

Control Technology Study of Stablized Platform for Shipborne Weapons

【作者】 陈浩

【导师】 谈振藩;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代军事的发展,舰载武器成为保护舰船和打击敌人的重要手段之一。而稳定平台是其不可或缺的关键部分。经典PID控制规律加模拟电子系统的解决方案在平台稳定回路控制中已经成为一种成熟的技术,本文通过理论分析和试验仿真得到的结果证明了以上方法的可行性,但在控制精度、响应速度和抗干扰能力等方面,经典PID控制规律都存在不足,而模拟电子系统实现起来又有体积大、成本高、故障频繁等缺陷,因此选择更高级的控制规律和数字控制成为一种发展方向。正是在这样的背景下本文对基于DSP的遗传算法整定的PID数字控制进行了研究。遗传算法是模拟生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种新的全局优化搜索算法。其主要优点如下:首先遗传算法在不需要给出调节器初始参数的情况下,仍能寻找到合适的参数,使控制目标满足要求;其次它只通过字符串进行简单地复制、交叉、变异,便可达到寻优,并且它是从许多点开始并行操作,在解空间进行高效启发式搜索,所以操作方便、速度快。本文对整定后的系统进行了仿真,结果表明在这种控制规律下,系统在速度、精度方面有了很大提高,特别是抗干扰能力有了显著的增强。本文对平台稳定回路数字控制系统进行了软硬件设计。硬件设计部分重点介绍了数字控制器以及其外部电路的硬件接口和工作原理;软件设计部分重点介绍了与芯片硬件结构紧密联系的PWM波形产生程序模块。本文选用的是美国德州仪器公司的TMS320F2812芯片,它具有高效、高速、高精度等优点,而且还能够提供12路PWM输出,为电机控制提供了极大的方便。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern military, shipborne weapons have become one of important means to protect ships and combat enemies. The solution combines classical PID law with analogue electronic system is now a mature technology, this paper analysis this technology in theory and experimentation, the result argues that this technology is feasible, but on the other hand the classical PID law is not so good in precision, response speed, disturbance rejection and the analogue electronic system is big, costly and frequently in failure. So the choice of advanced control law and digital control is now the main fashion. Under the background this paper is researching the digital control method base on the Genetic Algorithm PID law (GA PID).GA is a model to simulate the process of biological evolution. It is a new search algorithm of global optimization. Its main advantages are as follows: First in the case of not given the initial parameters, Genetic Algorithm is also able to find suitable parameters. It makes the control objectives meet the goal of controlling demand. Second it can achieve optimization through simple reproduction, crossover and mutation of string. And it is operating in parallel from many points starting. It searches for the solution space in efficient heuristic. So it is easy and fast. The experiment indicates that this method get a big improvement in the precision, speed and disturbance rejection.The software and hardware of digital platform stabilization loop is designed. The digital controller and hardware interface and theory of its external circuit are emphasized in hardware design section. PWM wave producing module closely related chip structure is emphasized in software design section. In this paper TMS320F2812, a product of Texas Instruments Inc., is chosen as the core chip of the digital control system. Because DSP2812 has the advantage in efficiency, speed and precision, it can produce 12 PWM output channels. It makes the motor control more convenient.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】493

