

The Redesign of Performance Evaluation System of EMG Company

【作者】 董颖

【导师】 唐春勇;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以EMG公司为研究对象,在分析EMG公司现有绩效考评体系现状的基础上,站在公司决策层的角度,灵活运用管理学、经济学、组织行为学和人力资源管理等学科的相关理论知识,力求探讨并建立一套科学、合理、操作性强且符合EMG公司实际情况的绩效考评体系。本文共分六章。第一章是绪论,包括研究背景、内容和思路。第二章是绩效管理相关理论综述,主要介绍绩效、绩效管理、绩效考评的有关概念以及绩效考评和绩效管理的关系等。第三章主要分析EMG公司绩效考评体系的现状及现有体系的优缺点。第四章主要针对公司实际情况,结合现代考评理论,重新设计一套适合该公司实际的绩效考评体系。第五章的主要内容为对新绩效考评体系的分析和评价,并提出有关实施方面的建议。第六章为结论部分。本文的创新点主要在于通过一套较科学、合理且具有可操作性的绩效考评体系,不仅将对员工、部门和企业三个层面的考评有机地结合起来,还针对不同的被考评主体,采用不同的考评方法进行考评,同时根据考评效标重要程度的差异及效标数量大小,采用多种方法分析和确定效标权重。因时间关系,这套绩效考评体系还未正式运行。由于个人能力所限,它必然存在函待改进和完善的地方。但笔者相信,它的建立和运行,将会给EMG公司绩效管理带来新的起色,也必将有助于公司当前战略目标的实现。

【Abstract】 This thesis takes EMG companies as researched target. It analyzes EMG company’ current situation as viewed from management level. It tries to build a series new performance evaluation system that is scientific, reasonable, operable and fitting EMG company’ actuality by exerting flexibly co-relational knowledge of the subjects of management, economics , organization behavior and human resource managementThis article includes six chapters. Chapter 1 is Prolegomenon. It includes research background, content and train of thoughts. Chapter 2 mainly introduces some concepts of performance, performance management, performance evaluation system and the relationship between performance evaluation and performance management, and so on. Chapter 3 introduces the current performance evaluation system of EMG company and analyzes the actuality of current performance evaluation system of EMG company and the advantage & disadvantage of the system. The content of chapter 4 is setting up a new performance evaluation system for EMG company, basing on actual situation of them and the newest evaluation theory. Chapter 5 evaluates the new performance evaluation system and gives some advices about how to put it in practice. Chapter 6 is conclusion.It is the highlight part in the article that is not only integrating the employee evaluation , department evaluation and enterprise evaluation, but also using different evaluation methods to different evaluated objects, and using many kinds of analyzing ways to decide the percentage of the evaluation index according to the priority of evaluation index and the quantity of the index, by using a scientific, reasonable and operable performance evaluation system.This performance evaluation system has not be implemented because of schedule limited. It needs be improved and perfected step by step because of individual competence limited. But it will makes remarkable progress to EMG company’ s performance evaluation system. It must be useful to realizing the company’ strategic target.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【下载频次】144

