

【作者】 尹晓丽

【导师】 秦闻一;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 世纪之交,深受不良形象困扰的河南启动形象重塑工程,在河南形象塑造的实践中,政府公关作为行政管理的一种职能凸现出来。笔者认识到,无论区域形象建设还是政府公共关系,都是新兴的研究领域,而在区域形象建设的背景下研究政府公关更是一个比较创新的课题。此外,同我国多数地方政府一样,河南的政府公关还很不成熟、不完善。探讨如何改进河南形象重塑中各级政府的公关工作具有明显的现实意义。本文研究中主要运用了政府公关的相关理论。笔者基于对政府公关涵义、职能的深入理解和认识,构建了本文的核心板块,即提出了改进河南政府公关的一系列建议,具体说来,笔者的出发点主要有:一是政府公关强调双向的沟通,笔者紧扣这一点审视到河南形象重塑中政府公关实践的明显不足,并提出自己的改进建议;二是政府公关的三要素是主体、传播及客体,笔者从这三个要素的内在联系入手,按照提高主体能力、完善传播手段、纠正客体的关键缺陷这样一种逻辑来安排了自己的建议框架。本文在研究时主要采用了文献分析法。本文是在河南形象重塑这样一个特定的背景下来研究政府公共关系,重点研究如何以政府公关的举措来推进河南的形象建设。本文的研究框架是:第一部分:绪论。包括研究背景与研究意义、研究文献综述、研究工具与方法、研究思路与创新等。第二部分:相关理论阐释。主要包含对区域形象的界定和特征的归纳,对政府公关内涵及职能的叙述及理解。第三部分:河南形象重塑的解析。主要介绍了河南形象包含的内容,分析了河南形象重塑的必要性,并提出了重塑河南形象的应有对策。第四部分:河南形象重塑中政府公关的作为分析。主要总结了河南政府为重塑河南形象所做的公关努力,继而分析了其中的不足。第五部分:关于改进河南重塑中政府公关工作的思考。具体从四个大的方面提出了改进河南政府公关、推进河南形象建设的建议。本文的创新点在于:一是本文的选题比较新颖,不同于多数文章泛谈政府公关的职能、意义,对政府公共关系在具体实践环节中的作用进行了理性分析;二是本人提出了改进河南政府公关的一些有建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 On the threshold of the new century, Henan province, which has been suffering from ill public images, has commenced the project of rebuilding its images. During the rebuilding practice, government public relation (government pr) becomes eye-catching as one of the administrative functions. The author has the understanding that both regional images building and government pr are new academic disciplines, and therefore, the study of government pr in the background of regional images building is more of a renovation. What’s more, as most of local governments in China, government pr of Henan province is still immature and underdeveloped. In this regard, it is absolutely practical to probe into how to improve the public relation functions of each level of governments with Henan image-rebuilding.Government pr theories are the main theoretical basis supporting the study. Based on an in-depth understanding of the meaning and functions of government pr, the author herein makes up the core of the paper by proposing a series of suggestions as to how to improve government pr in Henan. Specifically, the author starts from the following two points: (1) Two-way communication is stressed. With close regard to this, the author observes that the government pr practice is rather weak in the rebuilding of Henan images, and gives her own suggestions on its improvement. (2) Subject, transmission and object are the three key elements of government pr, starting from the inner relations between them, the author builds up the suggestion frame according to a such a logical order as improving the capability of subject, consummating transmission manners and correcting vital defects of object.Documentary analysis is mainly adopted.The paper is about the study of government pr in the specific background of images rebuilding of Henan, with its emphasis on how to advance image-building in Henan through government pr. The study frame is shown below:Part I: Preamble inclusive of the background and senses of the study, a summarization of the study documents, study instrument and methods, study conception and renovation thereof.Part II: Statement of relative theories, with the definition of regional images and summarization of its features and description and understanding of connotation and functions of government pr as its main components. Part III: Parsing Henan image-rebuilding. This part mainly gives an introduction of contents of Henan images, analyzes the necessity of Henan image-rebuilding, and proposes the due countermeasures to rebuild Henan images.Part IV: Analysis regarding government pr’s role in Henan image-rebuilding. It summarizes the public relation effort taken by Henan government to rebuild Henan images and then makes a probe into its defects.Part V: Reflect on how to improve government pr in Henan image-rebuilding. It gives suggestions regarding how to improve Henan government pr and advance Henan image-building from four major aspects.The renovations of the paper are: (1) the topic chosen is relatively new; it gives reasonable analysis regarding the role of government pr in practice, different from those which simply talk about the functions and senses of government pr. (2) It gives some constructive suggestions as to how to improve the government pr in Henan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】D625
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】842

