

The Hero Complex and Aesthetic Consciousness in Miao Literary

【作者】 袁源

【导师】 周帆;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 美学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 一个民族的审美意识是该民族文学和文化发展的灵魂,也是其民族性赖以构建的关键。本文旨在从苗族文学中弥漫的英雄情结入手,探讨苗族的审美意识。全文分三个部分。第一部分主要从苗族文学的内容构成、价值取向、情感取向三个方面,以翔实的资料说明英雄情结是苗族文学的独特而显著的特征。第二部分是追寻苗族英雄情结形成的历史文化渊源。苗族神话孕育了“英雄”原型,是形成英雄情结的胚胎;恶劣的自然环境是苗族英雄情结生长的土壤;恶劣的社会环境是英雄情结被不断强化的根本条件;巫文化是苗族英雄情结产生的文化因子;苗族文化则是苗族文学中英雄情结的坚实基础。第三部分,着重挖掘苗族文学中英雄情结蕴涵的审美意识,提出正是由于英雄情结的魂牵梦绕编织出壮丽而动人的苗族文学,形成了苗族人民以悲壮为美和追求崇高、追求自由的审美理想。正是这种审美理想铸就了这个需要英雄并拥有英雄的民族;正是这种审美理想赋予灾难深重的民族在历史的长河中以顽强的生命力;正是这种审美理想构建了以英雄主义为核心的民族精神和独特的民族文化。可以说,苗族是一个英雄的民族,在全球化的背景中,它那充满英雄精神的民族文化是人类宝贵的文化资源和精神资源。

【Abstract】 A national aesthetic consciousness is the soul of its national literature and cultural development,and also is the key point in building its national character. This paper is to discuss the aesthetic consciousness of Miao from the Miao literature which fills the hero complex. The present paper is mainly divided into three parts.In the first part mainly illustrates that the hero complex is a unique and significant features of the from three aspects:the Miao literary elements form,value orientation, emotional orientation. Besides,it adds by some materials in details.In the second part, it searches the historical and cultural origins which formed the Miao hero complex. The Miao myths gestate the prototype of "hero", which formed the embryos of hero complex; adverse national environment is the growth soil of Miao heroes complex; adverse social environment is the fundamental condition of strengthening the hero culture continuously;Addition,the magus culture is the cultural factor which the hero complex produced,and Miao culture is a solid foundation of its heroe complex in Miao literary.In the third part,it focuses on aesthetic consciousness which contains of heroe complex in Miao literary. This paper raises as the glorious hero complex weaved the magnificent and moving literature of Miao, Miao formed its aesthetic ideals in beauty of tragic and the pursuit of noble and free .It is aesthetic ideal that formed the nation which not onlt needed hero,but owned hero as well. It is the aesthetic ideal that given the great vitality to the calamity-ridden nation in the course of history; It is this aesthetic ideal that built the national spirit and unique national culture in the core of heroism. It can be said that the Miao is the nation of hero. In the context of globalization. The Miao culture which full of heroic spirit is the valuable culture resources and spirit resourcesof human being.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】I207.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】327

