

Studies on Secondary Infringement of P2P

【作者】 徐双

【导师】 王迁;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 P2P技术的出现深刻地改变了互连网中信息的传递模式,它使得个人用户之间通过因特网进行大规模的直接信息交换成为可能。P2P诞生后,迅速在全世界范围内得到广泛应用,但是目前这种应用的相当一部分是建立在版权侵权基础之上的。从P2P的运行原理可以看出P2P版权侵权主要涉及两类侵权主体。一类是P2P软件的终端用户,他们主要构成版权直接侵权;另一类是P2P软件提供者和P2P网络服务提供商,他们主要构成版权间接侵权。(本文所要讨论的“P2P网络服务提供商”专指提供内容的检索和编排并可能承担版权间接侵权责任的在线技术和服务的提供商)。P2P终端用户在未经版权人授权的情况下通过P2P软件从事版权专有权利所控制的复制、发行、信息网络传播等行为,应当承担版权直接侵权责任。然而,追究P2P终端用户的直接侵权责任困难重重而且很难使版权人获得充分的救济。在这种情况下,版权人转向P2P软件提供者和P2P网络服务提供商,主张他们为终端用户的版权直接侵权行为承担间接侵权责任。P2P软件提供者和P2P网络服务提供商在P2P运行和P2P版权侵权中所起的重要作用以及他们的主观过错决定了追究他们的间接侵权责任是十分必要的而且他们也应当承担间接侵权责任。间接侵权作为侵权的一种形式,与传统侵权法中的直接侵权、共同侵权理论既存在着联系又有着本质的区别,P2P软件提供者和P2P网络服务提供商只能构成版权间接侵权。另外,由于P2P作为一种中立的技术,在追究它的间接侵权责任时又要考虑对技术发展造成的影响。所以,版权法在解决P2P间接侵权问题时,就要力求平衡版权保护和技术发展,这是我国引入P2P间接侵权制度时首先要考虑的因素。我国版权法中并没有涉及间接侵权的概念更没有完整的间接侵权认定规则,只是在相关的司法解释和规定中零星地提到了一些有关间接侵权的规定,这离真正的间接侵权理论还相距甚远。我国《民法通则》中虽然有共同侵权的规定,但是共同侵权与间接侵权有着本质的区别,远远不能解决P2P间接侵权问题。我国第一例涉及P2P间接侵权案“步升诉飞行网案”的判决理由和法律依据正说明了我国版权法在P2P间接侵权立法方面的不足。美国和澳大利亚在长期的司法实践中已经形成了版权间接侵权的完整理论,它们在解决P2P间接侵权问题时所确立的法律规则很值得我国借鉴。Sony案确立的“实质性非侵权用途标准”、Napster案应用的“帮助侵权”规则和Grokster案创设的“引诱侵权”规则构成了美国认定P2P间接侵权的法律渊源。本文对这些规则进行了纵向的比较和分析,发现美国认定P2P间接侵权的规则建立在判例的基础之上缺乏稳定性而且并没能彻底地解决P2P间接侵权问题。相比之下,澳大利亚以立法形式确立的“许可侵权”认定规则比较稳定而且规则设置比较合理。通过对应用该规则判定的P2P间接侵权案KaZaA案的深入分析,笔者最后得出结论澳大利亚的版权间接侵权规则能够比较彻底地解决P2P的间接侵权问题,既维护了版权人的利益,同时又不至于限制P2P技术的发展。所以我国从立法的稳定性和彻底解决P2P间接侵权问题的角度考虑更应该引入澳大利亚模式的P2P间接侵权认定规则。

【Abstract】 Enabling the Internet clients to share files person-to-person, the technology of P2P is proficiently changing the way of information transmission over Internet. Since the emergence of P2P, it has spread around the world with extensive applications. However, most of the applications are based on copyright infringement. From the technical structure of P2P, it can be inferred that there are mainly two kinds of infringers involved. One is the clients, while the other is the software and Internet service provider. The owner of copyright is conferred with exclusive rights to do certain acts, including reproducing the work in a material form, publishing it, communicate it to the public and so on.The clients, who without authorization use P2P to do these certain acts, should be responsible for primary copyright infringement. But, copyright owners face some difficulty to punish the clients, plus the clients can not compensate the great losses, so the copyright owners turn to the software and Internet service provider of P2P arguing that they are the secondary infringer for the primary infringement. The secondary liability depends on the role taken by the software and service provider of P2P in the operation of P2P. Although secondary infringement has a kind of inherent relationship with the doctrine of direct infringement, joint tort and vicarious liability in the case of employees or agents acting on behalf of principals, it is independent from them with its special features, so the software and service provider of P2P can only be liable for secondary infringement. Since copyright protection and technology development are both the aims pursued by copyright law, the development of technology should be taken into account when we evaluate the secondary liability caused by P2P.The Chinese copyright law has not introduced the doctrine of secondary liability, although it does have some relevant regulation. The doctrine of joint tort regulated in Chinese civil law can not be applied to deal with the problem of secondary liability caused by P2P. The“Busheng v. Feixingwang”case reflects the deficiency of Chinese copyright law in the field of secondary liability related to P2P. America and Australia have formed mature theory of secondary infringement, so they worth referring to when China tries to borrow the doctrine of secondary infringement related to P2P.After comparing the doctrine of secondary infringement in America and Australia, the author advises Australian doctrine of secondary infringement is suitable for China, because the doctrine in Australia provides adequate protection to copyright owner by handling the secondary liability caused by P2P steadily and completely with no restriction to the development of P2P.

【关键词】 P2P版权间接侵权许可侵权
【Key words】 P2PCopyrightSecondary InfringementAuthorizing Infringement
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】602

