

On the Victim’s Criminal Substantive Right of Disposition

【作者】 殷凯桦

【导师】 杨兴培;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 刑法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 被害人对自己实体权利的处分,最原始表现形式就是氏族社会时期的血亲复仇和血族复仇。随着国家这一社会形态的诞生,国家凭借公权力独揽刑罚大权,个人不再享有对罪犯的处置权。但是被害人毕竟是犯罪行为的直接侵害对象,对犯罪行为所造成的损害程度应当最有发言权。基于这一原因,国家将一部分社会危害性较小、被害人与犯罪人之间具有特殊关系的犯罪规定为“告诉才处理”的亲告罪,赋予了被害人通过放弃法律对其被侵害之实体权利的保护,从而免除该类犯罪行为人刑事责任的权利。刑法学中的被害人承诺理论,进一步承认了被害人对自己所享有之实体权利的处分具有排除行为犯罪性的效力。现代西方发达法治国家以恢复性司法理念为指导而建立的刑事和解制度,更是以被害人对自己所享有之实体权利具有处分权为前提。然而,由于缺乏对于相关理论的系统研究与整合,刑法学界对刑法中被害人对实体权利的处分问题研究甚少。在对上述三方面刑法理论与制度予以深入思考后,笔者认为三者应当具有相同的本质与内核。有鉴于此,笔者斗胆提出被害人刑事实体处分权的概念并加以分析论证,求教于老师与同仁,也期能为司法实践提供一些理论参考。全文共分为三大部分。第一部分:被害人刑事实体处分权概述。该部分首先介绍了处分权的一般概念及其从私法领域向公法领域发展的演进过程,进而提出被害人刑事实体处分权的概念并对其应然性及基本特征予以分析。然后,通过对被害人刑事实体处分权的历史轨迹与发展现状的介绍,为被害人刑事实体处分权概念的提出,提供了历史和现实依据。第二部分:被害人刑事实体处分权的理论基础与价值分析。这一部分分为两节予以阐述。第一节,被害人刑事实体处分权的理论基础。就被害人刑事实体处分权确立所依据的有关刑法价值取向、犯罪本质、刑事法律关系和刑罚目的四方面刑法基本理论的选择与调和予以论述。第二节,被害人刑事实体处分权的价值分析。指出被害人刑事实体处分权具有自由、公正、宽容和效益四方面的现实价值并予以分析。第三部分:被害人刑事实体处分权的实现途径与空间限度。该部分首先介绍了被害人刑事实体处分权实现的三条途径:即亲告罪、被害人承诺和刑事和解。随后,指出被害人刑事实体处分权的行使应当从适用范围和行使效力两方面予以必要限制,并提出了该处分权适用范围和效力层次的确定依据及具体内容。

【Abstract】 The earliest form of the victim criminal substantive right of disposition is“Blood relation revenge”on Clan society. After the state is born, it hold the power of penalty and the individual does not have the handling power to crime. Anyway, the harm degree of the crime evaluated by the victim is the most appropriate because the crime direct violation object is the victim. So the state stipulates the crime handled only with complaint, which is the lower social harm and the victim has special relationship between the victim and the criminal. To the crime handled only with private prosecution, the criminal responsibility will be avoided if the victim gives up prosecution. The theory on the victim’s commitment acknowledged that the disposition of the victim’s substantive right can removes the crime of the violation. In addition, the victim’s right of disposition to his substantive right is the premise of the victim-offender-reconciliation under the restorative justice. However, the concept of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition has not been put forward because being lack of research. This article will put forward the concept of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition and do some research on it. The article is divided into three parts.PartⅠ: The outline of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition. Firstly, the part introduces the usual concept of the right of disposition and it’s evolution process from the field private law to the field public law. Then, putting forward the concept of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition and analyzing the inevitability and the characteristic of it. At last, introducing the history and status quo of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition.PartⅡ: The Analysis on the theory and value of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition. The part is divided into two sections. The first section is the theory foundation related to the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition: the value of criminal law; the essence of crime; the legal relationship of criminal law; the goal of penalty. The second section is the value of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition: freedom; justice; tolerant; efficiency.PartⅢ: The realization and limitation of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition. The part is divided into two sections. The first section is the Realization way of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition: the crime handled only with private prosecution; victim’s commitment; the victim-offender-reconciliation. The second section is the limitation of the victim’s criminal substantive right of disposition: the right scope and the right potency.

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】328

