

Study on Display of Virtual 3D Fashion Pattern and Wrinkle Effect

【作者】 张天睿

【导师】 耿兆丰;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 服装计算机辅助设计(Garment Computer Aided Design)技术已经走过了近30年的历程。自它诞生以来,服装加工的生产效率和产品质量得到大幅度提高。在服装CAD技术的带动下,计算机应用这一现代化技术在传统服装加工业中得以广泛的应用,从而为自身的发展创造了活力。三维服装CAD系统是服装CAD行业研究的前沿,与2D服装CAD有本质的区别。它基于一个模拟的人体模型,提供一个利用交互工具的服装设计环境。在这种环境的服装设计不再是2D的纸样,而是一件在人体模型上穿着的、真实展示的服装,其为服装工业提供前所未有的功能系统,可大大提高服装产品精度和生产效率。本课题的研究是基于智能服装款式设计系统的,此课题也是上海市教委的重点学科建设项目“服装设计与信息数字化研究”建设内容的子项目之一。它主要面向非服装设计专业的用户或设计爱好者,使他们在友好的人机交互中,实现对某一风格款式系列的智能化设计,从而替代了传统的设计师手工创作过程。本文分析了智能服装CAD三维子系统体系结构,生成了可控的人台模型和服装款式模型,并对生成算法做了分析和实现,设计完成了友好的人机交互界面,在此基础上研究了对应款式褶皱的产生算法,实现了具体效果。本文研究工作主要包括以下内容:首先综合分析了国内外服装CAD软件的现状和发展趋势,指出了服装款式设计CAD软件发展还不成熟的事实,结合国内服装生产市场现状,提出了服装CAD三维化的必要性。接着分析了二维环境下款式设计系统的基本原理。即根据服装款式设计特点,将款式分成衣领、衣片、衣袖、裤/裙等主要部件,使款式设计过程简化为若干部件的拼接组合过程。同时,给出了款式平面图的生成原理,确定了子系统的软硬件开发环境,为进一步讨论二维到三维的变换和三维模块的开发打下良好基础。通过对智能服装款式结构设计系统的整体分析,结合认知工程学“以用户为中心”的人机界面设计思想,以体现系统的智能性、交互性和友好性为宗旨,用VC++、OpenGL开发了一个视觉效果良好的服装显示界面。采用了使用Matlab处理数据、后台数据库存储数据、VC环境中使用数据的方法,保证了课题的数据整合和使用。着重完成款式设计系统中的三维子模块部分。主要包括设计三维图形单元接口(GUI),使用曲面构造符合工业标准的可控人台,绘制三维曲面模拟服装款式,给服装显示加上各种环境参数,最后给出了模拟褶皱效果的有效算法。具体来说,首先构建了三维款式曲面模型,并应用光照和材质处理手段实现了三维款式真实图形效果;运用多种手段实现三维款式的修改,以满足服装设计个性化需要;实现款式褶皱效果,极大地增强了服装地艺术表现能力。另外,系统还提供了对服装款式关键尺寸的智能调整修改功能,通过此类变换实现服装灵活的预览设计。在具体的工程背景下,本文研究了智能服装款式结构设计CAD系统中服装三维模块开发方法,创新性的实现了服装的整体三维款式和褶皱效果显示。论文所述内容,在现代纺织工程计算机辅助设计领域具有较重要的理论意义和较高的实用价值。

【Abstract】 GCAD(Garment Computer Aided Design)technology has developed almost thirty years.Fashion Production has been more effective and product quality has made great progress with the help of this high-tech tool. Computer application, which has been more and more popular, is widely used in the tradtional fashion design industry with the push of GCAD.It is believed that the frontier of GCAD research is in 3D GCAD field. It provided a human model based on 3D environment, so It was totally different from 2D GCAD. In 3D environment, garment design was no longer 2D shape made of paper, but was real clothes which can be put on VR human body.This technology also provided a multifunctional and powerful system.The precision of fashion products and productive efficience can be greatly improved.My research was based on Intelligent Style-based Garment Pattern Structure Design System, which was one of national key projects.It was designed for non-professionals or amateur designers to finish the design work through simple human-mechine operation. My thesis presented the structure of main system, realizes the VR human body and fashion pattern, analysed the generating algorithim, designed friendly humanmachine interface, and implemented the wrinkle effect of specific pattern at last.The main research work of my thesis contains as follows: The development and status of fashion CAD in the world were summarized at first.then the paper pointed out that it was not mature enough in the development of fashion design CAD. After analyzing the requirements of garment market in china, we got the conclusion that it is necessary to develop the system for intelligent fashion design.Then the basic principle of intelligent design fashion system in 2D environment was analyzed.That is, dividing the pattern into several main parts(like collar,clothes piece,sleeve,skirt and so on)Because of the benefit, the garment design process can be turned into combination process of main parts.Meanwhile, we also discussed the generating principle of 3D data from 2D garment shape,provided software and hardware developing envrionment of our sub-system. All the steps made us discussing data transfer from 2D to 3D and further development of 3D module very effecient.After analyzing the Intelligent Fashion Design System and considering the basic human-machine design principle,We developed a friendly 3D fashion display window with VC++ and OpenGL technology.Data integration and usage were assured because data processing was did by Matlab,data save was did by Access,data usage just related to VC programme.As above,Our main work was the design of 3D sub system for Intellgient Fashion Design System.There were main steps of the work.First,GUI had to be designed.Second,Human body,which had to be under our control eazily had to make by combining surfaces.Third, 3D surfaces had to be darwn in order to simulate fashion pattem.Fouth,some special environment parameters had to be added to our fashion to make it looks real.Finalry,efficient algorithim of wrinkle effect simulation was disussed at the end of the paper. In conclusion, the paper put forward a series of plans to realize the displayof 3D fashion pattern and wrinkle effect based on Intelligent Fashion Design System under concrete engineering background.It was valuable both in the theory and application and can provided instruction to the development of fashion CAD in the modern textile engineering field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】659

