

The Effect of Plant Growth Retardant on Amaranthus, Hydrangea and Chrysanthemum

【作者】 林竹隐

【导师】 陈林;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在园林植物现代化、产业化生产中,如何人为的控制植株的高度、外型等表现性状来达到市场需求,是一个值得重视的问题。随着世界园林的发展,在现代园林植物造景中,对园林植物材料的品种、花型、花期以及高度有了更高、更规范的要求。但是,植物材料的植株高度、花型、花期等因素都是由植物遗传因子所控制,要改变植物材料的外在表现性状的方法有:一是通过多代选育;二是通过基因工程改变植物遗传因子;三是通过植物生长调节剂调控植物生长,达到控制高度、花型等观赏因素的要求。多代选育出的品种,植物遗传稳定性强,使得其表现性状可以较长时间的保持;通过改变遗传因子可以改变植物某一单一性状。多代选育的过程漫长,付出的时间和精力大;基因工程造价昂贵,通常都用于经济作物上。因此,在园林植物的性状控制上,多采用植物生长延缓剂调节的方法。这种方法操作简单、价格经济,很适合大规模生产苗木花卉时使用。正是由于利用植物生长延缓剂来控制植株生长,简单,经济,效果好,为此,有不少研究人员都对植物生长延缓剂的应用做了相当多的研究实验。通过实验证明,植物生长延缓剂中的比久(B9)、矮状素(CCC)、多效唑(PP333)对植物生长起到很好的调控作用。他们拥有的共同效应是使植物节间缩短、茎杆粗壮、叶色浓绿、叶片加厚、侧枝增多、根系发达,提高植物的抗性。由于过去有关植物生长延缓剂调控植株性状的研究与重庆地区生产设施条件、地域环境条件及栽培方式的不同,其研究结果很难直接应用到重庆地区的生产中。因此,有针对性和系统性的研究利用植物生长延缓剂进行植株生理控制,对提高植株质量,促进重庆地区工厂化生产的发展具有重要的意义。本论文选择菊花、雁来红和八仙花三种园林绿化中常用的植物材料作为实验材料(园林应用),针对其调控目的,利用三种植物生长延缓剂的不同浓度梯度进行对比实验。通过实验结果表明:1)对于雁来红,B9 1000mg/L对植株高度控制达到了雁来红在园林造景应用中最适宜的高度(花坛用18-20cm)且效果稳定;PP333 800mg/L处理的雁来红冠径距最大,观赏效果也最好;CCC低浓度(100mg/L和200 mg/L)处理的雁来红苗抗性增强,在逆境下成活率相对其他处理较高;综合园林应用的各项指标,PP333是最适合雁来红的植物生长调节剂。最适浓度范围为400-600 mg/L。2)对于八仙花,PP333对植株高度的抑制作用,效果最显著,B9的抑制作用次之;针对八仙花花序花径,以用PP333 250 mg/L处理的八仙花花序直径增加最为显著;试验中矮壮素(CCC)的三个浓度都不同程度地延迟了花期;综合八仙花在园林应用中的各项指标,B9 1000-2000mg/L是最适合八仙花生产中应用的植物生长延缓剂浓度。3)对菊花‘山城之光’,PP333对‘山城之光’的株高抑制作用非常明显;B9 2000 mg/L处理过的植株,植株变矮,植株叶片变小,叶色变绿;B9处理过的植株花序直径在浓度1000mg/L-2000 mg/L间增大。用PP333和CCC处理的‘山城之光’植株花期在同等情况下相对其他处理有所延迟;应用相同的植物生长延缓剂的相同浓度处理的不同品种,分别同‘山城之光’做对比,可得出同种生长延缓剂在菊科不同品种植株生理控制上的反应存在较大差异的结论。

【Abstract】 In the course of the modernization production of garden plants, how to control the growth is a serious problem.In modern times, with the developing of landscape, the garden plants were raised higher level for fill the market requirements. So, How to control high and figure of plants to suffice the market is a problem.High, size of flower, length of florescence and some other characters were controlled by DNA. But now , there are three ways to control the characters. First ways, to select individual plant which have some characters in several generation and breed it to gain the excellent offspring; the second , to change the DNA of the plant, and gain some excellent character plants; the third , to use plant growth retardant to control the physiology growth of plants.The advantage of first ways - - all characters which gained by choice and breed are transmissibility. We can obtain a good deal of plants which have same character. But the process is too long, and need a large numbers of plants. Second ways is a powerful method to change the characters, but this method is exorbitant and always used on grain and cash crops. On the production of landscape plant, to control the plant characters by plant growth retardant is a befitting method. It’s simple and economical.Experiments and researches prove that, three plant growth retardant—daminozide (B9), chlormequat (CCC), paclobutrazol (PP333) can control the characters of plant. They were influence landscape plants on several aspects such as shape, anatomies configuration, physiology and so on. It is a kind of simple and convenient method with instant effect to use plant growth retardant to control the physiology growth of plants. As to this, already there have been many experiments and studies done at home and abroad. But, because of different horticultural equipments, environmental, condition and cultural modes between areas, it is different to apply those findings to Chongqing directly. So it is significant for improvement of quality of plants and advance of industrialization of plants to study the physiological effects of plant growth retardant on landscape plants pertinently and systematically.In this thesis, Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor var splendens. Hort., Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Ser.), and chrysanthemum (Dendranthema marifolium Tzvel.) which used widely in landscape were choose for experiment material.The result of experiment shows: 1) Amaranthus are treated with daminozide(B9), chlormequat(CCC), paclobutrazol(PP333) on three different concentration. Standard approach to use standard in landscape, daminozide(B9) 1000 mg/L is optimal concentration. This concentration can control the height of plants steadily. But in other aspect, paclobutrazol(PP333) 800 mg/L can make the flower have more excellent appearance. Chlormequat (CCC) 100mg/L~200mg/L can help plants fight back adversity, the survival of plant is uprated. Taking one with another, in this experiment paclobutrazol(PP333) is the best optimal plant growth retardant, and 400~600mg/L is the optimal concentration.2) Hydrangea are treated with daminozide(B9) ,chlormequat(CCC), paclobutrazol(PP333) of three different concentrations by spraying. Standard approach to use standard in landscape, Paclobutrazol(PP333) have stronger reaction than others, But daminozide(B9) is the best optimal plant growth retardant on Hydrangea, Because it can control height and flower steadily and safely. And 1000~2000mg/L is the optimal C. When the concentration is beyond suited, the phytotoxicity of medicament on the plants will happen.3) For chrysanthemum ’Shan cheng zhi guang’, Paclobutrazol(PP333) can control the height effectively. Daminozide(B9) 2000 mg/L is effective in reducing the height of the plants, making the leaf color darker and making the flower more bigger and more darker. When the concentration between 1000 mg/L to 2000 mg/L, the increase of flower’s length is obvious. Spraying Chlormequat(CCC) and paclobutrazol(PP333) can delay florescence. Spraying same plant growth retardant with same concentration on different variety of chrysanthemum, it put up different refection.More and more studies on the plant growth retardant is compulsory work for apply optimal concentration on production of landscape plants.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】S682.1;S685.99
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】331

