

Study on Bidding-evaluation Problem of Government Procurement Bidding

【作者】 刘翠静

【导师】 刘艳秋;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 政府是世界各国国内市场最大的用户,政府采购市场庞大而稳定,是世界各国政府调控经济的重要手段。招投标由于其公开、公平、公正的特征和“竞争、优化”的功能,使其他成为政府采购最主要的方式。在政府采购招标的过程中,评标作为整个过程的关键环节,不仅是一项重要而复杂的综合性工作,而且关系到整个招标采购是否能使采购机构得到最大效应的关键。然而,随着政府采购政策的不断出台,采购规模的不断扩大,政府采购所要达到的目标也不断增多,这时的采购评标过程就形成一个多目标评价的复杂系统。本文在这样的背景下对政府采购招标中的评标问题展开了研究。本文在对国内外政府采购招标评标现状评述的基础上,阐述了政府采购招标及评标的概念、特点、原则及方法,分析了政府采购评标的内容、标准、原则及存在的问题,分析了政府采购评标中的影响因素,建立了政府采购评标指标体系,构想了评标指标库系统。阐述了《政府采购货物和服务招标投标管理办法》中规定的最低评标价法、综合评分法、性价比法三种评标方法,对这三种评标方法的特点及适用性进行了分析,研究了模糊综合评判法、层次分析法等现代数学方法在政府采购评标过程的应用及其适用性,并综合比较了这些评标方法。在对各种评标方法研究之后,通过上述对政府采购评标过程中的评标因素的研究分类,针对政府采购招标评标系统的多目标多因素的特点,提出了综合评分法和模糊综合评判法的联合评标模式,可以对政府采购的社会部分的评价指标和其它评价指标分别采用两种方法进行评判,从而实现了对政府采购评标方法的改进。将密切值法应用到评标过程中,进而形成了一种新的评标方法密切值评标法,为招标工作人员在评标时提供了一种新的选择。

【Abstract】 Government is one of the largest users in domestic market of every country all over the world. The government procurement, large and stable, is one of the most important measures of adjusting and controlling government economic. Bidding is widely used because of its character of openness, fairness and justness and its function of competition and optimization. In the process of bidding on government procurement, as the key link of the whole process, bidding-evaluation is not only the important and complicated all-around work, but also the key whether entire bidding procurement makes the government getting the maximal effect.However, with the fact of the government procurement policies appeared, purchasing scale expanding, targets need to be reached of the government procurement increasing, the process of purchasing bidding-evaluating at this time forming a multiple target of complicated system. In such background, the paper starts to research the bidding-evaluation problem of the government procurement bidding.On the base of study on the bidding-evaluation current situation to home and abroad government procurement, the paper has explained the concept, characteristic, principle and method of government procurement bidding and bidding-evaluation, analyzed the content, standard, principle and problem of bidding-evaluation, analyzed influencing factor of government bidding-evaluation, set up the government procurement bidding-evaluation index system, conceived of bid evaluation index warehouse system. The paper has expounded three methods of minimum evaluation price, grading synthetically and nature than price, analyzed the characteristic and serviceability of three kinds estimative method, has researched the blurred synthesis deciding method, arrangement analyzing method and so on, and has compared such bidding-evaluation.After studying on various estimative methods, and studying on the bidding-evaluation factors in the process of the government procurement bidding-evaluation, contra posing the multiple targets and factors characters of the system of government procurement bidding-evaluation, the paper has brought forward the bidding-evaluation united pattern of grading synthetically and fuzzy synthetically evaluation, which can estimate the index using two kinds methods to carry out the improvement. I applied the close value method to the process of bidding-evaluation and got the new method of close value bidding-evaluation, brought a new chose for the tenders in the process of bidding-evaluation.

  • 【分类号】F812.45
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】744

