

【作者】 邓爱春

【导师】 侯克鹏;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 软岩是软弱、破碎、松散、膨胀、流变、强风化蚀变及高地应力的岩体的总称。随着我国国民经济的发展,矿产资源开发力度持续加大,软岩巷道支护问题越来越凸显出来。随着矿产资源井巷开采深度越来越大,软岩巷道的大变形、大地压、难支护的工程问题日趋严重,底鼓是软岩巷道矿压显现的主要特征。底鼓后巷道断面缩小,阻碍运输、通风和人员行走,因底鼓而造成巷道报废的现象时有发生,严重影响生产和威胁安全。因此,有效地控制巷道底鼓一直是软岩巷道支护中难度较大的课题之一。本论文结合云锡塘子凹坑1725软岩巷道的工程实际,充分分析了巷道围岩遇水崩解、泥化、遇水膨胀等物理力学性质;以巷道周边大范围的岩体为研究对象,分析了引起该巷道底鼓的因素,探讨了该巷道的底鼓形式及底鼓过程;通过理论计算或经验公式估算了弹塑性变形、遇水膨胀等原因造成的底鼓量,从理论上探讨了软岩蠕变引起的巷道底鼓量,从而深入揭示了该巷道底鼓的机理。论文提出了控制该巷道底鼓的途径和方法,即帮角锚杆与反拱联合加固控制该巷道底鼓的方案;利用3D-σ数值模拟软件计算了裸巷、帮角锚杆加固与平拱、帮角锚杆加固与反拱上述三种方案情况下该巷道的围岩塑性区、安全率及应力分布情况,分析了原支护方案不能控制该巷道底鼓的原因,分析了帮角锚杆加固与反拱相结合控制该巷道底鼓的有效性。针对原施工中存在的问题,对方案的参数、结构设计、支护材料的选择、施工组织等方面提出了相应的改进措施。支护方案成功应用于现场,取得了良好的技术经济效果。巷道近5个月的累计收敛变形不足7cm,其变形已基本趋于稳定,巷道整改施工后1年来,特别是在巷道全部漫水淹没的情况下,巷道保持稳定,经受了实际的考验。相比采用返修处理底鼓节约成本2162元/米,因此该工艺具有广泛的推广应用价值。

【Abstract】 Soft rock is rock with customers, such as weak, broken, loose and expansion, rheological, strong alteration, weathering and high stress of the their. With the deep shaft mining of mineral resources increasingly,the project problems of soft rock roadway , such as large deformation, heavy geostatic, supporting hardly, is getting more serious. Floor heave is the main features of soft rock roadway pressure. Floor heaved tunnel caused section narrow, impeding the transport, ventilation and staff traveling. It happens from time to time by the end of floor heaved tunnel caused abandoned. It seriously affected production and security threat. Therefore, How to effectively control of the end of floor heave has been one of the more difficult topics of soft rock roadway supporting.This paper combines elements of the 1725 soft rock roadway engineering in Yunxi tang zi wa pits, and fullly analyzed the surrounding strate’s physical and mechanical properties, such as calving, pelitization, expansion of water swelling etc. On the basis of the study of large range of rock mass around the roadway, the form and thedeveloping process of its floor heave has been discussed. Floor heave deformations which arise from such factors as the elastic-plasticdeformation and the exoansion deformation resulted from rock meeting with water are estimated through theoretic computation orexperimental formulas. The roadway floor heave deformation brought about by rock creep is theoretically discussed. Thereby, the mechanism of floor heave of the roadway is profoundly exposed.In the paper, the approaches and methods of controlling the roadway floor heave are brought forward; the control schemes are composed of inverted arch strengthening and archor bolt which reinforced with both sidewall-bolt and angle-bolt. Numerical simulation using 3D-σsoftware calculated the plastic zone, safty fator, stress distribution of the three programs: the bare wall, sidewall and angle-bolt and jack arch bongding, sidewall and angle-bolt and inverted arch bongding. Analyzed the reason of the original supporting progra didn’t successfully control the floor heave of the roadway. Analyzed the validity of the support program of angle-bolt and inverted arch bongding. Support scheme for the success of the scene made a good technical-economic effect. In nearly five months, the accumulated convergence deformation of the roadway is less than 7cm and deformation has basically stabilized. After a years of roadway rectification, particularly the roadway was been submerged in water circumstances, roadway maintained stability, which withstood the test of reality. Compared to repair floor heave, it saved costs 2,156 yuan / m. So the process is extensive promotional value.

  • 【分类号】TD322
  • 【下载频次】270

