

【作者】 宋运坤

【导师】 陈雯;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 有色金属冶金, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 金川公司是我国最大的镍生产企业,因为其自有矿为铜镍共生,因此还生产铜。金川公司镍冶炼系统主要处理自产铜镍精矿,铜镍精矿经电炉或闪速炉熔炼产出低镍锍,低镍锍经转炉吹炼产出高镍锍,高镍锍经磨浮分离后产出二次镍精矿及含镍二次铜精矿,含镍二次铜精矿进入铜熔炼系统进行处理。本论文探讨了利用二次铜精矿生产阳极铜的工艺流程:自热炉的生产过程、二次铜精矿在自热炉内的行为、自热炉熔炼二次铜精矿的优缺点以及如何在自热炉内降低粗铜中含镍量的方法;卡尔多炉熔炼含镍铜精矿的由来、卡尔多炉熔炼的原理;回转式阳极炉的结构与优缺点、含镍粗铜在回转式阳极炉内氧化与还原反应过程,研究了二次铜精矿中的镍在铜冶炼系统中的行为与走向,即:镍在自热炉中脱除了11.88%,在卡尔多炉脱除了86.28%,在回转式阳极炉中脱除了1.84%,从而实现了将阳极铜中的镍含量降低到1.2%以下的要求。得知:由于镍的脱除主要是在卡尔多炉中完成的,在卡尔多炉中脱镍变得至关重要,需要将卡尔多炉温度控制在1200~1250℃,氧化过程在卡尔多炉保持过氧化对镍的进一步脱除也是至关重要的。此外还对铜熔炼车间2005年7月26日至2005年8月14日用重油还原获得的阳极铜板和2006年8月1日至2006年8月16日用新型煤基还原剂还原获得的阳极铜板的各项指标进行了比较。1.阳极铜一二级品品级率,产品含镍量:重油还原产生的阳极铜一二级品品率仅为54.84%,而用新型还原剂的已经达到了86.54%。铜阳极板含镍量也从重油还原时的0.98%降低到新型还原剂还原时的0.81%。2.还原成本:采用重油还原每吨铜的还原剂成本高达20.34元,而用新型还原剂后已降到了12.96元,降幅达36%。3.环境污染:用重油还原时产生大量黑烟,对环境造成了巨大的污染同时造成了原料的浪费,恶化了工人的操作环境:而采用新型还原剂后不再逸冒黑烟,还原剂利用充分,烟气黑度已达到了林格曼一级。4.还原产生的阳极铜面的比较:新型还原剂还原产生的阳极板外观更加光滑、更加平整,因此也就更有利于后续的电解作业。通过比较上述指标可以看出,新型煤基还原剂还原效果均是优于重油的。

【Abstract】 Jin-chuan Corporation is China’ s biggest nickel production enterprise. Because of its own copper-nickel paragenesis ore, therefore it produces copper too. Copper system’ s processing raw material is the copper-nickel milometer containing high sulfur called copper-concentrated ore which obtained after the filter separation, its main composition is Cu2S, including few metals Ni and Fe, it is called smelted copper-concentrated ore in production.This paper discusses the technical process that uses smelted copper-concentrated ore to produce anode copper: the production process in self-heating stove, smelted copper-concentrated ore’ s main chemical reaction in self-heating fuse, blowing thermodynamics research which occurs in the self-heating stove, the advantage and disadvantage on using self-heating stove to smelt smelted smelted copper-concentrated ore as well as how to reduce nickel content in coarse copper in the self-heating stove; The origin using kaldor stove to smelt copper-concentrated ore containing nickel, the structure and craftwork of the kaldor stove, the flow of the kaldor stove, the economical and technical appraisal on kaldor stove; The advantage and disadvantage of revolving anode furnace along with its structure, the reaction mechanism of coarse copper contenting nickel in the stage of oxidation and deoxidization in revolving anode furnace, the behavior and trend of nickel lying in smelted copper-concentrated ore in copper smelting system is founded . Nickel is doffed 11. 88% in the self-heating stove , it is removed 86. 28% in kaldor stove, 1. 84% nickel is removed in revolving anode furnace, thus it has realized the request to reduce nickel content to less than 1.2% in anode copper. Because nickel removing is mainly completed in the kaldor stove, thus nickel removing in the kaldor stove becomes very important, it needs the kaldor stove’s temperature to control from 1200℃to 1250℃, it is essential for nickel’ further removing at the oxidation process to maintain the peroxidation at the Kaldor stove. In addition in this paper I carry on a comparison on the target copper sample from July twenty-sixth 2005 to August-fourteenth 2005 which used the heavy oil as reducer and which used new coal based reducer as reducer from August first 2006 to August sixteenth 2006.1st.the best and the second best anode copper sample percentage of all products and the nickel containing in the products: the best and the second best anode copper sample deoxidized by heavy oil are only 54. 84%, but the best and the second best anode copper sample deoxidized by new coal based has already achieved 86.54% .The nickel content in anode copper deoxidized by heavy oil is 0.98% , it had fallen to 0.81% deoxidized by new coal based reducer.2nd. deoxidization cost: the cost to deoxidize a ton copper by heavy oil is not less than 20.34 yuan , at the same time it has reduced to 12.96 yuan to deoxidize by new coal based reducer, the range of fall reaches 36%.3rd. environmental pollution: when it was deoxidized by heavy oil massive black smokes would emit , it brought huge pollution to the environment , simultaneously posed raw material’ s waste, at the same time worsened workers’ operating environment; But after using the new reducer it no longer emitted any black smoke, the new reducer is completely utilized, the air quality has attained the first lingeman level.4th. deoxidized copper sample surface comparison: the copper sample surface deoxidized by new reducer is more smooth and flat , therefore it is also more advantageous to the following electrolysis work .We can see through the above comparisons, deoxidized effect by new coal based reducer is more excellent than that deoxidized by heavy oil.

  • 【分类号】TF815
  • 【下载频次】149

