

Research on Intelligence Control Applying to Product Lines of Gypsum Fiber Board

【作者】 李杰

【导师】 崔宝侠;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 石膏纤维板作为一种新型墙体材料,具有轻质、高效、防火、防潮、隔热、隔音等优点,这种新型材料具有广阔的发展前景。石膏纤维板生产中最重要的环节是厚度控制。由于石膏纤维板厚度控制系统是一个复杂工业控制系统,对“设定值跟踪特性”和“干扰抑制特性”的要求很高,传统PID控制器的参数很难同时满足两方面的要求,因此控制效果不理想。针对这些问题,模糊控制取得了一些令人信服的成效,但同时也存在着一定的问题。因此,采用改进后的模糊控制方法来设计模糊控制器将有助于提高板厚控制系统的性能,改善石膏纤维板的产品质量。本文以湖北三环墙体材料有限责任公司石膏纤维板生产线为研究背景,对生产线的工艺流程、厚度控制系统进行了认真的学习和研究,分析了连续式压机的工作原理和影响石膏纤维板厚度的主要因素。针对厚度控制系统中存在的时变性、非线性和不确定性问题,以及模糊控制中存在的隶属函数难以确定、稳态误差较大的缺点,通过对区间值模糊算法的分析研究,本文分别采用模糊匹配区间值模糊推理、相似度量区间值模糊推理、双向近似区间值模糊推理设计了三种石膏纤维板厚度控制器。通过仿真试验,验证了区间值模糊算法的有效性;通过和普通模糊控制器的仿真效果进行对比,体现了基于区间值模糊推理的控制器调整时间短、稳态误差小的优点。最后,针对这三种区间值厚度控制器,对原有控制规则提出了改进方案:增加系统稳定点附近控制点,使稳定点附近控制作用细腻,这样会使系统稳态误差和超调量减小;同时,远离稳定点控制作用幅度增大,保证响应速度加快。通过仿真验证了改进方案的合理性与有效性。其中,基于双向近似区间值推理设计的石膏纤维板厚度控制器各项性能指标表现最优。

【Abstract】 Gypsum fiber board, as a new type of walling material, has advantages of lightness, highefficiency, fire resistance, damp proof, heat and sound insulation, deciding its widely potentialprospect.The core of gypsum fiber board manufacturing is thickness control. While thicknesscontrol system of gypsum fiber board is a complicated industrial control system, traditionalPID controller’s parameters can’t reach demanding of excellent property of set value trackingand disturbance restraining at the same time. Therefore, the control effect is unperfect. Aimedat these problems, fuzzy control has already got some compellent achievements, but it alsohas certain problems. Thus, the thesis gives a modified fuzzy control method to design fuzzycontrollers which will be helpful to improve performance of board thickness control systemand product quality of gypsum fiber board.The thesis is based on product line of gypsum fiber board of San Huan Walling MaterialCo. Ltd of Hubei province, through which it gives researches on process flow and thicknesscontrol system, in addition, analyses working principles of continuous press machine andmain factors influencing gypsum fiber board’s thickness. Whereas, thickness control systemhas problems of time variance, non-linearity and uncertainty, moreover, it’s difficult to decidemembership functions of fuzzy control, which also has shortcoming of large steady state error.After researches about interval valued fuzzy algorithm, the thesis contributes three kinds ofthickness controllers of gypsum fiber board, adopting fuzzy reasoning methods of fuzzymatching interval value, similar measuring interval value and Bidirectional approximateinterval value. And simulation experiments prove the validation of interval valued fuzzyalgorithm. Compared to traditional fuzzy controllers about simulation effects, it shows thatfuzzy controllers based on interval valued fuzzy reasoning have advantages of short adjustingtime and little steady state error. Finally, aimed at three interval valued thickness controllers mentioned above, improvedschemes are put forward about original control laws: adding control points nearby systemsteady point to make the control nearby steady point more exquisite, decreasing system steadyerror and overshoot. Simultaneously, control amplitude away from steady points increases,assuring response speed fast. Simulation proves the reasonableness and efficiency ofimproved scheme. Finally, thickness controller of gypsum fiber board based on Bidirectionalapproximate interval value has optimum effects in all performance points.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】47

