

Media Discourse and Translation: A Retrospective and Descriptive Study

【作者】 黄慧津

【导师】 陈刚;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 媒介话语在中外学术界一直是倍受关注的话题。无论语言学、新闻学还是政治学领域的学者,都对媒介话语进行过大量的研究,但多数都集中在对单一语言范围内的媒介话语,如英文媒介话语的研究上,较少涉及不同语言之间的媒介话语转达,即媒介话语翻译这一方面。尽管也有一些翻译学者着力研究媒介信息的翻译,但引入媒介话语的概念并在此基础上运用话语研究方法展开研究的尚在少数,并且大多未能脱胎于从原文文本出发讨论应当产生何种译文的规定性研究模式。本文将在前人基础上继续媒介话语的研究,而重点则置于媒介话语翻译这一话题之上,试图进一步填补媒介话语研究与翻译研究之间存在的大量空白。全文以话语研究方法和描写性研究模式为主,通过从译文话语到原文话语的反向比较,找出两者之间的差异以及造成这些差异的原因,从而得出媒介话语翻译的相关结论。为了达到这一目的,本文借鉴了Fairclough的三维话语分析框架、van Dijk的新闻话语理论以及翻译学研究的因果模式,运用案例分析的方法,对媒介话语的翻译进行了文本和语境两个层面的描写与分析。结果表明,媒介话语的翻译一方面取决于翻译者所处的社会情境、所具有的职业认知和意识形态等因素,另一方面也构建着翻译者的观点、态度和身份。因此,媒介翻译者不再是“无声”的信息传递工具,而是在翻译过程中积极地表达着自己的声音,这种声音又受着社会和认知的监控与制约。本文最后还佐证了德国功能派的翻译理论。

【Abstract】 For decades, media discourse has been the interest of scholars from various fields, such as linguistics, journalism and politics. While most of the interest was in probing into the media discourse in one and the same language system (e.g. the English media discourse), few interest was observed in exploring media discourse from an inter-lingual perspective, which translation provides. Some translation scholars have recently started to study media translation through a discourse approach and contributed to discovering the differences in media discourse of different languages and the technologies or strategies of doing proper media translation on the basis of the differences. Their study has mainly been a prospective and prescriptive study of media discourse translation, i.e. how to translate the media discourse from one language to another.This thesis, however, intends to do a retrospective and descriptive study of media discourse, i.e. why the media discourse is translated in the way it has been. To this end, a media discourse analytic approach within a two-dimensional (textual and contextual) framework is developed on the basis of previous related research outcomes, including Fairclough’s three-dimensional discourse analytic approach, van Dijk’s news discourse theory and the causal model of translation studies. With the approach, three cases of media discourse translation are described and analyzed in the later part of this thesis. The results show that, on the one hand, translations of media discourse are reflective of (resulted from) social and cognitive (professionalist, ideological) contexts, and on the other hand, are also constructive of (result in) opinions, attitudes, ideologies and identities. Thus, translators are no longer "voiceless"; rather, they air their own voices, though socially and cognitively monitored and controlled, through their translations. Finally, a byproduct is achieved at the end of this thesis, that is, the verification of the functionalist translation theory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
  • 【下载频次】159

