

A Study of the Strateges and the Models about the Integration of Integrated Curriculum with Information Technology

【作者】 曾艳

【导师】 瞿堃;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自新一轮课程改革以来,我国在开展信息技术与课程整合方面取得了丰硕的成果,促进了教育现代化的进程,同时,根据人才培养的需求,提倡综合课程的建设与实施,促进人才问题解决能力、创新能力和实践能力的培养。信息技术与课程整合成为近年来的研究热点,其中多数讨论信息技术与学科课程整合,而涉及到与综合课程整合的相对较少。当然,在已有的研究中,如一些信息化教学模式和关于专题网站、主题网站的设计应用等方面的研究与本研究中的理念和目的有交叉之处,这也为本研究提供了良好的基础。本研究从信息技术与课程整合的视角来探讨综合课程实施中信息技术所发挥的作用,给出一系列策略,及在此基础上提出合理的整合模式。研究着眼于综合课程不同于分科课程的特殊性,以及它对人才培养的重要性,介绍了综合课程实施的现状及存在的问题。在对文献研究的基础上,笔者通过实际调研访谈了解研究相关的情况,主要是了解教师跨学科教学及信息技术利用情况,同时具体感受教师对综合课程与信息技术整合的看法及建议。之后针对综合课程开展中存在的问题,及信息技术支持教学的特性与综合课程特性相契合之处,从多个视角探讨信息技术对综合课程的支持作用,提出信息技术与综合课程整合的策略,并在已有的研究中寻求两者整合的合理性,并加以说明。在对整合策略分析的基础上,通过对已有信息技术与课程整合模式的分析,及对现有各类专题学习网站或主题学习网站考察的基础上,探索出信息技术与综合课程整合的三种模式,即基于多媒体教室的课堂教师协作讲授模式、基于网络资源的教师主导主体发现学习模式和基于主题(或专题)学习网站的自主探究学习模式。模式的提出是一个探索性的过程,因时间和人力的限制,模式需要在实践中进行验证与修正,在未来的研究中,还应在实践中不断摸索和创新,探求更合理的信息化条件下综合课程的实施模式。

【Abstract】 From the new round of curriculum reform, we have gained plentiful achievements in the practice of the integration of curriculum with information technology (IT), which accelerates the process of modern education. At the same time, it advocates the construction and implementation of integrated curriculum according to the demands of cultivating the able persons, which can promote cultivating of the learners’ ability of problem solving, innovation and practice. The integration of curriculum with IT has become the research hotpot these years. In those researches, most of which discuss the integration of subject curriculum with IT, and little about integrated curriculum. Of course, among the past studies, such as the studies of educational model of informationalization , and the studies of designing and applying of the subject based website or theme based website, which are related and cross to this study from the aspects of the study idea and purpose, This can be a very useful for this study. Instead, this study discuss the function of IT in the implementation of the integrated curriculum, giving strategies , and based on the which we bring forward the reasonable models of integration..The paper is with a view to the particularity and the importance of cultivating people of the integrated curriculum. It introduces the implementation actuality and the existed problems of integrated curriculum. Based on the analyses of literatures, we try to find out the related things about this study through the practical research and vistit. the main aim of which is to get to know the circumstances of these aspects, such as the teacher teaching interdisciplinary and use IT. At the same time ,we gather the the teachers’ suggests and views on the integration. After that, aiming the existed problems , and under the consideration of the particularity of integrated curriculum and the instruction trait of IT, we give a series of strategies which can support the implementation of integrated curriculum with IT. And then we discuss the rationalities of the integration. Based on the analysis of strategies and the review of kinds of existing theme based website or subject based website, we quest for three models for the integration of the integrated curriculum with IT. The first model is the teachers cooperated teaching based on the multimedia classroom ,the second is the model of diccovering learning under the leading of teachers based on the internet resources, and the third one is the inquring learning based on the theme-based-website or subject-based-website.The proposal of model is a exploring process, and because of the restriction of the realistic condition, the models are not perpect.We need further practice and research to perfect them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【下载频次】480

