

The Traits and Value of Han Ji’writting

【作者】 潘喜颜

【导师】 杨天宇;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 秦汉魏晋南北朝历史文献研究与整理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《汉纪》又称《前汉纪》,是东汉末年政论家、史学家荀悦根据《汉书》改编而来的一部史学名著。《汉纪》的编撰遵循“省约易习”和“有便于用”的原则,采用断代编年史的体例,在取材时偏重于国家大事、灾异祥瑞和典章制度。《汉纪》的历史思想丰富,探讨了古与今、天命和人事的关系。《汉纪》的史论形式丰富多样,在内容上有“依经附圣”的特点,在评价历史事件和历史人物时采用了多种方法。《汉纪》的取材不限于《汉书》,因此《汉纪》对《汉书》有一定的校勘价值,在校勘学和史学史上有较为重要的地位和影响。

【Abstract】 Abstract: HanJi,namely QianHanJi ,was an adapted writing of XunYue according to BanGu’HanShu. It was compiled abiding by the concise and useful principle.XunYue used the style of chronicle and valued national affairs, symbol of misfortune and luck,institutions.There was rich histrial thoughts in HanJi because it discussed the relation of ancient times and nowadays,fame and humane acts. HanJi had rich form of histrial common ,It abided by Classics and Saints. XunYue used kinds of ways to common on histrial people and affairs. HanJi had to some extent value when it was used to revise HanShu because it was adapted according to not only HanShu but also other books. HanJi had very important status and impression in the revising and history.

【关键词】 荀悦《汉纪》编撰史论价值
【Key words】 XunYueHanJiCompileHistrial commonValue
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】K234
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】161

