

CAPP for Block Assembly in Shipbuilding

【作者】 赵颖淑

【导师】 张家泰;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,世界造船格局继续演变,中国正在大跨步地追赶,已成为世界第三大造船国,我国造船业的快速增长,未来有望赶超韩、日成为世界第一大国。船舶建造企业正面临着由传统的造船模式向现代造船模式过渡的发展阶段。造船模式的转变在国际造船业已流行了很久,以信息技术为主导的造船模式在不断地发展。随着CIMS、并行工程、敏捷制造等技术在船舶行业中的应用,造船企业对CAPP系统的需求更加紧迫。本文在这个背景下研究了船体分段装配的CAPP技术,具体完成的主要工作有以下一些内容:1.课题研究了船体分段装配的标准工艺过程和船体的建造方法,总结并归纳了船体分段装配工艺所需的知识,并采用产生式规则进行知识的表示。这些知识对于进一步研究船体装配的计算机辅助工艺设计系统具有参考价值。同时结合CAPP技术的发展趋势,建立了面向船体分段装配的CAPP系统的体系结构。2.采用基于规则推理的方法来进行分段装配焊接工艺的生成,并建立了分段信息模型和零件信息模型。考虑了几何、物理和焊接上的规则因素,实现了装配顺序的工艺自动生成。3.利用神经网络技术进行焊接工艺参数的确定,同时建立了神经网络的学习样本。4.课题建立了自定义的工艺卡片格式。该卡片格式较好表达了工艺规划的结果,面向数据提取和交换,为将来类似课题的开发打下了良好基础。

【Abstract】 In 21st century, the shipbuilding pattern keeps evolving in the world. China is pursuing after Korea and Japan and ranks third in the world. With the rapid increase of the shipbuilding industry in China, it is possible that our country will exceed Korea and Japan and becomes the largest country in the field of shipbuilding. The shipbuilding enterprises are facing the phase which transits from traditional pattern to modern pattern. The transition has been prevailed for a long time and shipbuilding pattern led by information technology is gradually developing. Along with the use of some technologies such as CIMS, parallel engineering, agile manufacture in ship industry, the need of CAPP by shipbuilding enterprises is becoming much more urgently. Above all, the thesis studies block-assemble CAPP technology in shipbuilding. The following parts are included in the research:1. The thesis studies the hull-assemble standard technology process and analyzes module-shipbuilding basic characters, summarize the knowledge needed in hull block assembly process and presents the knowledge with production rule. All the knowledge helps to study computer aided process design of the hull assemble and module-shipbuilding topic. Combining with the trend of CAPP technology, the structure of CAPP system which is oriented to ship block assembly is established.2. A generating method of block assembly weld process based on rule reasoning is introduced. The block information model and part information model are built. The rule factors in geometry, physics and weld are considered in the model. Finally the automatic generation of assembly rules process is achieved.3. The confirmation of weld process parameters based on BP neural netwolk is introduced. Meanwhile, the study swatch of BP neural netwolk is established.4. In this thesis, the user-defined format of process card is given. The 4. In this thesis, the user-defined format of process card is given. The format can express the results of process planning well and it faces data distill and data exchange, which builds good foundation for future development of similar thesis.

  • 【分类号】U671
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】358

