量的固体废弃物,除部分被利用外,大部分均只被简单的填埋,严重污染了环境,并造成大量有效资源的流失。因此处理好皮革固体废弃物对于保护环境具有重要的意义。作为一个重要、有效的手段,资源化利用皮革固体废弃物,可以充分回收废弃物中大量有效的资源,并解决皮革废弃物的污染问题。本研究结合造纸工业的实际,探索了皮革固体废弃物资源化处理的方法及处理物在造纸工业中的应用。研究从纤维化利用和非纤维化利用两方面具体展开。在纤维化利用研究部分,采用造纸科学的研究方法,研究了革屑预处理工艺、革纤维的制浆造纸性能;通过植物纤维的复合,开发出高透气度、高强度的育果袋纸。研究非纤维化利用时,采用共混的方法对水解蛋白进行了化学修饰,制备出造纸用增强剂。预处理的研究表明:在2%NaOH用量、1/5液比、120℃处理温度、20 min保温时间、0.3mm盘磨间隙的条件下可以制得分散良好、强度较佳的革纤维。对革纤维与植物纤维配比影响的分析表明:添加10%的革纤维可提高复合纸张的匀度41.48%,但当革纤维添加量达30%时,复合纸张匀度下降6.99%。打浆实验表明:较低革浆打浆度(≤34°SR)可提高复合纸张的透气度23.69%以上。在研究革纤维的制浆造纸性能时,发现打浆时加入消泡剂,所制得的革纤维可作为造纸用增强纤维,添加20%革纤维时,纸张的抗张及撕裂指数较空白纸样分别增加17.99%和14.93%。育果袋纸的研制实验表明:采用pH 7、1.5%PAE、2%防水剂、35°SR的革浆和纸浆(针叶木)、20%革浆配比的工艺可以制得符合国家标准的育果袋纸。具体的质量参数为:干强61.91N·m·g-1,湿强41.49%,透气40.04μm·(Pa·S)-1,撕裂指数10.12 mN·m2·g-1,表面吸水性11.58g·m-2。解决了国产果袋纸透气度低的难点。用PAE对革屑水解产物进行化学修饰制备造纸用增强。研究表明较佳的共混改性条件为:10%PAE,40℃共混温度,pH 6.5,17%浓度的水解蛋白,2 h共混时间。由此制备的共混液在2%硫酸铝的添加量下,以4%添加到纸浆中时可提高纸张干强52.97%,湿强保留率达21.84%。SEM观察证实:打浆松开了革纤维的三股螺旋体,使规则的盘绕变成无规则的、松散状的纤维,并进一步在纤维表面解旋出细纤维、原纤维、纤丝,增加了与纤维的结合面积,有利于提高复合纸张强度。IR分析表明:打浆促进更多的亲水性基团出现,帚化后的革纤维与植物纤维形之间形成了更多的氢键。TG分析显示:含革纤维的果袋纸有较高的热稳定性。结果表明:革屑经适当处理后,可制备出造纸用增强纤维和增强剂,能很好的应用于造纸工业,为皮革固体废弃物的资源化利用提供新途径。

【Abstract】 The global warming climate indicates the importance of environmental protection. The industrial tanning of leather usually produces considerable amount of solid waste. The waste is partly utilized, but mainly it is deposited in storage yards, posing a hazard to the environment, resulting in a considerable loss of usable resource. It is importantly significant to treat leather solid waste for protecting environment. As an important and useful method, resource-orientation utilization of leather solid waste not only recyclessignificant resources, but also solves the problem of waste pollution.With papermaking technique, we develop a method of treating leather solid waste. The study focuses on fibre utilization and unfibre utilization.Adopting the way of Papermaking, we develop the technique of leather waste pre-treatment、the pulp&papermaking property of leather fibre concerning the fibrous utilization. We successfully prepare the high porosity、high strength fruit cultivating bag paper via compound with wood fibre. On the other hand we modify hydrolyzing protein with blending process concerning the unfibrous utilization.The pre-treatment results are as follows: the high strength and the well dispersive leather fibre can be prepared under the condition of sodium hydroxide 2%、liquid-solid ratio 1/5、cooking temperature 120°C、cooking time 20 min、refiner clearance 0.3 mm,. The effect of leather fibre ratio has been analyzed, and the result show that: with the ratio of 10% leather fibre, the formation of compound paper can be increased 41.48%, but the formation drops 6.99% after the ratio of leather fibre rises up to 30%.The result of beating experiment demonstrates that lower leather beating degree (34°SR) can improve the porosity of compound paper by 23.69%. It is the first time that we find that the leather fibre can be developed into reinforced fibre after beat with antifoam reagent. After adding 20% leather fiber, the tensile index and tear index of compound paper increase 17.99% and 14.93% respectively.The development of fruit cultivating bag paper shows that: the fruit cultivating bag paper prepared with technics of pH7, PAE1.5%, waterproof 2%, 35°SR leather pulp&wood pulp(softwood),20 % leather fibre can meet the National Standard. The idiographic parameter is dry strength 61.91N·m·g-1,wet strength 41.49 %, porosity 40.04μm·(Pa·S)-1, tear index 10.12 mN·m2·g-1, surface absorbability 11.58g·m-2.The sample we develop can solve the problem of low porosity of domestically-made fruit bag paper.At the same time, we modify hydrolyze protein with PAE as strengthening agent .The study indicates that: the best blending process is PAE10%、temperature 40°C、pH6.5、the concentration of hydrolyze protein 17%、blending time 2h. The paper dry strength can increase 52.97% and wet strength reaches 21.84% when adding 4% blend solutions with2% Alu.Based on the SEM observation, beating can disentangle the Triple-Helix of leathe fibre, making the regular disc-like shape of leather fibre turn into ruleless、incompact fibre, furthermore unwinding the Triple-Helix on surface of leather fibre and producing more privitive fibre、fibril、filament,therefore enhancing the bonded area, which increases the strength of compound paper. IR analysis indicates that: beating increases hydrophile group of lether fibre, more Hydrogen Bond form between wood fibre and leather fibre. TG analysis show that: Fruit bag paper with leather fibre enjoy highthermal stability.The results indicate that: with the properly treated leather waste, reinforced fibre and strengthening agent can be prepared. This technic can be applied for papermaking industry, which becomes a novel approach for resource-orientation of leather solid waste.

  • 【分类号】TS72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】190

