

Study on the Influence of Coordinated Development of Masses Sports in Urban and Rural Residents That the Rapid Development of Economy in Chongqing Had Impact up on

【作者】 万星

【导师】 梁建平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 经济增长是任何一个国家长期成功的最基本的决定因素,是提高人民生活水平的基本来源。体育和经济不仅有着密切的关系,而且在一定的程度上反映着经济发展的概貌。一般来说,体育的发展依赖于经济的发展,受经济的制约,体育活动的规模和水平,反映着经济的状况和水平。同时,体育对经济的发展又起着促进和推动作用。正确认识体育和经济的这种相互联系、相互制约、相互促进的关系,并依此建立起良性循环,协调发展的机制,已成为关系到体育事业发展的一个重要问题。为了重庆经济的发展,也为了完成国家对我市“长江上游经济中心”的功能定位的要求,根据全市各区县(自治县、市)的自然地理特征、经济社会发展现状、劳动地域分工和区域经济发展的客观规律,2002年重庆市划分了三大经济区:都市发达经济圈、渝西经济走廊、三峡库区生态经济区。本文主要从重庆在西部大开发这个历史背景下,经济得到了快速增长,利用体育经济学的最新理论,根据体育与经济的关系,采用定性分析对重庆三大经济圈在2002年至2005年的社会经济发展状况和城乡居民群众体育发展状况的互动进行分析,经济的发展状况从地区国内生产总值、人均国内生产总值、一、二、三产业的比值、城市居民年纯收入、农民年纯收入几方面进行了统计分析,城乡居民群众体育发展状况从三大经济圈近几年分别开展的群众体育活动次数、活动的主办单位、活动的参加人数、活动的性质、活动的经费来源、场地设施情况、参加群众体育活动的人员年龄情况等调查出发,分析重庆经济增长与群众体育协调发展的相互作用,找出存在的问题,提出相应的措施和建议,如何促进经济与群众体育共同协调发展,力求为重庆城乡居民群众体育的进一步研究提供参考依据。以重庆三大经济圈为研究对象是本文的创新点。全文共五个部分,通过经济增长对群众体育协调发展的影响分析,得出了四点结论:(1)重庆确立三大经济圈发展模式,为重庆经济快速发展提供了有利平台。(2)渝西经济走廊的建立,加快了城乡一体化进程,为群众体育协调发展提供了经济保障。(3)重庆三大经济圈现有体育场地设施较多,但利用率不高,体育管理的相关法规制度也不健全,从一定程度上阻碍了群众体育协调发展。(4)重庆群众体育大众化程度不高,没有充分发挥各类体育协会的作用,对体育管理专业后备人才的培养也没有明确的方向。

【Abstract】 The economical growth is a fundamental determining factor that every country want to get long-term success, and it also the basic orgin to raise living standard t .The sports and the economy not only have close relationship, but also reflected the economical development general picture in the certain degree. Generally speaking, the development of sports relies on the economical development, and restricted by economy, the scale and the level of the sports, reflected the economical condition and the level. Mealwhile, sports promoted and impulsed economical development. To understand such relationship between sports and economy correctly, and established positive cycle and coordinated development mechanism, which has been become an important question that related the development of sports enterprise .For the economy development of Chongqing and also in order to accomplish the request that made our city to be" the economic center of upstream Yangtze River ", according to different physical geography character、different status in quo of Economic society development,different work geographic division of labor and the law of Region economy development objective of the whole city (autonomous county, city). Chongqing city was divided into three big economic zones in 2002: the metropolis developed economical circle, the west change economical corridor, the Three Gorges storehouse district ecology economic zone. This article mainly from Chongqing under the history background of the western big development, the economy obtained fast growth, use the newest theory of sports economic, and use the quota and the qualitative analysis to analyse each act of the social economy development condition and the city countryside inhabitant populace sports development condition interaction from 2002 to 2005 of Chongqing three big economical circles, investigate from area GDP, the per capital GDP, the first, second and third industrial ratio, the city people year net income, the farmer year net income, the sports development condition of the residents in city and countryside , analyzed the mutual function between the growth of Chongqing economy and the correspond development of the masses sports,and found out existing problems, proposed the corresponding measure and suggestion, how to promote the economical and masses sports coordinated development together, and made every effort to provide the reference for Chongqing urban and rural inhabitant masses sports further research.There are five parts in the text: Through economic growth of mass sport development impact analysis, reached four conclusions :(1) Chongqing established three major economic circles development model for Chongqing’s rapid economic development has provided a favorable platform.(2) Scholar economic corridors established to speed up the integration process, for the coordinated development of mass sports provide economic security.(3) the three major economic circles in Chongqing existing sports facilities and more, but the utilization rate is not high, Sports management of a sound legal system or from a certain extent hampered the coordinated development of mass sports.(4) The Chongqing sports popular masses is not that high, and not give full play to the role of sports associations, professional sports management reserve the training of personnel is also no clear direction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】290

