

Research and Implement of RFID Reader Handheld and Based on ARM

【作者】 罗家兵

【导师】 滕少华;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当代科学技术突飞猛进,极大促进了自动识别技术的发展——条形码、光学字符识别、磁条(卡)、IC卡、语音识别、视觉识别、RFID等,其中,RFID无疑是最为前沿的自动识别技术,是一种非接触式的识别技术;同时,随着另外一项技术——嵌入式技术的飞速发展,机构小巧、性能优越、价格便宜、操作简便的手持式数据自动读写设备发展尤为迅速。具体说来,一款好的手持式RFID读写器适用于工作现场,可以供工作人员对现场物品信息进行自动收集,而随着嵌入式操作系统和网络技术的应用,使读写器不仅有数据采集功能,而且可以对数据进行分析以供管理决策。在这其中,操作系统、芯片、总线、接口技术成为读写器的内核,嵌入式系统成为技术的代表。随着嵌入式操作系统(如linux、wince.net)的出现,使得软件开发人员在嵌入式系统和普通pc机上进行应用软件开发不会感到太大的差别(借助于交叉开发环境,即在pc机上编译连接,但生成的是目标机代码)。但是,对于那些应用软件开发者,往往对某一行业软件开发比较熟悉却对硬件有些陌生,熟悉硬件原理(嵌入式处理器架构、部件工作原理等)恰恰是构建一个嵌入式系统所必须的。因此,构建一个性能稳定、持续工作时间长、完善数据接口、方便读写器接口的手持式设备成为了当今一个比较热门的技术领域。本项目就是根据以上事实,先分析了国内外研究现状,再根据项目需求、生产成本以及RFID应用开发者的要求,决定采用以ARM920T为内核的S3C2410为嵌入式处理器、微软公司力推的wince.net为嵌入式操作系统,设计开发了供RFID应用软件开发者使用的手持式RFID读写器。针对手持式设备的特点和实际要求,对读写器软硬件系统整体结构进行了规划,完成了时钟电路、nand flash存储器接口电路、SDRAM电路、串行接口电路、RFID读写模块接口电路、USB接口电路、无线通信模块接口电路、LCD/触摸屏接口电路的设计,并开发了读写器的二次发API;在wince.net平台下,利用platform builder工具定制了适于读写器的操作系统,实现了嵌入式操作系统的设计,最后对整个系统进行了测试。

【Abstract】 Modern science and technology are advancing rapidly and greatly promote theautomatic identification technology—bar codes, optical character recognition, magnetic(card), IC card, speech recognition, visual recognition, RFID and so on; Of all, RFID isthe most advanced, which is a non-contact identification technology; Meanwhile, withthe progress of a technical-the embedded technology, compact bodies, superiorperformance, low price, fi’iendly operational and hand-held automatic data reading andwriting device is developing rapidly. Specifically, one good hand-held RFID Reader iscapable to work on the spot and provides staffwith on-site materials informationcollected automatically; With the application of embedded operating systems andnetwork technology, reader is able not to only collect data automatically, but also toanalyze data for management decisions. In this field, operating systems, chips, businterface technology to become Reader kernel and embedded system becomes technicalrepresentatives.With the use of embedded operating system (such as Linux, wince.net),programmer feels no difference on the development of application software betweenembedded systems and general pc machine (through cross-development environment,compiling and linking are on pc, but final code is aim at goal machine). However, forthose applications developers, too often they are quite familiar with some particularsoftware development about some special industry but not unfamiliar with hardware(Embedded Processor architecture etc). Therefore, building a stable, perfect datainterface, RFID-API hand-held equipment is today’s hottest technologies. The project isbased on the popular ARM processor and wince.net operating system, and designs anddevelops handheld RFID reader for use of RFID application development. Accordingto requirement of handheld device, project designs hardward system for reader and develops RFID-API for RFID application program;Under wince.net, through platform builder customs operating system of reader andcompletes the design of embedded operating system. At last, the whole system wastested to be sure of correction of the system.

【关键词】 RFIDARM嵌入式系统wince.net读写器
【Key words】 RFIDARMEmbedded systemwince.netreader
  • 【分类号】TP391.44
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】886

