

On the Judicial Dissolution Institution of Deadlocked Limited Liability Company

【作者】 傅颖

【导师】 罗培新;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 公司僵局被称为公司的“自杀”行为——公司的运营陷入瘫痪,商业受到实质性的损失,不仅股东的收益权落空,公司债权人、管理层、雇员等相关主体的利益也无从保证。因此,寻求公司僵局解决之道就成为公司法的一个现实课题,司法解散作为打破公司僵局的一种方法,有其引入的必要性和现实性。但需注意的是,公司僵局与司法解散之间并不存在必然的等号。一方面,公司僵局只是引起公司司法解散的原因之一;另一方面,公司陷入僵局的同时并不意味着法院必将解散该公司,任何的争端解决机制都存在成本,司法解散不是一个“万能口袋”,其作为打破僵局最彻底的一种方式,却也是影响最大、最耗费资源的一种。经全面修订的新《公司法》大大拓展了司法介入公司运作的空间,也将司法解散制度纳入视野,结束了僵局状态下股东诉请无门的“旧时代”。然仅有一条条文的规定过于笼统和原则,使得司法在履行“解读法律”职责时面临诸多困境,也促使笔者对公司的司法解散制度进行深入的探讨。与此同时,考虑到虽然股份有限公司可能偶尔也会经历公司僵局,但公开交易市场的存在使得股东可以通过以“用脚投票”的方式离开公司以摆脱公司僵局的困境。相反,有限责任公司的人合性直接导致了其封闭性,“退出”的不容易导致其成为了公司僵局的高发地带。因此,本文仅以有限责任公司的僵局状态为切入口,通过对引入司法解散制度的合理性分析,结合域外相关的成熟立法例,运用法经济学、比较分析和实证研究的方法,拟就我国现行的有限责任公司司法解散制度提出几点看法。本文共分为四章:第一章有限责任公司僵局的表现及成因分析。从静态方面来看,公司僵局可视为公司纠纷的一种,但就外部表现而言有其特殊性,主要表现为:股东之间的对抗性、公司运行机制失灵和僵持状态的持续性。公司合同的长期性意味着合意缺陷的不可避免,而表决权机制所固有的限制在有限责任公司人合性和封闭性的特征下被成倍地放大,所有这一切,使得有限责任公司僵局问题易于发生而又难于自我化解。第二章有限责任公司僵局的认定。对“公司僵局”的定义可谓五花八门,但僵局的定义并不完全等同于僵局的认定,僵局的定义多是对僵局外部表现的一般总结,判断一个公司是否陷入僵局,还应结合僵局形成的原因。由此,本文认为有限责任公司僵局的认定须同时符合三个条件:公司表决机制完全失灵、公司人合性的彻底丧失以及股东合理期待利益落空。第三章有限责任公司僵局状态下的司法解散制度。基于“救济先于权利”的原则,基于填补公司合同“缝隙”、保障股东合理期待利益和维护股东间的信义关系的需要,通过司法程序强制解散公司是两大法系国家公司法中所共有的制度规定。然而,由于司法解散制度的运行本身会产生成本,加之无处不在的道德风险问题,又有必要对司法解散公司作出限制。第四章我国有限责任公司司法解散制度之评析。通过对公司非自愿解散、公司司法解散及股东请求解散公司的区分,我国新《公司法》所确立的司法解散制度实质上只限于“股东请求法院解散”一种情况。但法律规定过于笼统,在解散事由的表述、前置程序的规定、与诉讼有关的程序等方面存在诸多问题,其可操作性大打折扣。据此,本文指出在适用司法解散制度时应注意把握三个原则:司法适度干预原则、用尽其他救济原则和利益衡量原则,并建议通过出台相关的司法解释,细化具体操作规则,以弥补基本立法的不足。

【Abstract】 Company deadlock is called as suicide of a company which will lost tremendouslost for shareholder, creditor, managers, employees and all the other relative corporateparties. Hence, seeking for the solution of company deadlock becomes a realisticsubject of company law. Judicial dissolution as one of the solutions to break thecompany deadlock is necessary and realistic. The amended <Company Law> has alsomentioned the judicial dissolution system. However, this one single provision is toogeneral and principle, which is in lack of feasibility.Even though Joint Stock Limited Company might confront company deadlockoccasionally, the existence of public market will help shareholders to get out of thecompany deadlock by trading off the shares. On the contrary, the inadequacy of trustbetween stranger shareholder and the comparatively close operation lead to thefrequent cases of company deadlock in Limited Liability Company. Therefore, thisarticle tap into the company deadlock situation from Limited Liability Company, byreasonable analysis on introducing judicial dissolution institution and comparison offoreign relative mature legislation. Author has provided own comments on the currentapplicable Chinese judicial dissolution system of limited liability company. This article consists of four chapters.ChapterⅠis the relative issues of company deadlock of Limited LiabilityCompany. This chapter focuses on analysis of outside performance and inside reasonsof company deadlock in Limited Liability Company.ChapterⅡis the judgment on company deadlock of Limited Liability Company.There are various of definitions of company deadlock, but the definition doesn’tnecessarily mean the judgment of company deadlock. In order to determine thatwhether a company is in deadlock, all three criteria must be met.ChapterⅢis judicial dissolution institution under the circumstance of deadlockin Limited Liability Company. "No dissolution, no real right". It’s the commonregulation in company laws of two legal systems that the court can dissolute thecompany by force under due legal course. However, since the system itself will createcost, considering the moral risk, certain restraint on judicial dissolution is alsorequired.ChapterⅣis the question and reconsideration of the judicial dissolutioninstitution in China. The judicial dissolution institution under the current new<Company Law> only refers to the situation of "dissolution by shareholder’s requestto court". In addition, the legal regulation is too general which will create manyproblems in reality. This article also provides some proposals on improvement.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】306

