

Research on the Technology of Strapdown Attitude Measurement System Based on MEMS Sensors

【作者】 刘付强

【导师】 刘繁明;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以微机械(MEMS)惯性器件为测量元件,开展微小型捷联式惯性姿态测量系统的关键技术研究。MEMS惯性器件在体积和成本上的优点较为突出,但在分辨率和精度上存在着很大的不足。与MEMS加速度计相比,陀螺仪的发展较为滞后,目前无法满足惯性姿态测量系统的精度要求。论文从实际需要出发,以MEMS惯性器件、磁强计和温度传感器为测量元件,配合必要的信号采集电路和微处理器完成低成本惯性姿态测量系统设计。针对传感器分辨率低、输出信号误差大的特点,为保证系统的输出精度,研究了采用系统整体标定方案进行传感器标定的实现方法,讨论了标定误差的变化规律,提出了传感器确定性误差的有效补偿方法。MEMS陀螺仪输出信号随机噪声强度大,频带宽,难以消除。论文在分析了小波分析方法原理的基础上,采用小波降噪算法对陀螺仪输出信号进行降噪处理,并通过试验结果对比确定了合适的小波函数和相应算法参数。论文采用加速度计和磁强计的量测值完成系统的初始对准,通过Kalman滤波器完成陀螺仪、加速度计和磁强计信号的数据融合,实现载体姿态的最优估计。仿真试验表明,捷联姿态系统动态性能较好,能够满足设计指标要求。

【Abstract】 This dissertation takes Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based inertial sensors as measure element to study key technologies of the micro strapdown inertial attitude measurement system.MEMS based inertial sensors have superiorities in some aspects, such as small size and low cost. However, the precision of these sensors is much lower than other inertial sensors. Compared with MEMS accelerometers, the development of MEMS gyros is so slow that the precision couldn’t meet the needs of inertial attitude measurement system so far. From the point of practical implementation view, a low-cost inertial attitude measurement system has been designed, which are composed of MEMS based inertial sensors, magnetometers, temperature sensors and aided by necessary signal sampling unit and micro processor.For the low resolution of sensors and large errors existed in the output signal, a sensor calibration method based on systemic calibration has been studied to ensure a satisfactory system output precision. After a discussion on the calibration varying rule, an effective means to compensate the constant part of the sensor error has been carried out.Due to the large power and wide frequency band, the stochastic noise in the output signal of MEMS gyros is difficult to eliminate. Therefore, on the basis of the principle study of Wavelet Analysis Methods, a wavelet de-noise technique is implied to the gyro output signal and examined by the practical experiments in order to specify appropriate wavelet function and according parameters.The paper makes use of the measurements of the accelerators and magnetometers to complete the system initial alignment, and use Kalman filter for data integration of the gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers to get an optimal estimation of vehicle attitude. The simulation shows that the designed strapdown inertial attitude measurement system has a good dynamic performance and could meet the design requirement.

  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】1549

