

The Experimental Study about Inhibitory Effects of Xiao Kang Ling Ⅱ on Uu in Vitro

【作者】 王春梅

【导师】 韩延华;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医妇科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 实验背景:解脲支原体(Ureaplasma urealyticum,Uu)是一类无细胞壁的微生物。既可做为正常菌群寄居于人体的阴道、尿道等部位,不引起临床症状,也可侵袭泌尿、生殖道的粘膜,引起多种疾病。导师韩延华教授经过多年临床经验总结,自拟消抗灵Ⅱ号方,旨在一方面抑制Uu生长,一方面增强机体的抗病能力。目的:本实验探讨消抗灵Ⅱ号治疗Uu感染的作用机制,证明其与常用的抗生素阿奇霉素相比所存在的优势;优化方中的药物组成,为消抗灵Ⅱ号广泛应用于临床及进一步的研究奠定基础。方法:采用药基法,以培养液倍比稀释中药药液及抗生素药液,使其共含有10个稀释度,并设立阳性对照组、阴性对照组,及药液培养基对照组。经培养24~48h后,阳性对照组发生颜色改变时观察结果。比较消抗灵Ⅱ号全方、方中各药物及阿奇霉素的抑菌效果,优化方药组成。结果:①消抗灵Ⅱ号组成药物的抑菌效果依次如下:鱼腥草(MIC50:7.81g/l,MIC90:62.5g/l,敏感率:80.00%)、垂盆草(MIC50:7.81g/l,MIC90:62.5g/l,敏感率:70.00%)、黄柏(MIC50:7.81g/l,MIC90:62.5g/l,敏感率:53.33%)、连翘(MIC50:7.81g/l,MIC90:125.00g/l,敏感率:53.33%)、黄芪(MIC50:31.25g/l,MIC90:250.00g/l,敏感率:23.33%)、甘草(MIC50:31.25g/l,MIC90:250.00g/l,敏感率:16.67%)、土茯苓(MIC50:31.25g/l,MIC90:125.00g/l,敏感率:10.00%)、党参(MIC50:62.5g/l,MIC90:250.00g/l,敏感率:0)。②全方、阿奇霉素对Uu抑菌效果如下:全方:MIC50:7.81g/l,MIC90:62.5g/l,敏感率:73.33%,耐药菌株数:0;阿奇霉素:MIC50:0.078g/l,MIC90:1.25g/l,敏感率:53.33%,耐药菌株数:8(26.67%)。③精简后药方:MIC50:7.81g/l,MIC90:31.25g/l,敏感率:83.33%,耐药菌株数:0。结论:①消抗灵Ⅱ号在体外对Uu有明显的抑制作用。精简药物组成后,最小抑菌浓度没有明显的改变,但对Uu的敏感率增强。②阿奇霉素在体外对Uu有明显的抑制作用,但耐药菌株较多,提示:用中医药治疗Uu感染可能成为代替、或协助抗生素治疗的有效方法。

【Abstract】 Background :Ureaplasma urealyticum(Uu) is a kind of microorganism with no cell wall.Uu can survive asymptomaic in reproductive and urinary tract for a long time.It can cause kinds of disease. For example. vaginitis.cervicitis.PID.infertility.etc.My tutor professor Han invent Xiao Kangling II though clinic experience to inhibit the growth of Uu and enhance the immunity .Objective:The experiment trys to study the mechanism of Xiao Kangling II inhibiting the growth of Uu and testify its superority to AZI.Then.simplfy the composition of Xiao KangLing II.Methods:By means of inhibitory test in vitro. This experiment uses double dilution to dilute the Chinese medicine herbs and AZI to ten concentration.After 24~48h.we observe the result.Result: CD The inhibitory effect of solo Chinese medicine herb:Yu xingcao (MIC50: 7.81g/l.MIC90: 62.5 g/l. Sensitive rate: 80.00%) .Chui pencao ( MIC50: 7.81 g/l.MIC90: 62.5g/l.Sensitive rate: 70.00 %) . Huang bai (MIC50: 7.81 g/l. MIC90: 62.5g/l. Sensitive rate: 53.33 %) .Lian qiao (MIC50:7.81 g/l.MIC90: 125.00 g/l.Sensitive rate: 53.33%) .Huang qi ( MIC50: 3 1.25 g/l.MIC90: 250.00 g/l. sensitive rate:23.33 %) .Gan cao ( MIC50: 31.25 g/l.MIC90: 250.00 g/l. Sensitive rate: 16.67 %) .Tu fuling (MIC50: 31.25 g/l.MIC90: 125.00 g/l. Sensitive rate:10.00%) .Dang shen (MIC50: 62.5 g/l.MIC90: 250.00 g/l. Sensitive rate: 0) .②The inhibitory effect of Xiao kangling II and AZI: Xiao kangling II:MIC50: 7.81g/l. MIC90:62.5 g/l. Sensitive rate: 73.33%, Drug resistant strains:0. AZI:MIC50:0.078g/l.MIC90:1.25g/l. Sensitive rate:53.33%. Drug resistant strains : 8 (26.67%) .③Simplified Xiao kang ling II :MIC50:7.81 g/l.MIC90:31.25 g/l. Sensitive rate:83.33%.Drug resistant strains:0.Conclusion:①Xiao kangling II have a clear inhibitory effect to Uu.After simplifying the composition.the MIC is unconverted. But. The sensitivity rate elevates.②AZI have also a clear inhibitory effect to Uu.but.there are many drug-resistant strains.

  • 【分类号】R285.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】112

