

The Study of Protection of Rights of Minority Shareholders in Corporation

【作者】 钟向能

【导师】 张鸿林; 刘鹏;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文论及的是股份有限公司小股东权益保护问题。股份公司股东根据持有股份对公司影响力和控制力的不同区分为小股东和大股东,大股东由于占有股份多,其资本的风险也越大,因此获取了对公司事务更多的发言权。但大股东在现实中却极易异化资本多数决机制的本来功能,将自己的不法意图强加给处于弱势地位的小股东,或是通过选举自己的代理人达到侵害小股东权益的目的,滥用了资本多数决原则,也违背了股东平等的实质正义之法律追求。资本多数决的异化的法律矫正在于对大股东的控制,要求大股东及其代理人承担诚信义务。给予小股东保护的另一个方面是赋予小股东更多的权利,包括股东大会的小股东召集权、知情权、提案权、表决权等事前防范的权利,以及权益遭受侵害的事后救济,也即提起诉讼的权利。此外,完善公司治理结构的资源优化和是一个值得本文探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 This paper concerns the protection of the minority shareholders’ rights and interests in the Joint-stock company. The shareholders of Joint-stock company can be divided into minority shareholders and majority shareholders according to the differences of their influence and control on the corporation on the basis of their share they possess. Since the majority shareholders possess more shares, their capital is at more risk. So they gain the more rights of audience on the corporation’s affairs. But in reality the majority shareholders are very easy to dissimilate the original function of the Majority Rule . They will force their illegal intentions on the minority shareholders who are in weaker situation. Or they will achieve their aim of encroaching the minority shareholders’ rights and interests through electing their own agents. They abused the Majority Rule, and they also violated the pursuit of just law on the shareholders’ equality. If we want to rectify the dissimilation of the Majority Rule, on one hand we must control the majority shareholders. We should require Of the majority shareholders to undertake the honest duties. On the other hand, we should vest the minority shareholders with more rights, including rights of convention, rights to information, rights of motion, rights of votion, etc on pre-time protection of meeting of shareholders . And also the relief after their rights and interests are damaged, that’s to say, the rights of taking a lawsuit. In addition, it is worthy of exploring the resource’s consummation of the perfect company governing structure in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】173

