

Study on the Competitive Advantages and Future Development Strategy of the Vegetable Industry in Tongshan County

【作者】 杨明

【导师】 吴震;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 园艺, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以铜山县作为调查研究区域,以铜山县蔬菜产业作为调查研究对象,结合铜山县蔬菜产业发展的现状,明确了铜山县蔬菜产业发展的重点领域,确定了设施蔬菜、食用菌、出口创汇蔬菜等3大特色基地,并提出了铜山县蔬菜产业发展的对策,为铜山县蔬菜产业发展战略的制定提供参考。本研究主要结论如下:(1)铜山蔬菜发展特点表现在:生产规模持续发展,均衡供应水平显著提高;设施规模不断扩大,茬口安排日趋成熟。区域特色基本形成,产业影响力逐步提升;科技水平提高,综合生产能力得到增强;流通体系基本形成,产品加工销售发展势头良好;蔬菜产业在农村经济中的地位日益显著;蔬菜安全质量控制、生产基地建设和产品认证取得良好成效。(2)铜山发展蔬菜产业的总体竞争优势主要表现在自然资源、区位条件、市场和规模、龙头企业带动及先发优势等方面。存在的问题与不足表现在设施简陋、搭配不合理,增效潜力还没有完全发挥;蔬菜生产技术研发和推广比较滞后;蔬菜加工品出口市场单一,采后加工处理薄弱;龙头企业带动能力和农民合作组织的优势还需进一步发挥。市场流通体系还应完善;政策扶持和资金支持还应加强;质量控制意识不强。(3)提出发展铜山蔬菜产业的基本策略:实施优质名牌战略,促进蔬菜标准化建设;加大对外开放和科教兴菜力度,提高农产品科技含量;以蔬菜产品精深加工为重点,延长产业链条,拓展优势农业产业的发展空间;加强蔬菜产品批发市场建设,以市场供求信息指导蔬菜生产;提高农民组织化程度,推进蔬菜产业化经营;塑造新的蔬菜产业结构,调整优化机制,转变政府职能,充分尊重农民意愿,以市场竞争力为标准及时调整结构;因地制宜,分类指导,有的放矢地发展优势蔬菜产品,提高铜山蔬菜的整体水平。

【Abstract】 The vegetable industry of Tongshan country was studied in this thesis. The presentsituation of the vegetable industry of Tongshan country was investigated to find that theimportant areas of the vegetable industry that should be emphasized were protectedvegetable culture, edible fungus, and the export vegetable product. And finally, the futuredevelopment of the vegetable industry in Tongshan country was suggested to givereference for the making of the counter measures of the vegetable industry in Tongshancounty. The conclusions of this study were as follows.1. The characteristics of the vegetable industry of Tongshan county were as follows.First, the production scale was continuously enlarged and the capacity of balanced supplywas improved. Second, the regional characteristics was basically realized and its influencegradually exhibited. Third, the scientific and technical level was improved and the overallproduce capacity was enhanced. Four, the circulation of the vegetable industry was information and the processed vegetable product industry was developed. The importance ofvegetable industry in the rural economy was emerging. And finally, the quality control onvegetable safety supply, the foundation of vegetable base, and the certification ofvegetable products were effective.2. The overall advantages of the vegetable industry in Tongshan county were in thenatural environmental factors, geological location of the region, market scale, and thedriving ability to the agriculture development. The problems existed in the vegetableindustry of Tongshan county were as follows. First, the protect installment was simple andthe collocation of the protected vegetable culture was not rational, which led to theobstacle in the realization of the advantages in protected culture. Second, the research andextension of the vegetable produce technology was rather lagged. Third, the market of theprocessed vegetable was simple, and the post-harvest treatment was absent or in a lowlevel. Lastly, the circulation market should be fulfilled, policy support from thegovernment should be strengthened, and the quality control should be intensified.3. Counter measures for the development of the vegetable industry of Tongshan county were suggested. To begin with, the fine quality famous brand should be set up andthe standardization of vegetable produce be emphasized. Secondly, the function of scienceand technology in vegetable industry should be highlighted to promote the development ofagricultural development space. The third, the construction of vegetable wholesale marketshould be emphasized, so that the information of vegetable market could instruct thevegetable produce. The fourth, the farmers’ organization degree should be enhanced topromote the management of the vegetable industry. Furthermore, the adjustment andoptimization of the vegetable industry structure should be modified by the transferring ofthe government effects and the farmer’s willing according to the market competitiveness.To summarize, the counter measures should be made adjusted to the local conditions todevelop the preponderant vegetable product and promote the overall level of the vegetableindustry in Tongshan county.

  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】322

