

Research and Develop Based on JSF and Hibernate Mixed-mode Management System

【作者】 闫如海

【导师】 孟祥瑞;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 计算机应用, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 传统上的C/S架构渐入黄昏,B/S模式作为新一代的架构体系正如日中天,成为网络时代的新宠儿。该文主要是围绕企业进销存管理系统的系统设计与如何融合两种新型架构的方案做了大量工作,过去大多使用Struts架构搭建B/S模式的进销存系统,文中根据化工企业生产特点采用J2EE的新显示层架构JSF并辅助以Hibernate为企业定制一套集供应、销售、仓库、管理为一体的进销存管理软件。化工企业从其制造方式上讲,属于典型的流程型制造行业,有着自身的生产经营特点和对进销存软件功能的特殊要求,不能生搬硬套别的行业经验。文中介绍了淮化集团销售、供应等部门运营情况,对化工企业的运行与管理流程深入分析,并且根据企业的实际情况,进行模块化设计,对增加企业的竞争力,减少运营成本有较大的帮助。本系统采用四层模型设计:1.运行在客户端机器的客户层组件,通常是Browser,也可以是Applet。2.运行在J2EE服务器中的Web层组件,本系统由JSF与JSP构成。3.运行在J2EE服务器中的商业层组件,也称业务层,这里采用的JavaBean进行组件的组装关联。4.数据持久层,本系统借助Hibernate和连接池技术实现访问和操作数据库。文中重点研究四层模型,对结合JSF、Hibernate方法设计出一种较好的模式,对同行业软件的设计有一定借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 In the traditional C/S frame gradually enters the dusk, the B/S pattern took the new generation of overhead frame system at the height of power, is becoming the network time new pet. This paper will focus on management system enterprise system design done a lot of work. In the past Struts framework for the use of this architecture structures management system, models According to the text chemical production features using the J2EE tier of the new display framework JSF and Hibernate of supporters customized for enterprises to collect the supply, sale, storage, and management of integrated management software. Manufacturing enterprises from the chemical method, is typically the flow-manufacturing industries, has its own characteristics and production operations of, management software to the special demands can not be applied mechanically other industry experience. This paper introduces the Huaihua Group sales, the supply sector operators, as well as the operation of the chemical industry and in-depth analysis of the management process, according to the actual situation, modular design, to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, reduce operating costs have more help.The system uses four level model : 1. Running on the client machine components of the client layer, usually Browser. It can also be a applications Applet. 2. J2EE runs on the Web server components from JSP or Servlet component, layer the system consists of JSF and JSP form. 3. J2EE server running on the commercial layer components, also called business layer, here the JavaBean components for the assembly and association. 4. Data persistence layer using Hibernate and connection pool technology to access and manipulate the database. In-depth article on the four-storey structure, with the JSF, Hibernate is a better model, the same industry software design reference.

【关键词】 进销存JSFHibernate连接池
【Key words】 purchase-sell-stock management systemJSFHibernateConnection pool
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】185

