

A Stylistic Comparison between English Abstracts in Chinese and American Engineering Journals

【作者】 陈娟

【导师】 甘世安;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【副题名】In View of EI Inclusion Criteria

【摘要】 随着国际学术交流水平的提高,科技文献的国际发表与收录状况成为衡量其科研水平的重要参考。英文摘要是国际信息检索系统收录科技文献的主要依据。由于受非母语写作水平的限制,缺乏对英文摘要文体特点的了解和有针对性的写作指导,许多中国科研工作者的英文摘要不符合国际规范,在一定程度上限制了国际学术认同与交流的机会。为了深入了解国内外英文摘要写作水平的差异,发现中国作者英文摘要中存在的问题,探索切实可行的写作指导原则,本文借鉴美国工程索引Engineering Information(Ei)对工程类论文英文摘要写作的指导要求,以文体学及功能语法的相关理论原则为依据,对国内外不同层次的英文摘要进行了微观文体特征及宏观信息结构方面的数据收集及对比分析。作者采用随机抽样法,分别从美国著名工程类期刊、被Ei收录的国内工程类核心期刊、未被Ei收录的国内工程类核心期刊三个样本库中,各抽取2006年发表的论文摘要三十篇,从明确性,简洁性及信息性三个角度,比较三类英文摘要在时态、语态、人称、长度、句式复杂性及衔接手段、名词短语构成和主位推进模式方面的主要异同。研究获得以下几点发现:1)中外摘要在语言特征层面存在不同程度的差异,其中科技语汇的构成及句式结构较为相似,但在摘要长度、动词时态、语态与人称方面有较明显的差异;2)在宏观信息结构层面,英语作者的文摘内容更为完善,信息布局更为清晰明确;3)中国一般水平英语作者与英语作者摘要之间差异较大,而已被Ei收录的中国期刊摘要则既呈现出中国作者文体特征的共性,又更加接近国际规范水准。在此基础上,本文分析了国内论文英语摘要在文体风格及语言表达方面的主要问题,并对工程论文的摘要写作提出了具体建议,以期促进国内科研工作者英文摘要写作能力的进步,从而提高国内工程类论文在国际上的发表率和索引率。

【Abstract】 As present academic communication goes far beyond national borders, international publication or indexation has become a major reference for evaluating the academic importance of scientific researches. English abstract plays a key role in the assessment of research papers by international indexation systems like Ei (American Engineering Information) and SCI (Science Citation Index). However, due to limited English writing ability, inadequate understanding of international editing requirements and lack of corresponding instructions, many Chinese researchers have difficulty in writing qualified English abstracts and therefore lose chances for international academic communication.In order to deepen the understanding of differences between English abstracts written by Chinese and native scholars, find out problems in the abstracts of Chinese authors and explore practical writing instructions, the author has conducted a comparative study to examine the major differences in terms of linguistic features and information structures among three groups of sampled abstracts—abstracts by American authors, higher-level and average Chinese authors.The research involves both quantitative and qualitative methods: collecting data on the occurrence frequency of established research elements—tense, voice, personal pronouns, length, nominal structures, sentence complexities and thematic progression patterns; analyzing and comparing stylistic and functional differences between abstracts from the three corpora.The major findings include the three following aspects: 1) linguistic features differ variably in the three corpora, with similar structures of technical terms and sentence patterns, but more distinct differences in tense, voice and personal pronouns; 2) in view of information structure, the native English abstracts are found to have complete components in sufficient yet concise presentation, but in abstracts by Chinese authors, there is obvious lack of information components, and unnecessarily complicated Thematic Progression patterns in information development; 3) most evident differences are found between American and average Chinese authors, while the higher-level Chinese authors not only display similar stylistic features with average Chinese authors, but also are more approximate to international standard in text quality.A further study is conducted to find out the major problems with abstracts by Chinese authors concerning stylistic and linguistic features, and practical writing instructions on engineering abstracts are proposed, hopefully to facilitate Chinese engineering scholars to improve the quality of English abstracts and gain more access to international recognition and academic exchange.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】304

