

The Study on the Grafting of Polypropylene and Adhesion-cohesion Resin

【作者】 金鼎铭

【导师】 李彦锋;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 高分子化学与物理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为提高聚丙烯极性用于制备铝塑复合、化工容器和管道防腐用粘合性涂覆树脂,用双螺杆反应挤出研制马来酸酐熔融接枝聚丙烯,得到接枝率高的接枝聚丙烯,满足粘合性涂覆树脂的要求。首先,本文讨论了熔融接枝反应机理,影响接枝效果的各种因素。研究表明MAH确实接枝到了聚丙烯分子链上;在MAH—St熔融接枝PP体系中,当两种单体的物质的量比约为1:1时,St和MAH可通过自由基反应生成St—MAH络合物CTC的形式,体系中的接枝反应主要以CTC的形式对PP大分子自由基的接枝为主,因此接枝物的接枝率最高。本文还重点研究了均聚、共聚聚丙烯和EPDM/PP、POE/PP接枝马来酸酐,实验表明,在相同条件下嵌段共聚聚丙烯接枝MAH的接枝率高。并且MAH单体的最佳重量份15‰,第二单体苯乙烯重量份18‰,引发剂重量份0.8-1.0‰时MAH的接枝率高;双螺杆挤出机加工温度在190—210℃之间较适宜,物料停留时间在3分钟左右。本文还研究了制备防腐用粘合性涂覆树脂。接枝率3.5-4%的接枝聚丙烯与聚丙烯、聚乙烯和POE共混,提高粘合性树脂的耐热性、冲击强度,又可提高与铝板、铁板的粘合性。综上所述,本论文可归纳出如下创新之处:1对均聚、共聚聚丙烯和EPDM/PP、POE/PP接枝马来酸酐进行系统研究,确定嵌段共聚聚丙烯接枝马来酸酐在适当的螺杆温度和加入适量的MAH、St和引发剂可提高接枝聚丙烯的接枝率。2接枝聚丙烯与聚丙烯、聚乙烯和POE以一定比例共混可制备出高耐热性、高冲击强度和高粘合性的防腐用粘合性涂覆树脂。

【Abstract】 The reactive extrusion of maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene in the doublescrew extruder is studied. The purpose is to improve polypropylene polarity byenhancing grafting degree of PP-g-MAH,to make the adhesion-cohesion resin bywhich coating aluminium-plastic complex pipe, chemical case and piping.At first, the mechanism of melting graft of polypropylene and maleic anhydrideand the kinds of factors which influence melting graft technique are studied. It isproved that maleic anhydride was grafted on polypropylene for sure. It is showed thatthe grafting degree is the highest when maleic anhydride and styrene CTC graftpolypropylene, and CTC is charge transfer complex conductive polymer by maleicanhydride and styrene in free radical reacting.The article also studied the melting grafting of homopolypropylene, blockcopolymer of polypropylene,PP/EPDM and PP/POE with maleic anhydride. It isevident that the system by which using block copolymerized polypropylene andadding advisable weight deal of MAH, St monomer and DCP and using advisabletechnical condition will result in the formation of final higher grafting degree ofPP-g-MAH. The optimal weight deal of MAH is 15‰, The weight deal of St is 18‰,the initiator should be controlled at 0.8-1.0‰; the processing temperature intwin-screw extruder should be controlled at 190-210℃, the resident time of materielis about three minute.The making of adhesion-cohesion resin is discussed in this article. Theadhesion-cohesion was made of PP-g-MAH having 3.5-4%grafting degree and PP,PE、POE. and it will improve adhesion-cohesion capability, temperature resistance,and strength.Some innovation can be concluded as follows:1. It is studied the melting grafting of homopolypropylene, block copolymer ofpolypropylene,PP/EPDM and PP/POE with maleic anhydride. It is evidentthat the system by which using block copolymer of polypropylene andadding advisable weight deal of MAH、St monomer and DCP and usingadvisable technical condition will result in the formation of final highergrafting degree of PP-g-MAH.2. The adhesion-cohesion was made of PP-g-MAH and PP、PE、POE, and itwill improve adhesion-cohesion capability, temperature resistance, andstrength.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】TQ320
  • 【下载频次】67

