

【作者】 陈雅春

【导师】 钱仁平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉音乐学院 , 作曲技术理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 贝多芬的钢琴奏鸣曲的和声运用,可以归结为“调内和弦”加“增六和弦”。这个明亮而带紧张度的和弦不时出现在各个钢琴奏鸣曲不同曲式的部位并在作品中产生作用。作为一种对贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲和声形式发展变化进行观察研究的突破口,对增六和弦的分析显得极其重要。关于增六和弦在各时期当中的运用情况;它在各时期当中有何具体联系;它在奏鸣曲中的结构意义究竟如何?这些都需要建立在对作品中增六和弦的整体分析后才能得出的结论。本文通过实例分析,结合本人的理论知识及相关资料通过对作品中增六和弦的分析归纳并对比各时期增六和弦运用的具体情况,最终得出结论:早、中、晚期中增六和弦在使用的数量上存在着一个由少到多、由疏到密并逐渐回落的过程;在和弦的结构形态、预备和解决的形式上存在一个由简到繁的整体渐进的过程;在音乐主题的形成以及曲式结构方面起一定的结构作用。

【Abstract】 the harmony usage of sonata in Beethoven’s piano plays, can return knot to add "increase six chordses" for"adjust inside the chords". This brightness but take the chords with strain to appear often at each piano to play the part of the sonata different song type and produce a function in the work.Conduct and actions 1 kind plays the development variety of the sonata harmony form to carry on the breakthrough which observes a research to Beethoven’s piano, seeming to be very importance to the analysis which increases six chordses. Concerning increase six chords among each period of usage circumstance; It among each period have concrete contact; It is playing the structure meaning in the sonata how actually? These all need to be built up Be then canning get the conclusion of towards increasing the whole analysis of six chordses in the work after.This text passes a solid example analysis, combine oneself of theories knowledge and related data pass to increase six chordses in the work of the analysis induce and contrast each period increase the concrete circumstance of six chords usage, end get conclusion:Early, win and increase six chords to exist 1 in using of amount in later period from little arrive to have another, from Sparse arrive airtight and drop gradually of process;In the structure appearance of chords, prepare to reach agreement definitely of the formality exist a is arrived by Chien heavy whole enter gradually of process; There is certain structure function in formation and song type structure of music topic.

  • 【分类号】J614
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】613

