

Study on Yield and Quality of Long-ting P.Simonii Carr. with the Technique of Dry Farming and Water Retention Covering

【作者】 宗萍萍

【导师】 杨吉华;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以新泰市龙廷杏梅为研究对象,对龙廷杏梅园地树盘进行不同材料及不同组合方式的旱作保水综合处理,以松土作为对照,对综合措施处理后的园内小气候效应、土壤水分、土壤温度、土壤养分、土壤物理性状、树体蒸腾、果实品质等进行系统测定,并进行产量和经济效益分析,研究结果表明:1.反射率主要与最上层的覆盖物有关,上层覆白膜的处理反射率大,覆黑膜的最小,上层覆草处理反射率与覆白膜处理十分接近;各处理地面净辐射瞬时值存在明显的变化,但总的变化规律相同。各处理树冠层空气温度的日平均值在22.6℃~23.9℃之间,其中覆草处理、施加保水剂处理和覆草加保水剂处理的较低;对照、覆草处理、施加保水剂处理和覆草加保水剂处理的树冠层空气相对湿度较大,这和表层覆盖物有关,此外还与土壤含水量关系密切。2.不同旱作保水措施对龙廷杏梅园地土壤肥力养成效应有一定影响,施加保水剂措施对土壤养分影响不大,覆白膜处理、覆黑膜处理、覆白膜加保水剂处理和覆黑膜加保水剂处理的土壤有机质和对照相比分别下降了0.13%、0.14%、0.11%和0.1%,这说明覆膜使土壤有机质含量有降低的趋势;覆草处理、覆白膜加覆草处理、覆黑膜加覆草处理、保水剂加覆草处理、保水剂加覆草加覆白膜处理和保水剂加覆草加覆黑膜处理土壤有机质平均含量高于对照0.16%,速效磷和速效钾平均比对照增加了1.29 mg/kg和8.63 mg/kg。3.不同旱作保水措施对龙廷杏梅园地具有改善土壤物理性状的效应。土壤物理性状以多重处理效果最好,保水剂加覆草加覆白膜和保水剂加覆草加覆黑膜两处理的土壤容重平均为1.15 g/cm3,土壤总孔隙度平均为54.9%;其次是双重处理,土壤容重平均为1.22 g/cm3;单一处理中覆草效果最好。对土壤容重做多重比较得出,各处理和对照均存在显著差异;多重处理要优于双重处理更好于单一处理。4.不同旱作保水措施对龙廷杏梅园地具有良好的土壤水环境调控效应。多重处理由于保水剂吸附土壤径流,覆草增加土壤贮水量,覆膜阻隔水分蒸发,蓄水保墒效果最好,其次是双层处理,而单一处理较差。覆膜处理下土壤水分都有向表层聚集的现象;各深度测定点都以多重处理的土壤水分含量最高。不同覆盖物由于保蓄水分的能力不同,对下层土壤水分的影响差异较为明显。在春季、深秋和冬季,不同旱作保水措施其蓄水性能都得到了一定的改善,多重处理好于双重处理好于单一处理。5.不同旱作保水措施对龙廷杏梅园地具有调节土壤温度效应。在春季有覆草措施的土壤温度较低,变化比较平缓;覆膜增加土壤温度,多重处理则保持最适土壤温度,利于根系的生长;在深秋,有覆草处理的土壤温度日平均值要高于对照,疏松的秸秆覆盖处理具有较强的保温作用。6.各处理蒸腾速率日变化均表现为单峰曲线,蒸腾速率与影响因子关系的紧密程度依次为气孔导度、光合有效辐射、空气温度、空气相对湿度、土壤温度。对各影响因子进行的逐步回归,发现各处理蒸腾速率与其影响因子的复相关系数均在0.900以上,其中气孔导度偏相关系数R均在0.916以上,光合有效辐射和空气温度对蒸腾速率影响也比较大,空气相对湿度对覆草处理、保水剂处理和保水剂加覆草处理的蒸腾速率影响较大,在多因子的综合作用下,土壤温度对蒸腾速率的影响相对较小。7.用SPSS软件对成熟时总糖含量、土壤含水量、土壤温度、冠下反射率进行相关性分析,结果表明,总糖含量与冠下反射率在0.01水平下显著相关(r=0.874),而与其他因素不相关。各处理由于改善土壤的理化性状,增加土壤养分的有效性,提高土壤的生物活性,调节植物生长的水、肥、气、热等生态条件,提高龙廷杏梅的产量,各处理完全成熟时比对照平均增产12027 kg/hm2,平均增加净收入21649元/hm2,对成熟时产量、土壤含水量、土壤温度、土壤物理性状、土壤养分和冠下反射率进行相关性分析,结果表明,龙廷杏梅的产量与土壤含水量(r=0.836)、土壤容重(r=0.908)在0.01水平上显著相关,与速效氮(r=0.670)、速效磷(r=0.591)在0.05水平上相关,而与其他因素不相关,从经济效益来看,保水剂加覆草加覆黑膜>保水剂加覆草加覆白膜>覆草加黑膜>覆草加白膜>保水剂加黑膜>保水剂加白膜>保水剂加覆草>覆黑膜>覆白膜>覆草>施加保水剂>对照。从12个处理中筛选出树盘土壤施加保水剂加覆草加覆黑膜、树盘土壤施加保水剂加覆草加覆白膜、树盘覆草加盖黑色地膜、树盘覆草加盖白色地膜、树盘土壤施加保水剂加覆黑色地膜、树盘土壤施加保水剂加覆白色地膜6个最佳组合处理。

