

Marine Flower with Winds and Rains

【作者】 武抒祖

【导师】 古世仓;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 文学作品的生产与发展有时受一种文学气候的影响,文学气候某种程度上是由一个时代的文学杂志和文学创作相互作用共同完成的。期刊需要文学,文学也离不开期刊。一份文学期刊的编辑方针、眼光、气度、趣味能制约一个时期文学生产的格调,影响文学创作与研究,这种情况在新文化运动时期非常明显,在新时期文学生产与发展中文学期刊同样起了不可替代的重要作用。文学期刊对文学的持续健康发展,对作家的重要性可见一斑。文革结束,十一届三中全会、第四次文代会的相继召开标志着新时期文学的开始。许多文学期刊纷纷复刊,并创刊了大量新刊。具有不可否认的全国影响的《上海文学》于1977年复刊,它顺应着时代的潮流,在文艺战线配合着思想解放的主流意识形态推动与繁荣文学的创作与批评,批判“四人帮”的错误文艺政策,倡导并建立正确的文艺思想,做了大量复兴文学的“破冰”工作。《上海文学》自创刊以来,就以严肃的办刊精神赢得读者的青睐。复刊后,它以强烈的使命感和责任感繁荣荒芜的文学园地,努力实施并且成功打造品牌文学期刊,为同仁界和广大读者所刮目。《上海文学》曾发表过不少有艺术创新的文学作品和精彩的评论文章,它为繁荣社会主义文学,广泛团结作家,扶掖文学新人,鼓励开拓创新,不遗余力。“为文艺正名”、“百家诗会”、“当代诗会”、“万字内短篇小说荟萃”、“人文精神的大讨论”、“批评家俱乐部”、“新市民小说联展”等栏目在同类期刊中出类拔萃;《被爱情遗忘的角落》、《高女人和她的矮丈夫》、《大坂》、《棋王》、《小城之恋》、《烦恼人生》、《不谈爱情》、《首席》、《环境戏剧人》、《分享艰难》等作品成为当代文学的经典文本而进入文学选本;它极为重视文学理论的建设,培养出一大批至今活跃的具有一定思想的批评家,《上海文学》理论版就是他们的主阵地,因此,《上海文学》曾被香港《经济日报》评为“十本必读大陆杂志”之一,真正成为新时期文学品牌期刊。1990年代以后,随着社会的转型,文化市场迅速发展,文学期刊被全面推向市场,面对市场这只“无形的手”,文学期刊一时无所适从,发行量持续走低,遭遇读者冷漠,陷入前所未有的困境,从中管窥出文学的危机和人文精神的失落。许多文学期刊为了自身生存,争相“变脸”而文学性丧失殆尽。尽管《上海文学》也遭遇前所未有的困境,然而,它一如既往坚持高品位文学期刊的定位,一如既往追求自己的文学理想,为文学界和文学期刊界所尊崇。《上海文学》在新时期与九十年代通过小说、诗歌和理论等主要栏目来影响文坛风气、形成创作潮流、扶植培养文学新人、倡导文学理论建设等方面所作的杰出成绩有目共睹,成为新时期以来不可或缺的影响较大的文学阵地之一。所以,无论从它的价值层面、审美层面抑或是功能层面上来说,《上海文学》在新时期文学发展中,都发挥了无法替代的重要作用。

【Abstract】 The literary work production and the development sometimes receive the influence of some literature climate, the literature climate , in some kind of degree, is mutually affects by a time literature magazine and the literature creation completes together. The periodical needs the literatures, the literatures also cannot leave the periodical. A literature periodical edition policy, the judgment, the bearing, the interest can restrict the literature production the style in a time, affect the literature creation and the research, this kind of situation is extremely obvious in the New Culture Movement time, similarly played in the new time literature production and the development Chinese study periodical the vital role which cannot be substituted. The literature periodical influence the health development to the literature continuously, to a writer’s important obviously spot.The Great Cultural Revolution ended, 3 sessions of 11th CCP conferences, the fourth Wendaihui one after another conventions symbolize the new time literature start. Many literatures periodicals resume publication in abundance, and newly publications have massively been published. The national influence which the Shanghai Literature in 1977 to resume publication, it was complying with the time tidal current, is coordinating the ideological liberation mainstream ideology impetus and the prosperity literature creation and the criticism in the literary front, the critique "the Gang of Four" the wrong literary policy, the initiative and the establishment correct literary arts thought, has made the massive revivals literature "the broken ice" the work.The Shanghai Literature since has been begun publication, by serious manages the publication spirit to win reader’ s favor. After resumes publication, in literature field which goes out of cultivation by the intense sense of mission, and the sense of responsibility prosperity, diligently implements and the success makes the brand literature periodical, and the reading public blows item for the colleague. The Shanghai Literature once published many has had the literary work and the splendid review article which art innovated, it for the prosperity socialism literature, widely united the writer, the help literature new person, encouraged the development innovation, makes extremely effort."Rectifies names" , "hundred verse clubs for the literary arts" , "the contemporary verse club", "Wan zinai the short story gathers together","the humanities spirit big discussion" , "the critic club" , "the new residential novels show on" and so on, the column stands out in the similar periodical; Quoin Which Is forgotten by Love, High Woman And Her Short Husband, Daban, Chess King, Xiaocheng Loves, Worry Life, Do not discuss Love, the Seat of honor, Environment Plays Person, Share Is difficult and so on the works become the contemporary literature the classical text to enter the literature anthology; It extremely takes the literature theory the construction, trains critic which one large quantities of until now enlivens has the certain thought, the Shanghai Literature s theory version is their battle position, therefore, the Shanghai Literature was been once evaluated "ten to have to read the mainland magazine" one by Economics Daily of Hong Kong , truly becomes the new time literature brand periodical.After 1990 ages, along with society’ s reforming, the cultural market rapid development, the literature periodical is comprehensively pushed to the market, facing market this "the invisible hand" , the literature periodical is at a loss how to proceed for a while, The issue measures continues lowly, the bitter experience reader is indifferent, falls into the unprecedented difficult position, has a limited view of the literature the crisis and humanities spirit losing. Many literatures periodicals for own survival, struggle "change face" but the literature disappear. Although the Shanghai Literature also encounters the unprecedented difficult position, however, it persisted as always the high grade literature periodical the localization, pursues own literature to be ideal as always, venerates for the literary world and the literature periodical.Since the Shanghai Literature in the new time with the 90’ s through the novel column, the poetry column and the theory column and so on . the main column has affected the literary arena atmosphere, forms theout standing result which the creation tidal current, the prop raise literature new person, aspect and so on , literature theory construction does to be obvious to all, becomes the new time one of indispensable influence bigger literature positions . Therefore, regardless of from its measure of value, the esthetic criterion or its the function criterion, the Shanghai Literature, in the new time literature development, has all played the vital role which nobody may substitute.

【关键词】 上海文学新时期九十年代研究
【Key words】 Shanghai literaturenew time90’sresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【下载频次】132

