

【作者】 宁耀磊

【导师】 秦国民;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 政府权威是人类组织社会生活的必然产物,也是实现社会和谐稳定的必然条件。在一定意义上,政府驾驭着社会发展的方向、速度和方式,维系着社会生活的稳定、文明、正义、和谐。强大的政府权威是政府成功履行这一角色的基石。改革开放以来,我国的社会主义现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,这和政府的积极引导是分不开的。然而,随着改革开放和社会转型的进一步深入,政府权威的弱化问题日益凸现,影响了我国的现代化进程,降低了政府在国民心目中的公信度,甚至在某些方面侵蚀着政府的合法性。本文试图从政府权威的理论分析入手,以对政府权威的重新定义和政府权威评价标准体系的构建为切入点,总结并分析我国建国以来政府权威的演变历程及其启示意义,进而在深入分析我国目前政府权威弱化深层次原因的基础上,提出重塑政府权威的相关对策。本文分为五个部分:第一部分为绪论,重点分析了本文的研究缘起、研究意义、相关文献综述、研究的工具与方法、研究的基本思路和研究的创新之处。第二部分从对权力、权威和政府权威的定义分析入手,着重分析了政府权威的表现特征、政府权威的影响因素和政府权威的作用,并提出了政府权威的评价标准。第三部分回顾了当代中国政府权威演变的历史进程,把当代中国政府权威的演变历程划分为三个阶段,并阐述了其启示意义。第四部分首先分析了我国社会转型期政府权威的现状,并着重从政治经济体制、政府自身、社会公众和思想文化四个层面分析了政府权威的弱化成因。第五部分从坚持以人为本,建设服务型政府;规范政府行为,建设法治型政府;构筑政府信用体系,重建政府道德权威;着力改善民生,提高政府执行力;理顺中央和地方关系;加大反腐败力度等六个方面提出了重塑政府权威的相关对策。

【Abstract】 Government authority is the inevitable product of organizing the social life by the humanity, also the condition of realizing the social harmonious stable and inevitable. In some sense, government determines the direction、style and speed of social development and maintains the stability、civilization and justiceof society. Powerful government authority is the foundation forgovernment to carry out its functions. Since the reform and open policy, ourcountry socialism modernization has obtained the achievement which attracts worldwide attention, it dose not be separated with the government positively. However, with the further thorough of reform and open policy and social reforming,the attenuated question of government authority’ s will be , it has affected ourcountry modernized advancement acesession, reduced government’s loyaty in national mind male letter, even is corroding government’s validity in certain aspects. This article attempts from the government authority’s general analys is to obtain, take as cuts into the spot to the government authority’s again definition and government authority evaluation criteria system construction, since has summarized and analyzes our country to found an ation the government authority’s evolution course and it’ s the enlightenment significance, then at present the government authority attenuates the deep level reason in thorough analysis our country in the foundation, proposed the measures of remoulding the government authority’s.This article can be divided into 5 parts:The first part is an introduction, analyzed this article research origin, the research significance, the correlation literature with emphasis summarized, the research tool and the method, the research basic mentality and the research innovation place.The second part from to the authority and the government authority’ s definition analysis obtains, emphatically has analyzed the government authority’ s performance characteristic, the government authority’s influence factor and the government authority’ s function, and proposed the appraisal government authority’s standard system.The third part reviewed the historic course which the present age Chinese government authority evolves, and division it for three stages , and elaborated its enlightenment significance.The fourth part has emphatically analyzed our country society reforming time government authority’s present situation and the attenuated origin, and emphatically from the government own, the social public and the thought culture three stratification planes has analyzed the government authority’ s attenuated origin.The fifth part from persists humanist, construction service government; Standard government behavior, construction government by law government; Constructs the government credit system, the reconstruction government morals authority; The strength improvement livelihood of the people, is enhancing the government to carry out the strength; Straightens out the central committee and the place relations; Increased the counter-corruption dynamics and so on six aspects to propose the measures of remoulding the government authorities .

【关键词】 转型期权威政府权威
【Key words】 social reforming timeauthoritiesgovernment authorities
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】D623
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】342

