

【作者】 李彦艳

【导师】 徐人平;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 符号学是研究符号的一般理论的学科。符号学的方法目前已经应用到语言学、电影、戏剧、建筑、工业设计等多方面。将符号学方法引入招贴广告设计研究中,可引领其建设更为精确的设计话语体系,也将使其研究对象的认识更为深入。招贴广告属平面广告范畴,是平面广告设计中的重要表现形式之一,在公共广告媒介中占有很重要的位置。平面广告设计是把其中的元素如图形、色彩等看作设计符号,通过对其加工整合,以最理想方式呈现在受众面前,从而使得符号这一载体和传播信息的中介充分发挥本职作用,传情达意,实现广告的宣传目的。具体到招贴广告,其任务就是要准确的把信息转译成广告中的视觉符号,通过这些视觉符号传达出特定的信息,在短时间内发挥传达实效,以引起受众相应的行动反应。论文主要工作包括:首先阐述了符号学的一般原理,并概述了符号学的发展历程;介绍了国内外利用符号学方法研究广告及招贴广告的一些情况。接着分析了本课题研究领域中主要存在的问题:缺少以招贴广告为文本的符号学研究;分析策略单一;缺乏整体性把握。并在此基础上阐述了本文的研究内容、研究意义及论文的整体结构安排。研究了招贴广告信息传播中的符号消费及符号意义运作,表明受众对于招贴广告诉求物的消费行为具有物质消耗与符号占有、生理功能与意义功能这一内在结构;指出招贴广告是通过“双重言说”的作用,将广告文本体现的特定范围的价值、信仰和观念作用于受众的。重点分析了招贴广告符号在信息传播中的编码机制和解码机制。指出招贴广告要想具有冲击力和震撼力,首先要从“俗符号”入手,并以超越常规的编码方式来对符号加以组合,把符号用最陌生、最震撼的方式表达出来,初步讨论了招贴广告的深层编码机制:招贴广告总是能够令人联想到画面背后一段完整的叙事,构想出一个完整故事。利用“霍尔模式”研究受众对招贴广告的解码阶段,指出广告主会通过设计者有意识地利用“协商立场”、“对立码”等解码立场,使受众进行招贴广告符号意义的转换和误读。提出招贴广告在传播信息过程中所蕴涵的文化特质:体现时代文化观念的设计主题、融入本土文化的设计理念、传达文化价值指向的符号化图形。分析了招贴广告符号“能指—所指—意义”的三维构成系统,这是符号产生传达作用的基础。对不同类型招贴产生的语义传达方式有所讨论,运用案例分析了招贴符号设计信息语义传达整体过程,强调语境在招贴广告设计信息语义传达中的作用。招贴广告设计信息的语义传达正是通过视觉符号的作用,在对应统一的语境支持下得以实现。讨论了招贴广告语构类型,指出招贴广告属于外界依存型语构规则的符号系统,分析了招贴广告符号的横向组合关系、纵向聚合关系结构,指出招贴广告作为结构性整体,其结构形式就是从这两种方式展开,并且在这两个方向上能够无限地切分或深化。招贴广告符号系统的意义都是沿两个方向产生的。在横组合的方向上产生广告传达的逻辑意义;在纵聚合的方向上产生广告传达的联想、隐喻、象征意义。结合招贴案例讨论了招贴广告设计符号应遵循的平衡、节奏、韵律、对比等具体的语法法则,指出各种视觉符号依据招贴视觉语言所要表达的特定信息,按照一定的语法法则结合,相互联系,有机合理地构成诸多视觉语词秩序,就构成一个同一的整体——招贴设计文本。探讨了招贴广告设计中符号特性:认知性、审美性、求异性、针对性、多样性。由于招贴这一传播媒介的独有特征,使得招贴广告设计的视觉语言区别于其他平面设计。提出从语义符号组成关系上可把招贴广告符号分为两大层次:独立符号语义、组合符号语义。从招贴广告设计的内涵转变入手,分析了现代招贴广告设计内涵的转变对设计符号的选择产生的影响,提出招贴广告设计过程中的三种基本符号操作方法:设计符号添加、设计符号结合、设计符号迭代;利用招贴广告设计实例结合前述理论对其设计过程进行详细分析,全面了解设计符号语汇、操作方法及其语构应用,了解这些因素对招贴信息的语义传达所起的重要作用。综上所述,论文主要以符号学的理论对招贴广告进行全新角度的分析,拓宽了符号学研究领域,有助于对招贴广告设计的理论指导。从招贴广告的符号层面入手,寻求广告符号系统在信息传播中的意义及带给受众的情感体验,可为寻求招贴广告发生效力的内在传播机制提供途径,给广告设计者以更多的创意启示,对招贴广告设计领域有一定的应用价值。