【Abstract】 Different materials were carried out on the Long-ting P.Simonii Carr. orchard soil with diferrents cross patterns in Xintai. Loosen the soil as contrast,meteorological effects, soil water content, soil temperature, soil physical characteristic,soil fertility, transpiration rate of leaves and fruit quality of different mulching treatments were systematically determined, yield and economic benefits were also analyzed,the results showed by the research were as follows:1.Reflectivity was relevanced with the upper mulching cover,which with white veil were larger,and which with black veil were smaller,and covering with grass approached to the white veil’s;the surface net radiation of different dry farming and water retention covering had obvious changes,but general change was identical.The daily average air temperature of each treatment was between 22.6℃-23.9℃,and which of wheatstraw mulch, siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer treatments were lower;the relative air humidity of contrast, wheatstraw mulch, siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer treatments were larger,which was relecance with the upper mulching cover, and was also close with soil water content.2.Different dry farming and water retention covering had affected to soil fertility,siol with super absorbent polymer had small effect to soil fertility,siol organic of white veil mulch,black veil mulch, siol with super absorbent polymer and white veil mulch , siol with super absorbent polymer and black veil mulch treatments had decreased 0.13%,0.14%,0.11%,0.1% than contrast respectively,which explained that covering with veil had lesening trend of soil organic; the average soil organic of wheatstraw mulch,white veil and wheatstraw dual mulch, black veil and wheatstraw dual mulch, wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer dual mulch, wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer and white veil multiple treatments and wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer and black veil multiple treatments which covering with grass was higher than contrast 0.16%,available P and available K was increased by 1.29 mg/kg,8.63 mg/kg respectively.3.Different dry farming and water retention covering had improved soil physical characteristic. Soil physical characteristic of multiple treatments were best,the average soil bulk density and total soil prosity of wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer and white veil multiple treatments and wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer and black veil multiple treatments were 1.15g/cm3,54.9% respectively;and the nest was dual muches, which average soil bulk density was 1.22 g/cm3,mulch with grass was the best in single mulch.Multiple comparision of soil bulk density showed that each treatment had notable difference with contast, multiple treatments were better than dual treatments,and more better than single treatment.4.Different dry farming and water retention covering had better effectiveness of siol water content. Super absorbent polymer can adsorb soil runoff,mulch with grass can improve soil water-holding,mulch with veil can cut off moisture content evaporation, water storage and retention of multiple treatments was best;and the nest was dual treatments,single trestment was worse.The siol water of mulch with veil had run to suppercrust,the soil water of multiple treatments were higher in different depth. Because different mulching had different ability of water storage and retention ,the effect to siol water content in deeper levels was comparatively obvious.In spring,autumn and winter, water storage function of different dry farming and water retention covering were improved, multiple treatments were better than dual treatments,and more better than single treatment.5.Different dry farming and water retention covering can regulate soil temperature.In spring,soil temperature of mulching with grass were lower,and the variation was mild;mulching with veil can increase soil temperature, multiple treatments can retain suitable soil temperature,which was good for root system growth;in autumn,the daily average soil temperature of mulches with grass were higher than contrast, loose grass had stronger heat preservation effect.6. The diurnal variation of transpiration rate of each treatment was all single-peak,the relationship between transpiration rate and each influence factor was Stomatal conductanc, Photosynthetically active radiatio, Air temperaure,air relative humidity, Soil temperature. By means of stepping multi-regression analysis,disgovered that the partial regression of each influence factor was high than 0.900,and partial regression of Gs was higher than 0.916, Photosynthetically active radiatio and air temperaure also had influence to transpiration rate, air relative humidity had influence to transpiration rate of wheatstraw mulch, siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw and siol with super absorbent polymer, in multiple-factor synthetical effection, soil temperature had small influence to transpiration rate.7.We did correlativity analysis with tatol sugar,siol water content,soil temperature,reflectance by SPSS software,the result showed that, tatol sugar was notable relevance with reflectance in 0.01 level(r=0.874), and other actors weren’t.Each treatment improved soil physical characteristic, increased soil fertility,raised soil bioactivity, adjusted organism’s habitual condition such as water,fertilizer,gas, fever and so on, so the yield of Long-ting P.Simonii Carr. was improved, the average yield of each treatment was 12027 kg/hm2 higher than the contrast,the average net income increaseed 21649yuan/hm2. We did correlativity analysis with tyield and siol water content,siol physical characteristic,soil temperature,soil fertility,reflectance by SPSS software, the result showed that,the yield of Long-ting P.Simonii Carr. was notable relevance with siol water content (r=0.836),soil bulk density(r=0.908)in 0.01 level,was relevance with available N(r=0.670), available P(r=0.591)in 0.05 level, and other actors weren’t. Judging from economic benifits, siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw and black veil multiple treatments > siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw and white veil multiple treatments >wheatstraw and black veil dual mulch> wheatstraw and black veil dual mulch wheatstraw and white veil dual mulch>siol with super absorbent polymer and black veil dual mulch> siol with super absorbent polymer and white veil dual mulch>siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw >black veil mulch>white veil mulch>wheatstraw mulch>siol with super absorbent polymer>contrast.We choosed six which were better than others from twelve treatments,that were siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw and black plastic veil multiple treatments, siol with super absorbent polymer and wheatstraw and white plastic veil multiple treatments, black plastic veil and wheatstraw dual treatments, white plastic veil and wheatstraw dual treatments, siol with super absorbent polymer and black plastic veil dual treatments,siol with super absorbent polymer and white plastic veil dual treatments.

  • 【分类号】S662.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】77

