

【作者】 秦森

【导师】 昝红英;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会保险信息化建设的快速发展,网上办理社会保险业务已经成为一种方便参保单位和参保人员的新手段。由于政务网对安全级别要求较高,所以要在社保的申报网络和审批网络之间增加了安全隔离设备来保证网络的相对分离。安全隔离设备属于协议落地、数据包重组的设备,导致所有基于TCP/IP协议的数据库高级复制、数据库快照、实体化视图、触发器同步等方法均无法满足将申报网络的数据传输到审批网络。基于日志分析的数据库同步的方法为解决数据同步提出了新的思路。它利用ORACLE数据库的高级还原技术,使用审计数据库的方法,通过分析ORACLE数据库的归档日志,将所有在数据库上做的DML操作还原,进行相应的转换,得出申报网络所有的数据操作序列,然后将操作集合通过安全隔离设备复制到审批网络,重新执行数据集合,使得申报网络数据库和审批网络数据库最终一致。本文在使用日志分析宋审计数据库以及将审计结果进行相应转换等方面做了深入研究。本文在介绍ORACLE数据库如何处理DML操作后,分析日志文件的形成,结合ORACLE高级恢复的日志分析的原理,通过的对数据库的日志分析,得出分析的结果,即操作DML的数据集。然后通过深入的分析,描述出如何将得到的数据集进行转换,使得最终成为数据库及管理员能够读懂的SQL语句。展示了经过日志分析的后通过数据转换得到的结果。在将最终的结果传输到审批网络进行执行后,最终完成申报数据库和审批数据库的同步。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the information construction of social insurance, the transaction of social insurance on the network has become a new and convenient method. Owing to the fact that governmental net has a quite higher standard for safety, SGAP (Secure Gap), therefore, should be installed between application network and examination network to separate them, but SGAP(Secure Gap) is a peel of protocol and data recompose device, therefore TCP/IP the database replication、the database snapshot、the materialized views、the trigger synchronization of TCP/IP protocol fail to transfer application information to examination network.Log analysis for database synchronization put forward to a new idea, this method, with the help of the retrieval techniques of the Oracle database, and database examination, tries to analyze the archived redo log files, and retrieve DML operations existed on the database, and get all the application operations, then send them to the examination network through SGAP, and then operate to the data again to make application database and examination database the same.The present paper tries to research the transformation of examination database and its results by applying the method of log analysis; it first introduces how Oracle database operates on DML operations, and analyses the formation of log files according to the theories of ORACLE advanced retrieval, and get the DML data set. After through analysis of them, tries to describe how to transform the data set to make sure it becomes SQL language which can be understood by DBA and database. And then transfer the results to examination network for final approval after displaying the results, in this way, the synchronization of application database and examination database has been finished.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】489

