USB System Development Based on TMS320VC5509A
【作者】 韦志恒;
【导师】 惠俊英;
【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 USB是一种新的接口技术。它具有低廉的价格、高的智能化和较高的传输速率。使用USB和计算机通信是当前的一个热点,而在DSP、MCU与PC之间使用USB通信更是受到关注。TI公司推出的TMS320VC5509A DSP芯片正赶上这个机会,它内嵌USB接口模块,可以实现DSP与PC通信的无缝连接。在本论文中对USB接口开发和扩频通信模块的开发分别进行了论述。USB接口开发包括运行在DSP中的固件程序开发和运行在PC机上的驱动程序及调试应用程序开发。固件程序开发使用了TI提供的在片支持库(CSL),驱动程序开发则使用DriverStudio套件。驱动程序中对WDM驱动程序模式也进行了详细的论述。扩频通信模块开发主要是使用VHDL语言进行接口逻辑的开发,接口逻辑最终由FPGA实现。
【Abstract】 USB is a new technology of interface. As a result of low cost, high intelligence and high data transmission rate, USB is focused by many engineers who work on interface to PCs. USB is more preferred in the communication between DSP, MCU and PCs. TMS320VC5509A, a DSP chip which is designed by TI gets the chance. It contains a USB module which can communicate directly between DSP and PC without any other interfacing devices.The paper is mainly about the development of USB and DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) module. In the development of USB, one should write the firmware which runs on the DSP and the driver which runs on the PC. A debugging program should also be provided in order to test the driver. TI’s CSL (chip support library) is a good tool in developing firmware, and Driver Studio, a driver developing suite, can simplify the complicated driver development. The WDM (Windows Driver Model) is described in details in the paper, too. VHDL is used for the interface logic design of DSSS module, and the program which is compiled by MAX+PLUSII is downloaded into the FPGA at last.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 哈尔滨工程大学 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
- 【分类号】TP334.7
- 【被引频次】7
- 【下载频次】479