

The Experimental Study on the Effects of Acupuncture Sishencong to Electroenphalogram of Normal Rats and NE、DA in Insomnia Big Mouse Plasma

【作者】 徐先伟

【导师】 孙忠人;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:(1)观察针刺四神聪对大鼠睡眠时间及时相的影响。(2)探讨针刺四神聪对失眠大鼠外周血浆中单胺类神经递质去甲肾上腺素(NE)和多巴胺(DA)的影响,从而为四神聪治疗失眠症提供客观依据。方法:(1)使用16道生理信号记录仪测戊巴比妥钠所致大鼠睡眠时间,记录睡眠脑电的实验方法,观察对照组、手针30min组,电针30min组,大鼠的睡眠时间和时相变化。(2)以Wistar大鼠为受试对象,选取50只大鼠,随机分成5组:空白对照组(简称空白组)(10只);模型对照组(简称模型组)(10只);安定组(10只);手针组(10只);电针组(10只),采用腹腔注射对氯苯丙胺酸(PCPA)制备失眠动物模型,通过7日针刺及药物组安定灌胃后,取大鼠眼球血,通过荧光分光度法测定血浆中NE和DA含量。结果:实验一结果:(1)手针组及电针组对戊巴比妥钠所致大鼠睡眠时间延长,与对照组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。(2)电针组与手针组相比,对戊巴比妥钠所致大鼠睡眠时间延长更为明显,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。(3)手针组及电针组与对照组比较,对戊巴比妥钠所致大鼠睡眠时相,即慢波睡眠2期(SWS2)、快动眼睡眠期(REM)和总睡眠时间(TST)明显延长,均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。上述三组之间两两比较,慢波睡眠1期(SWS1)时间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(4)电针组与手针组比较,大鼠睡眠时相SWS2期、REM期和TST时间延长更加明显,其差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。(5)手针组及电针组与对照组比较,TST均延长,电针组延长更为明显,均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。实验二结果:(1)模型组与空白组比较,血浆中NE和DA含量明显高于空白组,二者有显著性差异(p<0.05)。(2)手针组及电针组血浆中NE和DA含量明显降低,与模型组相比,有显著性差异(p<0.05)。(3)电针组同手针组相比,血浆中NE和DA含量降低更为明显,二者有显著性差异(p<0.05)。(4)安定组与模型组相比,血浆中NE和DA含量无明显变化,二者无显著性差异(p>0.05)。结论:(1)针刺可以延长戊巴比妥钠所致大鼠的睡眠时间,可以促进睡眠,以电针组的作用更为明显。(2)针刺可调整戊巴比妥钠所致大鼠的睡眠时相,以电针组的改善作用更为明显。可以优化睡眠结构,改善睡眠及提高睡眠质量。(3)针刺治疗可使失眠大鼠血浆中NE和DA含量减少,这可能是实现其增加睡眠,提高睡眠质量的作用机制之一。(4)安定对PCPA失眠大鼠血浆内的NE、DA含量无明显影响。这可能与临床患者服药后出现虽然失眠症状得以改善,但自我满意程度较低的现象有关。(5)从针刺对PCPA失眠大鼠血浆内的NE、DA含量变化层次上看,电针对失眠大鼠对疗效更好。(6)综合两个实验,针刺四神聪改善大鼠睡眠的疗效是比较肯定的。客观与微观指标有很好的呼应,即针刺四神聪改善大鼠睡眠结构的机理可能与改变大鼠血浆中的单胺类递质含量有关。

【Abstract】 Purpose: (1).To clarify the effects of electro-acupuncture(EA) SiShenCong on mice’ sleep time and sleep phrase.(2).To study the mechanisms of EA on insomnia mice and probe into the effects EA SiShenCong on NE. DA of insomnia mice in peripheral blood plasma, to offer the objective basis for the treatment of insomnia with acupuncture SiShengCong.Methods: (1). Using 16 physiological signal recording instrument record the big mouse sleep time, record the Electroencephalogram .Observe the time and phase changing of mice.(2)This text regard Wistar mouse as targets, choosing 50 big mice which are divided into 5 groups at random.Blank group (10); Model control group (10) ; Diazepam group (10) ; Hand acupuncture group (10); Electro-acupuncture group (10). Adopt abdominal cavity inject and prepare insomnia animal model to PCPA through 7 day acupuncture and medicine group to irritate diazepam into the stomach of mice in 7 days, fetch the blood of big mice’ eyeball, determine NE and DA content in the blood plasma through the fluorescent law after PCPA abdominal cavity injection.Results: One(1.) There was significant difference in mice sleep time among EA group and hand acupuncture group(P<0.05) comparing with model control group. (2)Compared hand acupuncture group with electric acupuncture group, the sleep time of big mice was lengthened more obviously. There have a significant difference in two groups (P<0.05). (3) Compared hand acupuncture group and electric acupuncture with model control group, the slow wave sleep 2(SWS2) ,REM and TST was obviously extended .There is a significant difference (P<0.05). Among the three groups, there is no significant difference (P> 0.05). (4) Compared electric acupuncture group with hand acupuncture group, the sleep phase of SWS2, REM and TST was lengthened obviously. There is a significant difference (P<0.05). (5) Compared hand acupuncture group and electric acupuncture group with model control group, TST was lengthened.The electric acupuncture group was lengthened more obviously, there is a significant difference (P<0.05).Two. (1)Compared model control group with blank group, NE and DA level is obviously higher than the blank group in the blood plasma (p<0.05);(2)In hand acupuncture and electro-acupuncture group, the NE and DA competence in blood plasma was obviously reduced. Compared with model control group , there is prominent difference (p<0.05); (3) Compared electro- acupuncture group with hand acupuncture group , NE and DA content in blood plasma was reduced more obviously, there is prominent difference (p<0.05); (4)There is not obvious difference between model control group and diazepam group (p> 0.05).Conclusions :( 1) Acupuncture can. lengthen the sleep time of mice, can promote the sleep. (2)Acupuncture can adjust the big sleep phase of mice, SWS2 ,REM and TST was extened,the proportion of sleep was increased.The electric acupuncture group has great effects (3) Acupuncture can reduce NE,DAcontent of insomnia mice.(4) Diazepam influenced on NE, DA content of blood plasma to PCPA insomnia mouse.(5) Electric acupuncture has great improvement to insomnia mice . (6)In the two experiments, there is great effects of acupuncture SiShenCong on the insomnia mice. The mechanisms of the case is that with changing mouse sleep structure , there probably has relationship with the neurotransmitter .

  • 【分类号】R245
  • 【下载频次】226

