

Study on the Palaeohydrodynamic System and Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation of upper Paleozoic in the Region of Hangjinqi in Ordos Basin

【作者】 王飞龙

【导师】 王震亮;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 杭锦旗地区位于鄂尔多斯盆地北部,经历了与鄂尔多斯盆地一样复杂的构造和沉积演化历史。自晚石炭世开始先后接受了海相、海陆交互相及陆相沉积。构造和沉积均受控于泊尔江海子断裂和三眼井断裂。后期的抬升剥蚀和断裂活动导致本区天然气成藏条件和成藏历史复杂,天然气分布规律多变。因此,开展古水动力体系恢复和天然气运移成藏规律研究对杭锦旗地区的油气勘探具有十分重要的意义。本文采用动态的分析思路,以盆地的沉积构造演化为背景,在利用法国石油研究院Temis软件重建埋藏史的基础上,利用自己的软件恢复流体动力演化历史,进而根据砂体、不整合、裂缝和断裂分布特点勾画出优势输导体展布,继而在伊利石定年、碳氧同位素、包裹体分析化验的基础上探讨天然气成藏的期次和特点,最后综合分析天然气成藏的控制因素,总结天然气成藏的特点,最终预测出最有利聚集区块。埋藏史重建表明,杭锦旗地区从晚三叠世至今共经历四次剥蚀,其中晚白垩期剥蚀厚度最大。晚三叠世构造等深线呈近南北向展布,南低北高;受燕山运动影响,构造等深线由南南西—北北东向向东西向呈逆时针旋转;杭锦旗地区在白垩世最终定型:东高西低,东部陡峭、西部舒缓。古流体动力恢复揭示,杭锦旗地区异常压力的演化在时间上具有旋回性;在空间上具有分区性。上古生界气势从早侏罗世—晚侏罗世末,南高北低;早白垩世末气势达到最高,高势区变得纷乱复杂,两条南北向高势带将杭锦旗地区分割成三份;晚白垩世至现今气势西高东部和北部低。输导体系研究发现,山西组优势输导体主要是泊尔江海子断裂西部至乌兰吉林庙东部地区和什股壕及其以东北地区;下石盒子组盒1段优势输导体系发育最为广泛,盒2和盒3段主要泊尔江海子断裂及其以北地区。根据不同时期的气势演化,结合优势输导体系分布,划分出各演化阶段天然气运聚系统,在此基础上认为,锦8—锦4—浩绕召、什股壕、锦7—锦6井区、锦12井区等地区为天然气运移长期指向区。晚三叠世末至早白垩世初油气从研究区南部及以南地区向北方运移,早白垩世(主成藏期)天然气主要从研究区西南部向东北方运移。综合分析认为,杭锦旗地区成藏条件较好,在地质历史时期发生了多次成藏,早白垩世末是主要的成藏期。成藏过程整体从缓慢走向突发,缓慢与突发交替。受泊尔江海子断裂活动的影响和燕山晚期的剥蚀抬升,导致现今杭锦旗北部地区出现了大量的地表油气显示,极大影响了本地区的油气勘探前景。

【Abstract】 Region of Hangjinqi which located in the northern Ordos basin had experienced complicated structural and sedimentary evolution history. Structure and deposition both are controlled by Boerjianghaizi fault and Sanyanjing fault. Due to late uplift and erosion and fault activity, the pool-forming conditions and history became very complicated and gas distribution rule is varied. So the restore about palaeohydrodynamic system and the research about gas migration and accumulation is necessary for the further petroleum exploration of the region of Hangjinqi.Dynamic analysis clue was adopted in the paper. Burial history was rebuilded by Temis on the basis of structural and sedimentary evolution, and palaeohydrodynamic evolution history was restored by our own software. And then superior pathway system was selected according to pattern of sand body, unconformity, fracture and fault. And then episodes and characteristic of gas-pool formation was discussion on the basis of authigenic illite isotopic dating, carbon and oxygen isotopes and fluid inclusion. At last, the dominating pool formation actors were comprehensively analyzed and the reservoir-forming features were summarized. Finally favorable blocks were predicted.The restore of burial history shows that the region of Hangjinqi had experienced four times erosion in all from late Triassic to today, and the denuded thickness in late Cretaceous is max. N-S-trending structural isobath is high in the north and low in the south. Yanshan Movement led the SSW-NNE-directed structural isobath to rotate counterclockwise. Region of Hangjinqi fell into a pattern in Cretaceous: high in the east and low in the west, steep in the east and mild in the west.The restore of palaeohydrodynamics shows that the evolution of abnormal pressure had cyclic nature in time and sectional nature in scope. Gas potential in Upper Paleozoic was high in the south and low in the north from early Jurassic to late Jurassic, and it went to climax in early Cretaceous, and it was high in the west and low in the east and north.The research of the pathway system shows that the superior pathway system in Shanxi formation distributed the region from western Boerjianghaizi fault to eastern Wulanjilinmiao fault and the region of Shenguhao and its northeast region, and it in He-1 member distributed very extensive, and it in He-2 and He-3 member distributed Boerjianghaizi fault and its north region. According to the distribution of gas potential and the distribution of superior pathway systems, migration and accumulation systems in every evolution stage were divide. On the basis of migration and accumulation systems, it is considered that Jin8-Jin4-Haoraozhao area, Jin7-Jin6 well area, Jin 12 well area are the successive areas witch are pointed to by gas migration in the geological period. Oil and gas traveled from south to north from late Triassic to early Cretaceous, gas traveled from southwest to northeast in early Cretaceous.After all the influence factors are taken into account, it is considered that the poolforming conditions are well in the region of Hangjinqi. Multi-period accumulations have taken place in the geological history, and early Cretaceous are the key gas accumulation period. The particular characteristic in the course of gas accumulation is from slow to fast migration and the alternation of slow and fast migration. However, Boerjiagnhaizi fault activity and late uplift and erosion in late Yanshan Movement result in abundant oil and gas shows on the earth surface witch influence the prospect of oil-gas exploration to some extent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】P618.130.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】532

