

Fire Alarm Networks Research Based on Can-bus

【作者】 肖波

【导师】 梁志坤;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的发展和城市化进程的不断加快,城市建筑规模不断扩大,种类越来越多,高度也不断增加,功能越来越全面,因而设计也趋于复杂化,随之而来的火灾事故影响的全面性和综合性的特点也越来越明显,损失也越来越大。目前,在各建筑物内安装的火灾探测报警系统及消防设施,虽然也在发现火灾警情和预防火灾方面发挥了重要作用,但在实际使用的过程中这些消防系统在产品质量、设备管理、警情处理等方面问题比较突出,已经严重影响了火灾探测报警设备功能的正常发挥。尤其当前消防网络系统中通信协议无统一标准,造成消防市场比较混乱,消防自动化系统并未纳入楼宇自动化系统中,难以及时发现消防设备的隐患,更加是迫切需要解决的问题。为了解决这一问题,本文提出了基于CAN总线的消防网络系统。CAN总线由于采用了许多新技术及独特的设计,它的数据通信具有更突出的可靠性、实时性和灵活性。CAN总线消防网络容易和楼宇自动化系统有机结合起来易于实现对消防网络终端设备的实时检测,使系统更加安全可靠。本研究分为两大部分。第一部分是CAN总线系统智能节点的设计,以AT90CAN32作为传感器的主控单元,通过智能节点实现对底层传感器的数据采集。第二部分CAN总线消防网络设计,以AT90CAN128作为消防主机,负责通过中继器和智能节点通信,及时搜集智能节点采集的消防传感器数据,并和上位PC机进行通信,由上位PC机通过组态软件对消防主机进行管理。本文详细论述了CAN总线消防网络系统的基本原理、CAN总线系统智能节点的设计和消防主机的设计。通过组态软件实现上位PC机与消防主机的通信,进而控制消防联动设备。本文研究涉及单片机、网络通信、工业控制系统、PLC等方面的知识,将CAN总线技术应用到消防网络中,易于实现对火灾报警系统和智能楼宇系统的联接,实现数据共享,并对底层消防设备实时监控,具有较好的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the development of the city construction, the fire happening chance isincreasing continuously. Currently, a fire probe installed in each building and the firealarm facilities have played an important role in discovering a fire and preventing afire in earlier period. But because of the product’s poor quality and equipmentsmanagement, the fire alarm system can not have an effective function. To the firealarm industry, how to make the computer data communication technique applied to afire probe in order to report to the police system in time, so that make use of thenetwork protocol and use of a social information resources well, exchange the systeminner part and the data information of the exterior in time, and to constitute a city ofdynamic state, the community of having a fire probe of the multilayer to report to thepolice rescue management the service network information system, is the topic thatneeds to be solve at present. The communication protocol don’t unify in current firefight network system and the building automation system don’t bring into with the firefight system is the problem that needs to be resolve urgently more.With these problems, the thesis issues the fire alarm and control. System basedon CAN Bus. The CAN Bus has many new design concepts, and these concepts arehelpful to advance the system’s real-time control, stability, flexibility, reliability, etc.The paper involves two parts. The first part mainly introduce the design ofintelligent node based on CAN Bus. By using AT90CAN32 single chip computer ascontrol node, the fire alarm system finally realizes the data acquisition to sensor. Thesecond part mainly introduce the design of the network based CAN Bus. By using thisnetwork, the system finish the PC supervises to control node.Besides, the thesis is also detailed to discuss the fire alarm and control system,CAN Bus intelligent node and PC control. By the SCADA software of Kingview, thePC also finishes the communications with fire alarm and control units. The paper involves the knowledge of single chip computer, network, communication, and PLC,etc. By using CAN Bus technology, the fire alarm and control system realize real-timecontrol, data acquisition and has better reference value.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】324