【Abstract】 Semiotics is the discipline studies the general theory of the symbol. The semiotics method already applied to many ways such as linguistics, movie, play, building, industrial design at present. Introducing the semiotics method to poster design research, may lead poster design to construct the more precise design words system, also will make its object cognition to be more thorough. Poster is the plane advertisement category, is one of important manifestations in plane advertisement design . The plane advertisement design regards elements like graph , color as design symbol, through processing them , presents in front of audiences by the most ideal way. Thus causes symbol exerting its function fully, realizes advertisement promotion goal. Makes concrete to poster, its duty is on accurately translating the information to the visual symbol, transmits the specific information through these visual symbols. In a short time displays the actual transmission effect, causes the audience corresponding motion response.The main job of the paper includes:First elaborated the general principle of semiotics, and outlined the development course of semiotics. Briefed domestic and foreign situations using semiotics method to research advertisement and poster. Then analyzed the main problem existed in the project: Be short of semiotics research from poster; the analysis strategy is unitary; lacks the integrity assurance. And elaborated this article research content, the significance and structure of the whole thesis in this foundation.Studied symbol consumption and symbol significance operation in information spreading of poster, indicated consumer behavior of the audiences regarding poster demand has the intrinsic structure by consumption of materials and symbol holds, physiological function and significance function; pointed out by the effect of "dually speaks" , the specific scope value, belief and idea manifested by poster text affects the audiences. Analyzed the encoding mechanism and the decoding mechanism of poster symbol in information spreading, indicated posters must want to have the impulse and to shock the strength, first must from "the vulgar symbol" obtaining, and combine the symbol by the surmounted conventional encoding method, expressed the symbol with the way of strangest, most shocks. Initially discussed poster in-depth encoding mechanism: poster always can make one associate behind the picture section of complete narrating , devises a complete story. Using "the Hall pattern" studied decoding stage of the audiences to posters, pointed out the advertisement host can use "the consultative standpoint"、"the opposition code" consciously through the designers, causes the audiences to carry on the transformation and reading by mistake of poster symbol significance. Proposed the cultural special characteristic which contains in poster spreading information process:the design subject manifested the time culture idea, the design idea integrated the native culture, symbolic graphics transmissed culture value direction.Analyzed the three dimensional component system "can refer- refers to - the significance" , discussed semantic communication way which produces from the different type poster, studied semantic communication overall process of poster design information using the case. Emphasized context function in information spreading of poster design. Semantic communication of poster information can realize because of function of visual symbol and the corresponding unified context support.Discussed language construction type of poster, it is the symbol system belongs to the outside interdependence language construction rule. Analyzed transverse combination relations, the longitudinal polymerization relations of poster symbol. Pointed out by way of the constitutive whole, poster launches from these two ways, and can infinitely segment or deepening in these two directions. The significance of poster symbol system all along two directions, in the transverse combination direction is logical significance; in the longitudinal polymerization direction is communication association, metaphor, symbolic significance. discussed the specific grammar principle such as the balance, the rhythm, the cadence, the contrast which poster symbol should follow,pointed out each visual symbol united according to certain grammar principle, basis the specific information in poster vision language, finally constituted an identical whole—text of poster design.discussed the symbol characteristic in poster design: the cognition, the esthetic, asking the opposite sex, the contraposing, the multiplicity. Because of the characteristic of poster, the visual language of poster design distinguishes between other plane design. Proposed may divide poster symbol into two big levels from the semantic symbol composition relations: Independent symbol semantics, combination symbol semantics. From transformation of poster design connotation, analyzed the influence on choosing symbol, and pointed out three basic symbol operating methods: symbol accession, symbol union, symbol iteration; Analyzed poster design process detailedly using poster design example, combining theories above, understood the design symbol vocabulary, the operating methods and the language construction rule roundly, and understood these factors’ vital role in semantic communication of poster information.In summary, the paper mainly analyzes poster by the brand-new angle from semiotics theory, opens up semiotics research area, is helpful to the theory instruction of poster design. From the stratification plane of poster symbol, seeks significance and taking audiences’ emotion experience of poster symbol system in information spreading, this may provide the way for seeking the intrinsic spreading mechanism which poster has an effect, for designers by more creativity enlightenment, has certain application value to poster design domain.

  • 【分类号】J524.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1300

