

Study on the Groundwater Environment Simulation of City’s Wellfield and the Countermeasure of Feeding Water Supplyment

【作者】 李斌

【导师】 王开章;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 环境科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 东武水源地位于山东省大汶河流域中段,隶属泰安市岱岳区,水源地分布于大汶口盆地东南部山前冲洪积平原上,地形南高北低,东高西低,东西长约8km,南北宽约3km,是泰安市一处重要的城市供水水源地。自第四系以来,在特定的沉积环境下堆积了较厚的松散冲洪积沉淀物,形成了一个具有完整的补给、径流、排泄条件的独立的水文地质单元,为地下水的储存和运移提供了良好的空间。近年来,为满足泰安市经济社会快速发展的需水要求,东武水源地开采量逐渐增大,导致地下水水位下降,地下水系统自身的补给、径流、排泄缓慢改变;同时大汶河作为水源地重要补给水源,水量、水质状况均不乐观,势必对东武水源地产生影响。因此,对水源地地下水环境进行客观合理地评价,对水源地安全供水提出对策,成为水源地可持续发展的关键所在。本文在收集东武水源地地质和水文地质资料的基础上,基于水流和溶质运移的连续方程,利用Aqua3D地下水数值模拟软件,建立了东武水源地三维地下水含水系统模型,并利用验证后的模型对研究区地下水环境进行了定量评价,取得的主要成果如下:(1)依据地质剖面和钻孔资料,建立了东武水源地水文地质概念模型和数学模型,并利用Aqua3D地下水有限元数值模拟软件建立了相应的数值模型,通过对模型反复地调参、运行、识别,结果表明模型基本达到了对水文地质体的仿真,为东武水源地地下水环境的优化、管理提供了科学依据。(2)为了提高模型的仿真度,在建模过程中尽可能地选择了水文地质自然边界(如断层、地表水水体)作为研究区的模型边界,模型计算面积20km2。研究表明在现状开采条件和最大允许开采条件下,2020年研究区水位均有所下降,相同地段水位相差5m左右,最低水位未达到岩溶水顶板标高,不会引发地质环境问题。(3)利用建立的水流模型,耦合溶质运移模型,预测了东武水源地主供水区和人口集中区(大汶口镇)孔隙水和岩溶水亚硝酸盐浓度。预测主供水区在现状开采条件下,孔隙水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为0.03mg/L,2015年为0.035mg/L,2020年为0.05mg/L;预测主供水区在最大开采条件下,孔隙水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为0.03mg/L,2015年为0.037mg/L,2020年为0.052mg/L;预测主供水区在现状开采条件下,岩溶水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为3×10-10mg/L,2015年为3.6×10-10mg/L,2020年为4.8×10-10mg/L;预测主供水区在最大开采条件下,岩溶水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为5×10-10mg/L,2015年为5×10-10mg/L,2020年为1×10-9mg/L。预测大汶口镇在现状开采条件下,孔隙水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为0.03mg/L,2015年为0.045mg/L,2020年为0.07mg/L;预测大汶口镇在最大开采条件下,孔隙水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为0.03mg/L,2015年为0.05mg/L,2020年为0.08mg/L;预测大汶口镇在现状开采条件下,岩溶水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为0.026mg/L,2015年为0.03mg/L,2020年为0.06mg/L;预测大汶口镇在最大开采条件下,岩溶水亚硝酸盐浓度2010年为0.03mg/L,2015年为0.047mg/L,2020年为0.07mg/L。(4)在评价预测的基础上,针对东武水源地实际情况,做出水源地安全状况评价,划分了水源地保护区,提出具体的保护工程和综合管理规划,为东武水源地的安全供水和可持续发展提出了对策。

【Abstract】 The Dongwu wellfield is located in the middle of Dawen river in Shandong province, remained with Daiyue borough in Taian city.The wellfield distributing in the alluvial bajada of the southeast mountain in the Dawenkou basin. The landform can be described south higher than north, east higher than west, which is eight kilometer in long and three kilometer in width.It is a main wellfield in Taian city.There accumulated quite thick loose alluvium in special sedimentary condition since Quaternary. That formed a special hydrogeological element, which had a integrated reentry、flow-off、water drain condition and offered favorable interspaces for groundwater’s provision and migration.In recent years, the mining yield has been gradually accreted increased in order to meet the needs of water used for flying development of economic in Taian city. That bring on the groundwater level declining, the groundwater reentry、flow-off、water drain condition change slowly. In the same time, Dawen River, which is the main influent of water, the water quality and quantity, is not so good. It must affect the water quality and quantity in Dongwu wellfield. Therefore external groundwater evaluation and safe water supply countermeasures becomes the key to keep wellfield available. This article collected hydrogeological data of Dongwu waterhead, based on streaming flow and solute migration equations, used Aqua3D software to simulate groundwater, constituted Dongwu wellfield groundwater 3D system former. I used validated former to estimate the groundwater in Dongwu wellfield and got four productions.(1) I set up hydrogeological concept and math former of Dongwu groundwater based on geology section and broach data and set up numerical value former. I adjust the parameter、run and identify again and again until my former achieve the same as hydrogeological element. My former supply scientific thereunder for the management in Dongwu wellfield.(2) I choose the nature hydrogeological borderline (for example faultage and surface water) as the former’s borderline.The former’s calculational area.20km2. Recent studies show that in nowaday and most allowed exploitation condition, the groundwater level will drop in 2020, the same area’s water level will drop more than five meter. The lowest water level will not get the karst water apical plate height mark, so that can’t beget geologic environment problem.(3) I dope out the nitrite consistency of pore water and karst water in Dongwu wellfield and Dawenkou town based on the current and solute migration former.The former forecast mining as the actuality in the main water supply section, the nitrite consistency of pore water will be 0.03mg/L in 2010, 0.035mg/L in 2015, 0.05mg/L in 2020. The former forecast mining as the tiptop, the nitrite consistency of pore water will be 0.03mg/L in 2010, 0.037mg/L in 2015, 0.052mg/L in 2020. The nitrite consistency of karst water will be 3×10-10-10mg/L in 2010, 3.6×10-10-10mg/L in 2015, 4.8×10-10-10mg/L in 2020. The former forecast mining as the tiptop, the nitrite consistency of karst water will be 5×10-10-10mg/L in 2010, 5×10-10-10mg/L in 2015, 1×10-9mg/L in 2020.The former forecast mining as the actuality in Dawenkou town, the nitrite consistency of pore water will be 0.03mg/L in 2010, 0.045mg/L in 2015, 0.07mg/L in 2020. The former forecast mining as the tiptop, the nitrite consistency of pore water will be 0.03mg/L in 2010, 0.05mg/L in 2015, 0.08mg/L in 2020. The nitrite consistency of karst water will be 0.02mg/L in 2010, 0.03mg/L in 2015, 0.06mg/L in 2020. The former forecast mining as the tiptop, the nitrite consistency of karst water will be 0.03mg/L in 2010, 0.047mg/L in 2015, 0.07mg/L in 2020.(4) I get the evaluation for the safety standards and carve up wellfields protective area based on the former and actual circumstances of the wellfield. I also bring forward idiographic protective engineering and administrant layout. These propose bring forward countermeasure for water supply safety and durative development.

  • 【分类号】TU991.11
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】416

