

【作者】 朱作华

【导师】 吴天祥;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 微生物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “十一五”期间我国将重点推进不与粮争水争地,不与人争粮的非粮作物原料进行燃料乙醇生产,走自主创新、节能降耗,清洁生产的技术路线。本文对芭蕉芋原料燃料乙醇清洁生产工艺进行研究,并对其经济可行性进行分析。浓醪发酵最佳工艺:料水比1:2.2,液化温度85-90℃,液化酶用量5u/g原料,液化时间45min,糖化酶用量150u/g原料,糖化时间23.2min,发酵pH5.5,尿素添加量0.1%,发酵温度27.9℃,ADY添加量0.15%,发酵周期48h,辅料用量1%。此工艺小试试验,结果原料出酒率为31.4%(95vol.%,w/w),淀粉利用率达到85.0%。固态发酵研究表明,最佳辅料配比为30%的玉米芯(ZY)和20%的粗糠(XY),采用此配比,通过添加10U/g的淀粉酶和160U/g的糖化酶,进行固态蒸煮,固态糖化同时发酵,乙醇浓度为10.1%(v/v),产率达到29.4%,淀粉利用率达到86%。经济分析表明,在目前芭蕉芋市场价下,芭蕉芋固态发酵燃料乙醇生产是经济可行的。固态发酵每升乙醇加工成本1.0926元(0.1366美元),净原料成本每升1.0048元,总成本每升2.0974元(0.2622美元),以年产10万吨燃料乙醇计算,企业年利润超过40000万元,创造数千个就业岗位,使当地农民获得芭蕉芋原料收入34000万元,秸秆收入600万元,年总收入34600万元,农民每亩实现收入760元(11500元/ha)。因此,从技术和经济的角度考虑,发展芭蕉芋燃料乙醇都是可行的,芭蕉芋燃料乙醇产业化,能增加农民收入,带动相关产业发展,促进地方经济增长。

【Abstract】 During eleventh five-year plan, the important crops of fuel ethanol development will are those which cannot compete for water and arable land with grain crop. In this work, technology conditions of ethanol fermentation were investigated. Furthermore, its economic feasibility was analyzed.The optimum technology of high gravity fermentation were ratio of material to water 1:2.2, a-amylase activity 5u/g C.edulis, liquefaction time 45 min, glucoamylase activity 150u/g C.edulis, saccharification time 23.2 min, pH 5.5, urea 0.1%, fermentation temperature 27.9℃, ADY 0.15%, fermentation time 48h, inert carrier 1%. The results indicated that the yields reach to 31.4% (95 vol.%, w/w), fermentation efficiency 85%.Solid state fermentation (SSF) indicated that 10.1% (v/v) of ethanol concentration can attain when 30% corncob and 20% rice bran was added for ethanol fermentation, ethanol conversion rates reach to 29.4%, fermentation efficiency 86%.The economic analysis showed fuel ethanol production from Canna edulis meal by SSF technology could produce satisfactory benefits. Processing costs are estimated at about 1.0926 yuan ($0.1366) per litre, net feedstock costs are estimated at about 1.0048 yuan per litre with total ethanol production costs estimated at 2.0974 yuan ($0.2622) per litre based on 2005-06 market prices. As an example to produce 100,000 ton fuel ethanol, the gross profit more than 400 million yuan and that coule let thousands people to obtain employment. The peasant can gain 340,000,000 yuan from feedstock, 6,000,000 yuan from straw, total income 346,000,000 yuan,11500 yuan per hectare (760/mu). Thus, C.edulis fuel ethanol system was feasible in technogy and economy. Industrialization of C.edulis fuel ethanol could increase peasant’s income, provide new jobs for people, and promote local economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TQ223.122
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】354

