

The Protection of the Minority Shareholders Rights of Subsidiaries in the Affiliated Companies

【作者】 缪岚

【导师】 傅鼎生;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 关联企业是随着世界范围内公司组织形式和治理结构的演变,伴随着上市公司和跨国公司的发展而日益壮大的。其对于促进企业规模经营、降低交易费用、提高企业市场竞争力,有着巨大的作用。然而关联企业中的各种关联关系和利益牵扯,会不可避免的产生控制公司滥用权利,损害从属公司及其小股东权益的事实,从而背离市场经济的基本原则,客观上给市场造成负面的影响。因此,规范关联企业,保护从属公司及其小股东的权益就成为维护市场运转的公平与效率的重要手段之一。本文在揭示了关联企业从属公司小股东权益受损的现状后,比较分析各国相关立法的基础上,重点讨论了从属公司小股东权利保护的法理基础与完善我国相关立法的途径,旨在构建我国从属公司小股东权益保护的完整法律框架。全文除了导言和结语之外,共分为三个部分。文章的导言部分,笔者简要介绍了关联企业发展的历史,以及从属公司小股东权益受损的事实,提出了从属公司小股东权益保护的现实性要求,确定了本文的研究思路和研究范围。文章的第一章阐述了从属公司小股东权益诉求,讨论了从属公司小股东权益保护之必要性所在。第一节为关联企业的概述,阐明了关联企业的概念,为全文的论述打下基础;第二节运用案例分析的方法,描述了从属公司小股东权利受损的现状。文章的第二章为各国关于从属公司及其小股东法律保护的制度进行比较,归纳两大法系对于从属公司及其小股东权益法律保护之相同点与不同点,并分析其形成的原因。本章中的两节,分别为英美法系和大陆法系对于从属公司及其小股东法律保护的概述以及主要制度的评析,包括英美法系的股东诚信义务、派生诉讼以及大陆法系的联合报告与损害赔偿制度、合同型关联企业的特殊规制等。文章的第三章为我国关联企业从属公司小股东之法律保护,重点在于通过对前述各国立法之比较分析,得出适合于我国的法律构架。本章第一节为从属公司小股东权利保护之法理基础,分析了给予从属公司小股东特殊保护的法理依据所在;第二节为我国从属公司小股东法律保护之完善,从现有公司法的相关规定及其漏洞与缺陷入手,分析了我国法律对从属公司小股东保护的不足,提出了完善我国相关法律制度的若干建议;第三节为相关法律制度的构架,为我国从属公司小股东权益保护搭建了一个完整的制度构架。文章的结语部分强调了相关立法的紧迫性,并对未来的立法展开了良好的期待。

【Abstract】 The affiliated companies have been developed when the listed companies and the multinational corporations obtained the widespread utilization. It has the huge function with the promotion of the companies’large-scale management, reduces the transaction expense, and enhances market competitive power. However, because of the incidence relation and the benefit involve, the control companies will abuses the right, and harm the subsidiaries and its minority shareholders rights. This departs from the basic principle of the market, brings the negative influence to the market. Therefore, the protections of the subsidiaries and its minority shareholder’s become more and more important.After analyzing various countries relation legislation, the thesis researches on the legal principle theory of law of the protection, and the way to protect. The purpose is to construct the relation legislation of our country.The thesis includes three chapters.In the first chapter, we discusses the necessity of the protection of the minority shareholders rights in subsidiaries. The first section introduces the concept of the affiliated companies. And the Second section analyzes the present situation which the minority shareholder in subsidiaries suffered injury, using the case analysis method. The second chapter is the legislation of the various countries about the protection of the minority shareholders in subsidiaries, for the purpose of analyzing the same and the different ways to protect the rights of the minority shareholders in subsidiaries in the different legal systems. In the two sections, we researches on the different legislation of common law system and the civil law system, including fiduciary duty of the common law system, union report of the civil law system and so on.The third chapter is the protection of the minority shareholders rights in subsidiaries of our country. The first section researches on the legal principle theory of law of the protection. The second section analyzes the flaw of our company law about the protection of the minority shareholders in subsidiaries, proposes certain ways to consummation our legislation. The third section talks about how to build a complete legel skeleton of the protection of the minority shareholders rights in subsidiaries.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】184

