

Study on Mechanism of Enzymatic Browning and Fruit Suitability for Juicing of Apricot Fruits

【作者】 慈志娟

【导师】 陈学森;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 果树学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 杏树突出的抗旱性及产品良好的产业化前景、优良的营养保健价值使其成为我国三北地区荒漠化治理以及生态经济林建设的先锋树种(陈学森,2005),杏产品也是我国出口创汇的传统优势商品,2002年,仅新疆屯河集团加工的浓缩杏汁就占欧美市场贸易量的40%以上,研究并建立制汁适应性评价指标体系是制汁专用品种选育及其产品质量评价的重要环节。本试验对出汁率、维生素C含量、糖酸含量及单宁等制汁适应性构成性状的分布特点,以及与酶促褐变有关的褐变度、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性、总酚含量及酚类物质组分等多个因素进行了研究,进而提出了制汁用杏的评价标准,为制汁专用品种选育及其产品质量评价奠定了基础,主要取得了如下研究结果:1.在所测定的达到加工成熟度的凯特×新世纪和巴旦×凯特两个杂交组合F1代群体的111个株系,以及红玉、金太阳、山农凯新1号、凯特等9个品种的果实中,同一杏品种(株系)单果重不同,出汁率亦有较大差异;其中,单果重分布频率接近正态分布,单果重〈30g的占4.9%,30~50g的占33.33%,50~70g的占36.27%,70~90g的占18.63%。90g以上的品种(株系)占参试品种(株系)的6.86%。2.在所统计的试材中,出汁率的分布频率呈偏态分布,出汁率含量〈59.5%的占4%,含量达到59.5~62%的占16%,达到62~64.5%的占22%,达到64.5~67%的占38%,出汁率含量〉67%的占20%。3.在所统计的试材中,可溶性固形物含量的分布频率呈离散分布。维生素C含量的分布频率接近正态分布,其峰值为9~12 mg/100 g。4.根据以上制汁用杏相关性状的分布特点,初步制定了制汁用杏的评价标准。其中一级标准为:单果重≥50 g、出汁率≥64.5%、可溶性固形物含量≥12%、单宁含量<90.69 mg/100 g、维生素C含量≥9 mg/100 g、糖酸比达到3.33~3.98且可溶性糖含量为7.09~7.88 %;特级标准为:单果重≥70 g、出汁率≥67%、可溶性固形物含量≥15%、单宁含量<90.69 mg/100 g、维生素C含量≥12 mg/100 g、糖酸比达到4.15~4.8且可溶性糖含量为8.12~11.11%。5.利用高效液相色谱对酚类物质组分进行检测,结果表明,表儿茶素、绿原酸、儿茶素是完熟期杏果实中主要的酚类物质,并且表儿茶素是三个品种中测得的含量最高的酚类物质组分。6.品种不同,影响杏果实酶促褐变的主要影响因素不同。红玉的褐变程度最高,主要是因为其PPO活性和绿原酸含量最高,并且其褐变度与酚类物质含量及PPO活性均呈极显著正相关(r分别为0.938,0.9944);山农凯新2号总酚含量最低,且除阿魏酸外,各酚类物质组分的含量也都最低,这些因素导致其褐变程度最低。

【Abstract】 The anti-drought, good product foreground, and eminent nutrition values of apricot, makes it to be the pioneer in hungriness control and ecological economy construct in the three-north of our country. The apricot product is also the traditionl predominant commodity for the export of our country. In 2000, the concentrate apricot juice in Tunhe group, Xinjiang, accounts for 20% of trade quantity in occident country. The study and building of evaluation items of juicing is the important process of breeding juicing apricot and evaluating its quality. The distribution characteristics of many items related to adaptability of juicing and the evaluation standard were studied. In this study, the juicing characteristics such as juicing ratio, soluble sugar content , tannin content , Vc content ect were studied. And several factors in relation with enzymatic browning, such as browning degree, total phenolics, PPO activity, phenolic composition etc were studied. The evaluation standard for juicing apricot is advanced , it gives foundations for breeding the juicing cultivars and the product quality evaluation. The results are as follows:1. Fruits of 111 F1 progenies from Katy×Xinshiji, Badan×Katy, and of 9 apricot cultivars including Katy, Jintaiyang, Shannongkaixin1 etc were chosen as materials during commercial ripe stage in this study. The juicing ratio varied with different fruit weight in one cultivar (strain); In this study, the frequency of distribution was nearly normal distribution for per weight. The distribution frequency of per weight which was lower than 30g accounted for 4.9%, and distrition frequency ranging from 30g to 50g , from 50 g to 70g , from 70g to 90g and more than 90g was 33.33%, 36.27%, 18.63%, 6.86%, respectively.2. It was skew distribution for juicing ratio in this study, the juicing ratio fewer than 59.4%, between 59.5% and 62%, between 62% and 64.5%, between 64.5% and 67%, and more than 20% was 4%, 16%, 22%, 38%, 20%, respectively.3. In the materials chosen for this study, it was discrete distribution for soluble solids content(SSC).The frequency of distribution was nearly normal distribution for Vc content, and the peak was 9~12mg/100g.4. According to the distribution characteristics of juicing apricot, the primary evaluation standard was made. It was listed as follows, average fruit weight≥50g, juice ratio≥64.5%, SSC≥12%, tannin < 90.69mg/100g, Vc≥9mg/100g; The ratio of soluble sugar content to titrable acid content ranged from 3.33 to 3.98; and soluble sugar content was between 7.09% and 7.88 %. The excellent item was considered as average fruit weight≥70g, juice ratio≥67%, SSC≥15%, tannin<90.69mg/100g, Vc≥12mg/100g; The ratio of soluble sugar content to titrable acid content ranged from 4.15 to 4.80, and soluble sugar content was between 8.12% and 11.11 %.5. The analysis of phenolic compositions by HPLC revealed that (-)-epicatechin, chlorogenic acid and (+)-catechin were the major phenolic compounds in apricot fruits during tree ripe stage, and the content of (-)-epicatechin was the highest in all three cultivars.6. The main factors related to enzymatic browning in apricot fruits varied in different cultivars. The browning degree of Hongyu was the highest, because of the highest PPO activity and chlorogenic acid content. Besides, total phenolics and PPO activity were positively related with browning degree in it (r=0.938, 0.9944 respectively); Except for ferulic acid, the total phenolics and phenolic compounds in Shannongkaixin2 were the lowest, and these factors led to the lowest browning degree.

  • 【分类号】S662.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】282

