【作者】 庄春意;
【导师】 张全法;
【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 本论文主要是对后向线材直径测量系统进行了研究,该系统利用金属表面对光的反射定律及透镜的性质得到正比于被测线材直径的光强,并通过对光强的测量来实现对线材直径的测量。通过对误差因素的分析,提出采用两片光电池分别测量光源光强和信号光强,光电池的输出电信号经过低噪声电流-电压转换、放大和低通滤波等处理后送入除法器做除法运算,较好地消除了光源光强波动的影响。除法器的输出经过灵敏度控制电路后,用数显模块进行显示。由于光电池的积分效应,避免了对数据进行软件积分处理,也很好地克服线材表面各处反射率不同的影响。既简化了测量设备,又减小了测量误差。利用该系统有可能做成小型测径仪,实现对金属线材直径的非接触在线动态测量。具有测量速度快,设备成本低,安装方便,受振动影响小等特点。可应用于那些振动影响大、设备安装不便、对测量精度要求不是特别高的场合。且具有进一步研究和拓展的价值。
【Abstract】 A study on the backward diameter measurement system of wire rod has been done in the thesis. Using the photic law of refection and the property of lens, the light intensity of the reflected beam on the focal plane of a lens is proportional to the diameter. Through measuring the light intensity, we can get the diameter of wire rod. After analyzing the factor of error in the previous experiment, we use two photocells to measure the intensity of source light and signal light. To eliminate the influence of the instability of the source light radiator, divide operation is done after some processing of the photocell signals, such as: I/V converting, amplifying, and low pass filtering, etc. Under the control of the sensitivity-controlled circuit, the circuit module of digital displaying shows the result of divide operation. The influence of the fluctuating reflective ratio of the wire rod can be reduced by the integral effect of photocell, and the integral operation through software is avoided. Not only the equipment is simplified, but also the error is reduced.By the system, we can get a mini-instrument of measuring the diameter of wire rod, which can dynamically measure the diameter of metal wire rod, non-contact and on-line. The instrument has many merits, such as: quickly measuring, low equipment cost, conveniently installing, and having slight influence of vibration, etc. So the instrument can be used in these situations: having severe influence of vibration, installing inconveniently, not very precision. And the system has the value of further research and development.
【Key words】 non-contact measurement; diameter of wire rod; backward measurement; photocell;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
- 【分类号】TH711
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】168