

The Regulation Against Resale Price Restriction in Japan: The Practice China Can Refer

【作者】 市川裕史

【导师】 徐士英;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 转售价格限制(又称维持转售价格)会限制价格竞争,损害适当的市场竞争。因此,现代各国反垄断法将这种转售价格限制行为看作不正当的行为。但,从历史上看,转售价格限制行为不一定被看作违法。过去一段时期,转售价格限制行为在许多国家被认为能保护市场秩序的行为、拥有促进竞争的效果的行为。后来,通过长期的市场经济的实践,该等行为的弊害越来越突出,结果,目前在实施市场主义的几乎所有的国家,该行为属于违法。在本搞中,通过观察转售价格限制行为的具体形态,检讨其是否违法,同时观察各国对转售价格限制行为的评价的历史,以探讨该行为在何种社会情况下受何种评价。在上述检讨的基础上将检讨中国现行法中的有关规定,同时观察中国的目前的交易社会的情况,从此出发探讨在中国应有的关于转售价格限制的制度。本稿的序论将概观转售价格限制制度的前提事项。即,私法和经济法的关系、竞争法的目的、以及纵向限制和横向限制比较等。第一章的一及二研究转售价格限制行为的基本事项,即检讨转售价格限制行为的定义、实质性的违法性等的事宜。具体说,纵向限制的特征、品牌内竞争和品牌间竞争的关系、单独实施和共同实施的概念等,同时按照有关这些论点的学说检讨转售价格限制行为的违法性。第一章的三及四,观察各国的转售价格限制制度的历史,同时也观察各国制定该些制度的理由。第二章,研究日本的转售价格制度,因为反垄断法原来是以美国为中心的欧美国家的制度,日本曾从欧美国家引进了反垄断法,这样的与中国同样的立场的日本的反垄断政策值得参考。该章除了现行的法律制度以外也提到日本反垄断政策的变迁,同时介绍几个的有代表性的判例,作为考察的基础。最后在第三章中概观中国的与纵向限制有关的法律制度,如现行《价格法》和其他有关规定等的规定以及《反垄断禁止法草案》等。在观察中国的经济交易的现状的基础上,将检讨今后中国应该采用何种制度。具体说,通过观察包括不同类型的纵向限制行为在内的几个案例,以了解现况的同时,对于反垄断法草案中的有关规定提出若干个建议。

【Abstract】 The resale price restriction (resale price maintenance) limits the price competition, and, consequently, obstructs an appropriate market competition. Then, Antimonopoly Law in each country considers the resale price restriction act to be unfair. However, the resale price restriction had not been necessarily considered to be illegal in the light of history. In the past time, in a lot of nations, the resale price restriction act was thought to be an act with the effect to advance market competition by keeping the market in order. However, through the practice of a market economy long-term afterwards, it emerged that the resale price restriction act principally has the minus effect. As a result, the resale price restriction act is considered to be illegal in almost of the nations that practice the market economy. This thesis studies the illegality of the resale price restriction act by observing some kind of concrete type of the act. Moreover, surveying the changes in the evaluation of each country to the resale price restriction act, this thesis studies the resale price limitation act had received what kind of evaluation in what kind of social situation. Lastly, the related regulations in Chinese present law are examined on the assumption of such works. Then, on the basis of the present condition of society in China, this thesis studies what kind of the law system of the resale price restriction is eligible.The introduction of this thesis shows a general view to examine the resale price restriction act. That is, drawing a parallel between a civil law and an economic law, studying the purpose of the competition law, contrasting the vertical restriction with horizontal restriction, etc.Chapter 1 and 2 of paragraph 2 studies a general matter concerning the resale price restriction act, for example, the definition of the resale price restriction act, the substantial illegality of the act, etc. Concretely, that is, the feature of vertical restriction, the relation of the intra-brand competition and the competition which existence between one brand and another brand, the concept of single execution and the joint implementation, etc. This thesis studies the illegality of the resale price restriction act on the basis of the theory regarding these matters. In Chapter 3 and 4 of paragraph 2, the history of the system of the resale price restriction act in each country is explained. Moreover, it introduces the reason why such a system is enacted.Paragraph 3 examines the resale price system of Japan. Because the antimonopoly policy of Japan deserves to be refer, since Japan is in the same standpoint as China in the point to have followed Antimonopoly Law that originated in Europe and America. Concretely, besides the law in force, the transition of the operation of the antimonopoly practice is observed. Moreover, it introduces some typical judicial precedents, and it is assumed the base of consideration.Finally, paragraph 4 examines the law of China. Concretely, some related regulations such as "Price method" in the existing law and the“Antimonopoly Law (draft)”are examined. Basing on the present market economy of China, the resale price system that China should execute is examined. Concretely, the thesis takes up the case with a different type of vertical restriction, analyzes the present condition, and suggests some ideas regarding "Antimonopoly Law (draft)”.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】347

